Worried about Georgia’s defense lately?

Max Olson’s advice?  Don’t worry ($$).

There’s no need to be concerned about Georgia not being No. 1 right now. The Bulldogs have forced more punts than any other team in the country and have been a top-10 defense in points per drive, yards per attempt and third-down defense. They’d be No. 5 in stop rate if we were counting their win over FCS program UT Martin. They’re going to be just fine.

Feel better now?


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

31 responses to “Worried about Georgia’s defense lately?

  1. stoopnagle

    After a short period of nerves at halftime of the Carolina game, I’ve been okay with how we’ve done so far. To me, we’re not as good as we were last year, but we’re still good enough to contend. We’ve played with our food, as they say, in just about every game and we’ve won all four handily. As we progress, I think we’ll hone our focus both on the field and on the sideline. Plus, we’ll start getting dudes back by the time things get super-serious.

    I have no problem not being someone’s number one right now. I think there are several teams who have done more than we have at this point of the year (FSU, Texas, UNC, Ohio State, Penn State, Utah all have good wins – Washington, Oregon, Michigan, Duke are all interesting this year. There are a lot of contenders 1/4 of the way and that’s fun).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. southgadawg1

    But I have on good authority that something is just not right about the defense this year. Oh the concerns.🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    • Texas Dawg

      You must have been talking to Pops, and Kirby then.
      That communication has been something the Bulldogs have struggled with in the last two weeks. It’s part of the reason Georgia has given up touchdowns in back-to-back two-minute situations.
      “We don’t talk, so how do you know who has who,” Dumas-Johnson said on Saturday. “How do you know who the other man has? How do you know where the help is at? Lack of communication, that’s a big part of it.”
      Smart spoke in depth about the state of the defense through four games. It’s still a work in progress and not yet playing its best football. “I think it’s been really good in spurts and really poor in spurts,” Smart said of the defense. “That’s been a common theme, that the consistency in performance – and it’s not game by game, sometimes it’s series by series. Controlling the line of scrimmage is something we have to do. If we don’t do that, it’s the bare minimum.”


  3. pansythedawg

    We’ve played 3 hopefully outmatched teams and South Carolina who, if not for their QB, nearly fall into that category as well. It’s hard to drive much from that. There’s a lot to be excited about, but there are areas that underwhelm, like both lines of scrimmage and Beck’s ability to quickly spot open receivers.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. DawgFlan

    I ain’t got time to worry about the Back-to-Back National Champions. On either side of the ball. They’re inexperienced, they’re dinged up, and they’ve got some growing up to do. They are also talented and well-coached. Anyone that doesn’t see this team as a work in progress needs to check their own expectations. Whether or not they improve fast enough for the worriers and entitled fans expecting (demanding?) a 3-peat, I find it absurd to expend energy in that manner. Kirby is worrying plenty enough, and he’s the only one that matters. This team is fun to watch if you accept they are young pups growing up before our eyes.

    Liked by 11 people

  5. originaluglydawg

    Who’s Max Olson to tell us not to worry?
    Larry Munson considered that mindset to be a mortal sin.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. Derek

    Of all the things I worry about, defense ain’t it.


  7. FlyingPeakDawg

    We’re not as good as we once was, but we’re as good as we were one more time. Oh Dave…….


  8. Terry McCullers

    We’ve got to get better aganist the run. Been giving up way to much for UGA standards.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Glad to see the Senator post this. All the Blame Bobo idiots have failed to understand that the Dawgs look at offense the same way that I look at UGA BBall: it’s nice for it to be good, but it doesn’t have to be. The D on the other hand is our identity. Those idiot announcers were yakking about our offensive identity on Saturday and I was non-plussed…who cares?? The defensive side has to be playing mind warping, Harrison concussing, soul crushing beatdown defense in order for us to get where we want to go. It is the engine that drives our team. It is no different than Saban’s Alabama; when they lost their defense, they became weak. We cannot as fans ingest the heresy that offense wins championships. Defense Uber alles! I digress…Glad to see this “stat.” It indeed soothes the soul. Especially, AFTER OUR BEST WR RECRUIT DECOMMITTED YESTRRDAY!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. practicaldawg

    But that last UAB drive before the half PAWWWWLLLL

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I’m a little worried about the defense, but that may be because I have become spoiled. For those concerned about not having a disrupter on the D-line, would we be better off or worse off if Bear had stayed? Because of his physical attributes it’s easy to say better off, and we (well, me, I guess) have no idea about his leadership, chemistry, etc. But, CKS didn’t seem like he was all that worried about it, and I have come to trust his judgment. Anyone have any inside info?


  12. uga97

    We are building our own identity this seadon called 3-peat. Why is that? Because as CKS stated “Better Never Rests” GATA.


  13. ugafidelis

    Our defense is down because Bobo’s offense isn’t testing them enough in practice.

    Liked by 1 person