The rising cost of mediocrity

Holy coaching salary inflation, Batman!

Dude making $6 mil a year has a losing record at his current school.  Is America great, or what?  Jimmy Sexton knows it’s the land of opportunity, that’s for sure.


Filed under General Idiocy, It's Just Bidness

41 responses to “The rising cost of mediocrity

  1. voxdawg

    There will never come a day when I accept MiZZZou’s presence in the SEC as being legitimate. The STL/KC television markets aren’t worth the soul of our conference.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Reminds me of Coppola’s quote about the making of Apocalypse Now: “There were too many of us, we had access to too much equipment, too much money, and little by little we went insane.”

    Liked by 7 people

  3. bmacdawg87

    This is getting insane. At some point this bubble has to pop. 10 years from now are mediocre coaches really going to be making 8 figures?


    • godawgs1701

      Remember when we made Mark Richt win the SEC before we boosted him past the $1 million mark?

      Actually, we might have done it after his first season but still.


  4. Something, something about a fool and his money.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. godawgs1701

    He’s got a great chance to justify his salary on Saturday, that’s for sure.

    Good ol’ Dan Mullen sure is the gift that keeps on giving. Other than beating Florida, what could Drink have pointed to in his contract negotiation?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dawgphan34

    Only bidding against themselves. No one was coming for him. There were no other offers. Just a 50% raise.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. jcdawg83

    My father has always said “it’s easy to spend other people’s money”. Nowhere is this more true than in college sports.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Russ

    Good lord! Schools have lost their minds.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mizzou…you can’t find an assistant coach who will take that job for $2m and hope he can do better? This is better explained if Jimmy Sexton is flying ADs to a fancy resort to negotiate, puts them in a “compromising situation”, takes photos, sends them home and emails when it’s time to up his clients salaries.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. The Truth

    Playing the Dawgs their closest game of the year is obviously worth a few bucks.


    • godawgs1701

      They’ve got two losses on their record that were clinched by the flukiest of plays, fumbling out of the end zone at Auburn and then the roughing the punter last weekend against Kentucky. Throw in the Georgia game where they gave us absolutely everything we could handle before we escaped and a Kansas State loss that is no longer embarrassing, and there’s more to Mizzou than meets the eye. But they also only beat Vandy by a field goal. The man is being grossly overpaid and nobody else wanted him.


  11. ugafidelis

    Cheese and rice.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Godawg

    And then there’s Jimbo…


  13. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I plead insanity. A few days ago when they announced the extension without any financial details, I defended it opining that maybe it wasn’t so much a big raise as a little raise/vote of confidence and a desire to maintain some stability in the program. I stand corrected.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Texas Dawg

    If any school wants to save money, I can lose games just as easily for half the price. I have all the talking points just like those coaches do. I have the same lack of talent and the grey hair to convey false wisdom just like they do. I’ve coached Pee Wee football so my offense and Jimbo’s would look very similar. For all the athletes that pitch fits and pout, I’m already experienced in soothing hurt feelings with juice boxes and snacks. Come on guys, give me a chance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tony BarnFart

      I will underbid your offer and do the same for 25% of the price. But I do not have Youth Football Coaching Legend on my resume so I come at a discount.


      • Texas Dawg

        I’ll match your offer. The only thing legendary about my youth coaching experience (a long time ago) can be attributed to my wife. She provided the best post game snacks that put the other teams to shame (she also insists on handing out full size candy bars on Halloween).

        Liked by 1 person

  15. practicaldawg

    Depends on how you look at it. I mean Missouri is getting a much better deal for a losing coach than TAMU.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. drunkenmonken

    It’s the tv money. Enrollment is so down on their campus they rent unused dorm rooms out to fans on game weekends.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. jim1886

    And these fools want to control NIL, according to them, it is out of control.
    The players have to get a piece of this tv pie


  18. Doggoned

    I’d say Drink is a decent coach at a mediocre school, in the same vein as James Franklin at Vanderbilt. The money does surprise me, but look what happened to Vandy after Franklin left. Missouri has no recruiting base, no real chance of competing head to head with the SEC elite for blue chippers, but Drink’s teams are scrappy (chippy, some would say), stay in many games and even pull the rare upset. He irritates me, and he ain’t worth that kind of money, but they would have a hard time filling his job with someone better, IMHO.

    Liked by 1 person

    • godawgs1701

      Mizzou has a mostly mediocre history, but they did play in two Big 12 title games and they won the SEC East back to back years (yes, yes, the division was very much down in those two seasons). Missouri used to be a real pain in the ass to play and at times they still can be (ahem) so it’s not like they don’t have a right to expect to be better than Vanderbilt. But go back and look at this dude’s game log. You can throw out 2020, it was a weird season for a lot of reasons and a terrible time to get started. But what’s he won? South Carolina? Florida after they quit last year? Mizzou is already dealing with what happened at Vandy after James Franklin left. They’re nowhere near the program they were under Gary Pinkel. They need to be finding a better coach, not overpaying for Eli Drinkwitz.

      Liked by 1 person

      • godawgs1701

        Which isn’t to say they should be firing him or anything like that – just that before they give him a $2 million per year raise and extension make him earn it, and if someone comes along looking to hire him, let them. Because you can probably do better.


  19. godawgs1701

    Just realized that Kirby Smart at $10 million per year is probably underpaid. What a world we live in.


  20. uga97

    Yep rewarding mediocrity & Sub standard performance pay is where this coaches market state is currently.
