He **is** somebody.

Stetson Bennett now has the exact number of pass attempts necessary to qualify for stat eligibility.  He’s third nationally, and first in the SEC, in passer rating.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

59 responses to “He **is** somebody.

  1. RangerRuss

    Fuckn A. Just in time to go back to second team.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Look who is right below him…this Saturday has my inner Munson getting nervous…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Biggen

      They have some firepower but, ultimately, no depth. Lets say they score 21 on us. Do you think they can actually hold us to under that and win? I don’t see it unless the entire team has the flu.

      /says that with fingers crossed

      Liked by 2 people

      • Skeptic Dawg

        That’s a solid point Biggen. My fear is our offense. They have not looked like a well oiled machine the past few weeks, and our OL appears to be taking steps backwards. I hope that we can use the final stretch of the season to work things out.

        Liked by 1 person

    • bcdawg97

      Was just coming to post the same thing. That was a surprise to me.


  3. Biggen

    I think it’s Bennett’s team from here on out barring some major screwup or injury. I think Daniels has been “Easoned”. You don’t pull the 3rd best passer in the nation. Sorry, you just don’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    • JuanSolo

      Pretty sure Stetson had a pretty highly ranked passer rating going into the Bama game last year.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Biggen

        He got injured and had a 2 score lead at the half.

        Liked by 2 people

        • JuanSolo

          I forgot he got injured in the Bama game. What was the injury again?


          • Biggen

            Wasn’t it shoulder? I’ve drank away most of that game.

            Liked by 1 person

            • reipar1

              That was Florida. Against bama he did not have an excuse. The mailman’s days are numbered as they should be.

              Liked by 1 person

              • originaluglydawg

                It’s hard to imagine how disappointed you’ll be if UGA does win it all with Stetson.

                Liked by 3 people

                • reipar1

                  I would be so happy I wouldn’t care if we won the championship with Spurier as the QB. However, look no further than the Florida game this year to see why the mailman isn’t winning it all for us. But you do you man.


              • Biggen

                Is he perfect? No of course not. But he ain’t shitty either.

                Liked by 3 people

                • reipar1

                  Where did I say he was shitty? He is very talented and we were lucky to have him. Past tense. Time to get someone in there that has a higher ceiling to win a shoot out if god forbid we get in one.


              • JuanSolo

                My point exactly.


              • James A Mercer Jr

                You know, it’s ungrateful couch potatoes like you that reallly piss me off. SBIV has given his heart and skill to this team and is loved and repedted by this teammates and most of us fans. While you’re entitled to your opinions, you should just STFU!!!!

                Liked by 2 people

                • reipar1

                  Man sorry wanting the best players playing to give us the best chance to win a championship grates in your nerves so bad. I’m sure you wish we had kept Richt. You should find a nice D3 school to root for so no one has to deal with your irrational stupidity. If you unfortunately decide to continue being a UGA fan please STFU so no one has to hear from you ever again.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • jarviscrowell

                  You were a Richt fanboy and didnt want Kirby at the time werent you?
                  Theres 99% overlap between the richt and stetson factions


              • Biggen

                I want the best player out there too. UGA sports the best offense in the SEC and the 3rd best in the nation. I’d say that’s pretty damn good. Taking that into consideration, maybe we already do have the best QB out there.

                Liked by 2 people

                • reipar1

                  We have the third best offense in the nation? What stat are you using for the offense to determine we are third best offense?


  4. akascuba

    I’ll take What is interception to touchdown ratio worth for $500?

    Liked by 4 people

  5. bcdawg97

    I’d bet a lot of money that Stetson starts every remaining regular season game (he has earned that) and that JT will keep coming in for mop up duty, easing him back into game shape (that is a nice luxury of having SBIV). The interesting part will be who starts the SEC Championship…


  6. Georgia LEADS the conference in scoring in conference games. Wouldn’t the quarterback have to be doing something right?

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Texas Dawg

    I would give JT the entire Charleston Southern game. No need to risk a fluke injury to Bennett and a chance for JT to let it all hang out to see if he is really all the way back. I hope this is JT before the end of the season.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. chopdawg

    2nd in Yards Per Attempt! If only he could throw downfield.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. coastaldawg

    Good for Stetson. He isn’t the chink in our armor that will cause us to lose a game. The O-line is. I am not going all full-on Munson here, But the Oline is our weakest link.

    Liked by 5 people

    • originaluglydawg

      Agree. If the O line was better, we could play JT and really put up the yards, but the way it is, playing JT is risky.


    • Biggen

      I don’t know. I don’t see them as a major liability. Pass Pro is still really good. Run blocking this game wasn’t great but they were selling out to stop the run. Also playing without the starting left tackle doesn’t help.

      I’m not making excuses. There are still improvements to be made.


  10. rigger92

    Do y’all selves a favor and watch the SEC wrap up show, Ben Watson is pretty funny, especially when he recaps Georgia.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. practicaldawg

    Serious question: has any QB in the history of the game with these stats while half the fanbase wanted to bench him for good?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Stet should start wearing Pearls to his pressers.

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  13. Yep, Bluto, the Mailman is somebody, and this sorry old excuse for a Bulldog is grateful for him. I’m enjoying this season so much…this team has kicked ass and taken names. All units are playing lights out from the defense, to the offense, and even special teams. This team has accomplished records that we have not seen since the 1942 Georgia Bulldogs beat everyone’s ass (except those War Eagle Aholes)…by all accounts those 1942 Dawgs were some of the baddest mfers to ever walk a football field…that is until now. Call me the ultimate Homer, but I’m fine with letting go of the wheel and trusting Kirby…and I know that might scare the shit out of other folks driving on 285, but so be it…I haven’t seen a Georgia football team this good in my lifetime, and neither have any of you…enjoy it. Kirby wants to win more than anyone typing here…and he’s going to play any and all players at his disposal to win…I’m cool with that.

    You tell em Rev. Jackson!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. jill Evans

    Stetson has played well but is the benficiary of a a great defense. JTD is by far the best QB on this team. His ability to read defenses pre snap is heads above Stetson’s. I love what Stetson has done but we win the natuional championship with JTD.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Won’t it be interesting if the final commentary on this season is that Kirby made exactly one poor QB management decision this year…

    When he failed to start Stetson against Clemson.

    That’d be wiiiiiiiiiiiiild. Heads would explode.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. If we get into a shootout… Against this D? And even if we do, Stetson’s running ability is likely something we’ll need. I’d like to see JT be healthy and earn the starting job back, especially by dropping 4 TDs on Bama. But SBIV can beat them to. Somebody’s got to show up with a Defense that can stop us…not worried about our D giving up points.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. gurkhadawg

    Like I said the other day in response to the Senator: Kirby is going to play the best QB, that is Stetson Bennett. But JT does need to continue to get snaps, we need a capable back up in case Stet gets injured.

    Liked by 1 person

    • jarviscrowell

      Disagree. Stetson only plays well when the running game is clicking. JT has shown the ability to create on his own.
