We’re Number One!

It’s Greg McGarity’s finest hour.  Take a bow, sir.


Filed under Georgia Football, It's Just Bidness

40 responses to “We’re Number One!

  1. mg4life0331

    Well damn that didn’t take long. I figured we at least had to win the NC first….


  2. Debby Balcer

    He does not hestitate to hit us in the pocketbook. Hopefully this publicity will help them decide to not raise prices next year although next year we get Notre Dame at home.


  3. ChiliDawg

    I mean, this is based on secondary market prices, so I don’t know that we can blame McGarity for this, he doesn’t control that.


    • You don’t think raising the base ticket price significantly, particularly for conference games, has an effect on the secondary market?

      Interesting theory. Please proceed, governor.

      Liked by 2 people

      • PTC DAWG

        Well, then show a chart of ticket prices from the school…then we can decide if GMac is to blame or Gmac is to blame. I blame the fans for this one…they are the ones pushing prices.


        • JFC. Were you out of the country in January when the price increase was announced?

          Maybe you missed what Seth or StatDawg provided, or
          StatDawg’s follow-up.

          You “blame the fans”? That’s some first-rate toadying there, brother.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Anonymous

            This is disingenuous horseshit of the highest order. The price increase from the Athletic Administration was $16 per game. Somehow, you are proposing that is the reason that the average ticket has an open-market increase of $257 over face value and $131 more per ticket than for Alabama. Sure, demand by fans has nothing to do with that. It is all on McGarity and the $5 to $25 increase. You should be embarrassed even to propose that nonsense.


            • I hate to interrupt your rant, but exactly where did I say it is all on McGarity?


              • Anonymous

                exactly where did I say it is all on McGarity?

                Oh, so now you will try to weasel out by saying it isn’t “ALL” on McGairty after all the kvetching and naming him personally? How about your previous where you claim that PTC is toadying for the AA by “blaming the fans” secondary market prices? How about in the main post where you claim this as “Greg McGarity’s finest hour”? As much as you shit on McGarity for things in which he has no part, people are going to start to think he fucked your wife.

                The Athletic Association should significantly raise the price of tickets. They are letting a lot of money slide to scalpers and resellers. The market says they are under-charging by about $250. Why don’t you call McGarity a dumbass for not capitalising on that markup while still calling him a gready POS for the $5 increase for Austin Peay?


                • Occam’s Razor would suggest that this is more a case of a lack of reading comprehension on your part than an uncanny ability to read the mind of a stranger on the Internet.

                  You know what else I’ve written about at the blog? Supply and demand. I get how the whole ticket price thingy goes.

                  If I wanted it to be all about GM, “Greg McGarity’s finest hour” would have been the header instead of a clever punchline. (Speaking of which, “We’re” in the header should have given you a clue.)

                  McGarity raised ticket prices after a couple of questionable moves at the end of last season. He hid information from the fan base and when confronted about that, obfuscated regarding his research. I concluded, along with plenty of others, that he was concerned the fan base would react unfavorably to the raise. It turns out he had nothing to worry about, as demand has proven to be insatiable by Georgia standards.

                  All of which means he’s been given the green light to raise ticket prices again next year. As I mentioned in a previous comment, that’s what makes this his finest hour. We’ve bailed him out and he’s free to take advantage of it. And if things play out similarly in 2019, that’ll be his next, new finest hour.

                  I have no idea why defending the honor of Greg McGarity is the hill on which you choose to plant your flag, especially in such graphic terms, but have at it. I’ve got a football game to go to.


                • Anonymous

                  Hmmmm, PTC blamed supply and demand above at 2:42 and you called his attempt at “blaming the fans” and act of “toadying”. For which bully are you now a toady? When Chili claimed the aftermarket price increase , you replied with “You don’t think raising the base ticket price significantly, particularly for conference games, has an effect on the secondary market?”. Hmmm, that sure sounds like you are trying to shift the blame from increased fan demand to the Athletic Association.

                  You don’t get the spend the entire comment section deflecting from s&d and then ignore those comments when someone points out your BS. My point isn’t to defend McGarity. My point is to defend people that are accused of things for which they are not responsible.


                • Cojones

                  Thanks for joining in, Greg.


        • PTC DAWG

          LOL. Rant on.


      • ChiliDawg

        I think the higher expectations for the program probably have more to do with inflated asking prices on secondary ticket prices than the actual increase in face value. Your point is taken, though, it would be wrong to discount the increase in base value entirely.

        So, I revise my statement – “I don’t think we can blame McGarity entirely for this.*



        • I don’t think you’re getting the entire point here.

          Regardless of how you apportion the credit, what message do you think the secondary market is sending McGarity about what to do with 2019 season ticket prices?

          Liked by 1 person

          • ChiliDawg

            Since secondary market buyers are not donors, probably none. It’s going to be the number of new requests for season tickets driving increases, not their value on the secondary market. Who among you donors is going to give up your seats because of a $20 increase?


      • Throw in the fact that the contribution is no longer tax deductible and people are trying to claw back a portion of their contribution through the secondary market.


  4. And Iowa is, of course, No. 10. As we all expected.


  5. Uglydawg

    What an ugly thing to do to your loyal fans.


  6. ilini84

    And they are still trying to sell the three dogs for face!


  7. Hogbody Spradlin

    And look at that point spread!



    Winning makes folks want to go….and GMac must have some power, controlling the secondary market. Just think, many of y’all think he’s a DA.


  9. KornDawg

    I need to sell my MTSU tix (wedding, I know, I know,) I’d be thrilled to get anywhere near that $323 for them. I’m just hoping for face value to cover my uscjr ticket.


  10. Bulldog Joe

    Next, they can do one for most expensive parking.


    • Cojones

      See above: East campus just went to $20.


      • That must be what my brother told me about: He is paying for parking this year, so he can have a guaranteed place and not have to get there really early. I think he is parking in a parking garage-anyway he is paying.


  11. Salty Dawg

    That’s some McGarity porn right there.


  12. I thought Texas or USC, or Alabama would be tops.


  13. lakedawg

    Since our J Reid Parker Director of Athletics has achieved that lofty goal he is likely getting a contract extension.


  14. JoshG

    Y’all go’head.


  15. gastr1

    Honestly I think calling it “McGarity’s finest hour” leaves the interpretation of cause, effect, and future considerations rather open to interpretation. I don’t think anyone here can suggest that McCheapity is somehow unhappy that this is the case and that, if the athletic dept. were to rake in even more money for the reserve fund, he’d absolutely (internally, at least) take credit for creating more demand toward “improved financial health.”


  16. Chopdawg

    Don’t understand…the numbers in this chart represent what? Prices that people are asking on Stubhub or E-bay?
