Wednesday morning buffet

A little buffet is good for the soul.

  • It’s been quite a finish at Ole Miss for the Nkemdiches.
  • The Missouri football team boycott really hasn’t sat well with the state legislature.
  • Forbes ranks college football’s most valuable teams in 2015.  Georgia is sixth on the list.
  • What is Georgia’s motivation in the bowl game?
  • Honestly, this should be mandatory.
  • You had to figure with the release of the new Star Wars movie, somebody would talk to Chris Conley about it.
  • Dabo Swinney thinks it’s wrong to pay his players, but evidently doesn’t have a problem with a $55 million complex that will offer sand volleyball courts, laser tag, movie theater, bowling lanes, barber shop and other perks exclusively to them.  Amateurism these days sure is funny.


Filed under Georgia Football, It's Just Bidness, Life After Football, Political Wankery, SEC Football

26 responses to “Wednesday morning buffet

  1. AO

    Just stop it B-Mac and Chris Mayes. We might not buy a ticket and go back to the seen of the crime, but we’re gonna watch already. Dont they know we bleed Red and Black?! (…jeez…)


  2. Normaltown Mike

    In Re. Nkemdiche

    Talk about struggling to cope with success. The closer these guys get to the NFL draft, the wilder it gets. I hope we don’t have a Len Bias situation.


  3. BMan

    Nkemdiche brothers call to mind the Rolling Stones line, “it’s just that demon life has got me in its sway.”


  4. 92 grad

    It won’t take me much longer to get to a point where the money game drives me away from the ball game. The Clemson facility, and all the ones built to compete with it, is further evidence that there is more money going into the athletic dept. than they know what to do with. I know it’s an old debate, but over in the music or history dept. there are faculty managing their copier/printer budgets for the semester, worrying that some workbook might be 2 pages too long.


    • Dolly Llama

      I can’t believe the miniature golf course will only be nine holes. What a second-rate program.


    • JCDAWG83

      It’s ironic that the popularity of college football may be what eventually kills it as a sport. Building lavish facilities exclusively for athletes does nothing but make the athletes even less a part of the school community and less a part of the student body. How long will it be before athletes are the same as the Roman gladiators? They will be highly trained and conditioned entertainers who live completely to themselves and are only brought out to perform for the masses and occasionally attend a class to maintain their appearance as a “student”.

      The old saying “this too shall pass” certainly applies to the huge money in college football. I read recently that 25-30% of everyone’s cable bill is cost associated with sports. At some point, the segment of the population that does not watch or even care about sports will stop being willing to subsidize the expense for the ones that love sports.


      • dawgfan

        I may be little off base but I’m pretty sure that Auburn’s AD was making $400,000 a couple of years ago but he was so busy he hired an assistant at $300,000 per year to handle his workload. Of course, he received a $200,000 raise to $600,000. It’s becoming like federal spending, the numbers are getting so big that nobody seems to notice or care when money is wasted.


      • DawgPhan

        I dont think the popularity or the money are ruining college sports. Like the old saying goes. Money doesnt ruin people, people ruin people.

        Its the inept ADs that were all standing around when the money faucet got turned on who now all think they turned it on. Those guys are going to ruin it because they dont understand that literally nothing they have done created the wealth. High speed internet, streaming, cord cutting, and the mouses insatiable appetite for live content turned the money on. ADs just happened to be at the right place at the right time.


      • How long will it be before athletes are the same as the Roman gladiators? They will be highly trained and conditioned entertainers who live completely to themselves and are only brought out to perform for the masses and occasionally attend a class to maintain their appearance as a “student”.

        Sounds kind of like McWhorter Hall ca. 1979


    • Bulldog Joe

      Finally, there will be something to do in Clemson.


  5. JAX

    UGA is the sixth most valuable team. #’s 1-5 have all won national titles since we last one ours.

    Imagine what our revenues and value would be if we won another title. Hint – it would be phenomenally sick.

    The potential is staggering – get to work coach Smart.


    • JAX


      Also surprising not to see Alabama higher given their success under Saban but their expenses are off the chart. They run a different model for sure.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        And there’s the rub. In the past, the reserve fund mattered more than staying competitive with Alabama. Although the lip service has always been there that we want to win big, we’ll see if the money actually gets spent for this staff.


        • JAX

          The only thing that matters at Bama are titles, which I can understand. it might not be the most profitable model but there is plenty of $ available for whatever they need to accomplish as an athletic department.


  6. Bulldog Joe

    Sand volleyball doesn’t sound like a good idea.


  7. Doug

    So football games are sacrosanct in Missouri, but the higher education is just something to dick around with when insolent kids are in need of a good taunting. You guys pissed us off when you threatened to boycott a football game, so we’re gonna cut funding for your entire university! Neener-neener, got you last, no takebacks!

    And yet if you ask those Missouri legislators, I’m sure they will talk your ear off about how their reaction to this has been sooo much more mature than the players’ was.


  8. Dabo uses the same argument my teen age daughter uses: That is so DIFFERENT and I am surprised you do not see it.


  9. After watching the 30 30 program on the players who lost so much money and spent it wildly—the UCBerkeley class should be for all schools and all players. I can not imagine what I would have done with millions as a 21 year old. A very scary thought and that is a major understatement.


  10. red

    Wish all schools would release test scores as Ga, Fla,and Vandy did three years ago. A[[ other SEC and ACC refused to do even though no names were released.


  11. Irwin R. Fletcher

    Can we please talk about how awesome it is that TD is making his first Pro Bowl this year…and at the same time running around Shellman, GA with a UGA Santa hat on giving out toys?

    One of the all-timers.
