Your 7.10.19 Playpen

As I posted in last week’s Playpen, I didn’t use the whole Betsy Ross flag/Nike controversy as a topic because I find it cynical and overblown.  Let me give you two examples of that.

First of all, to those of you who have taken offense, even to the point of professing never to buy Nike gear again, I hate to break it to you, but you’re probably not part of Nike’s targeted market, and likely never will be.

If controversy sells, it’s likely, then, that your outrage is a feature for the company, not a bug — a feature that was probably factored into the decision to pull the shoes in the first place.

Nike and the right, Chick-fil-A and the left, it’s all the same thing.  Those mega successful companies haven’t gotten where they are without a better understanding of the marketplace than those who profess outrage at their quasi-political decisions do.  Because they know us better than we do, they can game out the consequences better than the outraged do.

Outrage is for the politicians to mine.  And they do, cynically.

That some people let themselves fall for this garbage repeatedly is a reflection on them as much as it is the politicians who exploit it.  As the saying goes, fool me once…


UPDATE:  You knew this was coming.

A little more than a week after pulling state incentives from Nike following its decision to pull its Betsy Ross Flag shoes after former NFL star Colin Kaepernick raised issues around them, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) reversed his stance.

Ducey tweeted Thursday welcoming a Nike facility to Goodyear, Ariz., saying the company will bring more than 500 jobs and $184 million to the state.

The contempt pols like Ducey have for the people who vote for them is blatant.  The sad thing is that they can count on the outrage… and short memories.  After all, the next thing to rail about is just around the corner.


Filed under GTP Stuff

209 responses to “Your 7.10.19 Playpen

  1. 3rdandGrantham

    I will simply say that I personally do not know any successful, smart, or otherwise accomplished people who are remotely bothered by or pays attention to any of this nonsense, and they overwhelmingly tend to stay away from social media as well. Same with politics. Now, perhaps I live in some micro bubble or whatever of various technology/cyber execs, but I do have a very diverse group of friends which include Indians, African-Americans, Asians, Latinos, gay, Jewish, Muslim…and yes, white, most of whom are from all over the U.S. if not the world.

    Seriously, I’ve never heard of or had a discussion with any of them regarding any of the so-called social media outrage topics that pop up on a daily basis, and hardly any of them have a twitter or facebook account. And we do get together, we – get this – simply see and treat each other as individuals only; not based on any group identity or ethnic makeup. And for those who are continually up-in-arms about Kaepernick, Nike, or anything else, I view such types as those who either have too much time on their hands or simply aren’t intelligent and disciplined enough to ignore the noise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • PTC DAWG

      I feel about the same way. Really, who has time to worry about all that shit?


    • Jack Klompus

      I let this shit roll by me too. But, maybe it’s worthwhile to pay attention to. So many people are rallying behind shit like this leading to the election of these incompetent boobs. This is how you end up with the abortion laws in AL, a Governor in GA that wants to get his bus out and round up Illegals, a President that thinks it’s a good idea to walk into North Korea and hug a tyrant, etc. All in the name of building a wall that he told the rubes that Mexico would pay for and will never be built.

      Slide of hand is a bitch.


  2. Mike Cooley

    Well this will cause a shit storm of outrageous outrage but you’re exactly right on the outrage being a feature rather than a bug, Senator. A friend of mine plays in the band Confederate Railroad. They were recently disinvited to play a state fair in Illinois because of the word confederate being part of their name. There has been a fairly sizable flap about it and he said it’s the best thing that’s happened to that band in twenty years. They’ve received
    More publicity than they’ve had in a very long time. Their album sales are now higher than they’ve been since the nineties. Their merch sales are way up. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nike engineered the entire flag controversy themselves.


  3. ChiliDawg


    Ironic that the toddler in chief was bitching on his Twitter account about “the left” using economics as a weapon, saying they boycott everyone they don’t like. An amazing display of hypocrisy from a guy who has suggested boycotts against dozens of companies he doesn’t like AS PRESIDENT.

    Trump may only be a symptom of the disease, but he’s certainly the zenith of American stupidity.


  4. dawgxian

    I don’t have a problem with the shoes being pulled because of a marketing decision. I have a problem with people saying the flag is racist.


    • My advice: don’t pay attention to those people. You’ll be happier and being ignored is exactly the opposite of what they want.

      Liked by 2 people

      • 3rdandGrantham

        Concise and well said. Who cares what others have to say – let them be miserable and continually offended in their sad lives; don’t jump into the gutter with them. Seriously, if you walk into your local grocery store later today and see some slob wearing a “USA sucks” t-shirt, are you honestly going to stop and get into an argument with them, while letting them clearly affect you? It would be absurd to do so, just as it would be to engage online as well.

        Liked by 1 person

        • dawgxian

          Because we become more and fractured as a people and incapable of living and working together. Go look at the Civil Rights Movement. They did not try to jettison everything about America. They took the good parts of our heritage like the Bible and Dec of Ind and showed how we were falling short of it. Even King’s reparations doctrine was based on Common Law


          • ChiliDawg

            “The bible” Is not part of our heritage, you sharia-law-pushing zealot. America was founded explicitly because we didn’t want to be ruled by ancient novels as interpreted by modern day bigots.


            • dawgxian

              The Bible is part of our shared heritage. We may disagree on how to interpret it, but Jefferson, Lincoln, King all used it despite the former being a deist and Lincoln being a nominal Xian


            • Paul

              ChiliDawg if you read the writings of our founding fathers, it is extremely clear that not only were the vast majority men of faith but they relied heavily on Biblical and Christian principles. You may not like it or choose to recognize it, but the Bible is not only a part of our heritage, it’s a very large part of it.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Bat City Dawg

                Paul, I am not sure what you are reading, but I am on a multi-year quest to read a biography of every president in order (through Jackson, #7). And from my readings the Bible and overt Christian dogma played very little role in the founding of this nation. The founders were adherents of the continental enlightenment, and the scottish enlightenment.

                Madison was the brains behind our constitution, and he was very suspicious of religion for many reasons, but one less known reason was that he suffered from epilepsy, which in those times was still widely thought of to be akin to demon possession.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Paul

                  Bat City, I’m not referencing overt Christian dogma, of which many were clearly suspect. Heck I am suspect of such dogma today precisely because of my faith. I’m talking about believing in God and believing in the basic Christian principles illuminated in the Bible.

                  From Encyclopedia Britannica: “[T]e Founders came from similar religious backgrounds. Most were Protestants. The largest number were raised in the three largest Christian traditions of colonial America—Anglicanism (as in the cases of John Jay, George Washington, and Edward Rutledge), Presbyterianism (as in the cases of Richard Stockton and the Rev. John Witherspoon), and Congregationalism (as in the cases of John Adams and Samuel Adams). Other Protestant groups included the Society of Friends (Quakers), the Lutherans, and the Dutch Reformed. Three Founders—Charles Carroll and Daniel Carroll of Maryland and Thomas Fitzsimmons of Pennsylvania—were of Roman Catholic heritage.”

                  “The sweeping disagreement over the religious faiths of the Founders arises from a question of discrepancy. Did their private beliefs differ from the orthodox teachings of their churches? On the surface, most Founders appear to have been orthodox (or “right-believing”) Christians. Most were baptized, listed on church rolls, married to practicing Christians, and frequent or at least sporadic attenders of services of Christian worship. In public statements, most invoked divine assistance.”

                  Back to my thoughts. No doubt Deistic beliefs played a major role as well. However, even Thomas Paine, who called Christianity a fable declared “I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and in endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.” That sounds an awful lot like more than a few passages in the Bible, Micah 6:8 being one “And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

                  I believe the founding fathers were immensely influenced by their faith.

                  Interesting tidbit about Madison. Thanks for sharing.


              • Derek

                The first treaty ever entered into by this nation, in 1796, states:

                “As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion“

                There are three truths:

                1) the vast majority of residents of this country were Christians at the time of the founding.

                2) there is NO sign that the revolution or the founding was based on or inspired by the Christian religion.

                3) the founders did premise the rights of man on the concept of a non-denominational God or Creator which can easily apply to a person of any or no faith.

                This nation owes a lot more to the progress of western philosophy i.e., from Socrates to John Locke, which is pre-Christian, than it does to Jesus. It’s sad, unfortunate and dangerous that people do not grasp the principles upon which our democracy rest, at all.

                These are people who fled the Church of England vs Catholic Church skirmishes and who knew one thing: the Church/religion is a dangerous instrument in a Government and it should be kept entirely separate therefrom.

                Liked by 3 people

                • SpellDawg

                  The danger one put themselves in publicly professing anything but belief in a Christian God back then is glossed over by today’s Christians. It’s still political suicide in today’s world, but it could be actual suicide back then.


              • Derek

                Dumb people would say that since the colonies were subject to the king and the official state religion was the C of E that this nation has always had an official religion despite the fact it didn’t at its inception and we should ignore its exclusion and the first amendment, THE FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT, because stupid.

                This is your brain on dumb.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Exactly. The fact that Maryland required officeholders to profess a belief in God until 1961 just proves that it never happened. Or something. Because middle school.


              • ChiliDawg

                Who told you this? Jerry Falwell or Dinesh D’Souza?

                Liked by 1 person

            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Not exactly. At the time of independence, several of the original thirteen colonies had official state churches. And they while they were different denominations, they were all Christian.

              So the belief that the United States has always been an atheist nation is just postmodernist revisionist history.

              Liked by 2 people

            • Pirate

              The Bible is not part of our heritage even bid puss Derek knows better . It’s gonna be so fucn funny when Y’all lose again


        • Derek

          They’re called “make America great again” t-shirts not “USA sucks” t-shirts. It’s close, I know, but details are important.


      • RangerRuss

        That’s great advice Bluto. Life is so much easier and profitable for the happy and thick-skinned.
        On the other hand, after spending a week with gator fans? Fuck those motherfuckers!

        Liked by 1 person

      • TimberRidgeDawg


        Wrestling in the mud with a pig accomplishes two things. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.


    • Anonymous

      These people think (or at least pretend) that time is racist. This is their brand. Post-Modernism can’t proffer a solution to anything; all they can do is claim that things are oppressive and must be banned. In the age of “woke”, the highest virtue one can have is victimhood.


  5. spur21

    Nike proves once again – “Bad PR is better than no PR”

    In the sneaker controversy how much would it have cost Nike to get that much global coverage. My guess is far more than the cost of the now junk sneakers.


  6. ChiliDawg

    Megan Rapinoe is the hero America needs, not the one it deserves.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. CPark58

    “Nike and the right, Chick-fil-A and the left, it’s all the same thing.”

    I get your point but one of those things is unlike the other. Chic-Fil-A has had their stance since day 1 and just didn’t waiver and it appeals to a lot of people and pisses of a certain segment which in turn appeals even more to some people. CK on the other hand, found a crusade at the tail end of his waning career that will keep him in the limelight after his playing days are over, it’s brilliant actually. I’m not saying his stated cause isn’t legitimate but it’s a gimmick and Nike is on board to cash in on the intrigue and controversy. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Betsy Ross shoes weren’t even mass produced, just a few pairs and an internet campaign so the firestorm would put them in the news aside from Zion Williams shoe exploding.

    Believe in something, even if that thing makes you a ton more money and a pop culture icon.


    • ChiliDawg

      Chic-Fil-A has had their stance since day 1 and just didn’t waiver

      This is not true. I worked for Chick-fil-A years ago. I met Truett Cathy, and I met his son Dan who took over running the company. Truett was a businessman. Sure he was religious, but he was not public about his faith. Dan Cathy was the one who decided to wade into the culture wars by running his mouth about his personal beliefs and caused a stir, and the religious’ right newfound de facto political alliance with Chick-fil-A is only a development in the last 10-15 years since Dan has been running things. CFA was never political until junior took over.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Cojones

        Took my wife and her friend to Dothan last month and had my first Chick-fil-A to see if the braggarts are just touting because they agree with their politics. The fries tasted third rate, but the chicken had a great tenderness, something an old fart’s teeth likes. Tasted great, but my wife kept reminding the entire time of their political stance such that the one trip satisfied my curiosity completely and I can make two stops for Checkers Fries and a Wendy’s chicken.


        • Derek

          Don’t care. Service is great and the food’s good. I eat there in spite of its politics which quite frankly I know there was some anti-gay marriage stuff at a time when that wasn’t exactly a minority view but other than that, I don’t know what their politics are. I don’t see it. And they very publicly reversed the controversial position as I recall.

          What are their public policy positions?


        • ChiliDawg

          It’s gone downhill. Dan Cathy had them expand the menu and jack the prices up so you’re paying $12 for a single combo meal. Used to be really simple – chicken sandwiches and three sides to choose from. Now they’re into all sorts of different crap and relying on their cult following. I rarely go anymore because their drive thru service sucks compared to what it used to be and you need 20-30 minutes to get a simple order. Forget trying to go during lunch. That’s what happens when you complicate what you used to do well.


          • stoopnagle

            Where the fuck are you paying $12 for a sandwich, fries and drink? I had to take a double-take and check my app. A CFA sandwich meal is $7 and change.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Argondawg

              exactly. I ate their last night. Had a sandwich, fries and tea and it was 7 and change.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                It’s interesting how cognitive dissonance works. A $7 combo of delicious chicken served quickly in a clean environment becomes a $12 meal of mediocre stuff with poor service with a 40 minute wait. Just because of some anti-leftist politics.

                Hey, if the guy wants to eat Wendy’s chicken as an alternative, bless his heart.


            • Rampdawg

              Chilli is a lying sack of “I’ll never regret leaving the south.”
              Who is now regretting and bitching about the sorry Chick Fil-A’s that are not in the south. $12.00 for a combo. You must be in California or N.Y. you moron.


              • ChiliDawg

                California has In-N-Out. Checkmate, motherfucker.


                • HiAltDawg

                  BTW, In-N-Out puts Bible verses on their food containers.


                • ChiliDawg

                  You must have me mistaken for someone who doesn’t eat Chick-fil-A because of their owner’s personal beliefs.

                  At any rate, your claim about In-N-Out is obviously impossible – In-N-Out is a California based company and California is a state of godless communists, haven’t you heard?

                  Liked by 1 person

                • HiAltDawg

                  BTW, In-N-Out puts Bible verses on their food containers.


                • ChiliDawg

                  You must have me mistaken for someone who doesn’t eat Chick-fil-A because of their owner’s personal beliefs.

                  At any rate, your claim about In-N-Out is obviously impossible – In-N-Out is a California based company and California is a state of godless communists, haven’t you heard?


                • Rampdawg

                  Who gives a shit Daddyfuckee? Ga. has Chick Fil-A.
                  Winner Winner chicken dinner. For way under $12.00
                  You moron.


                • Pirate

                  In and out of your mouth u know all about that


            • ugafidelis

              Sanford Stadium?


          • Sides

            Where are you eating, the airport? A combo is about $7 and the drive through line is amazingly fast for the amount of people. It is still quicker to get your fat ass out of the car and walk in but that seems too difficult for most people…

            Liked by 1 person

            • Derek

              I can drive thru when crowded and get my food faster that at an empty competitor.


              • Sides

                No doubt. They definitely have the best employees in the industry. No wonder Chili doesn’t work there anymore….


                • Derek

                  Do we know if they pay more or if just the best of the crop of “ill work in fast food” end up there? Has to be something.

                  As a former fast food worker before and during college, I know culture matters but the most important thing is a steady stream of good people. Which is damn near impossible at typical wages.


                • ChiliDawg

                  Chick-fil-A just did a really good job over the years of employing the “get the right people on the bus” philosophy. The service element was/is deeply embedded in the corporate culture and I think the reason it’s consistent throughout the chain is the rigorous process through which they award stores to new operators. Unlike other chains, you can’t just buy your way in to Chick-fil-A – you have to apply and they are EXTREMELY selective. You could make the case it’s even a bit prejudicial, as there’s definitely a preference for a certain “type” of operator (married, with kids, goes to church…) but keeping corporate control over every store unit is definitely a big part of it. And that’s the other part of it – they don’t have franchise owners, they have “owner/operators” who split costs and profits with corporate. They also utilize third party quality auditing that’s very rigorous. So the chances for a single store to fall out of line with the corporate standard is minimized.


                • ChiliDawg

                  “No wonder Chili doesn’t work there anymore…”

                  Yeah, well, I graduated high school over 15 years ago.


            • ChiliDawg

              The location in Columbia, MD actually.

              You’re going to press my memory as to what I got that was $12 but I believe it was the #5 combo (grilled club) with superfood side and a diet lemonade.

              And going inside there is worse than the drive thru. If you have the presence of mind to use the app to order ahead it’s quicker but you still have to wait for them to make your order when you arrive. As far as the fat ass comment, you’re barking up the wrong tree.


          • ChiliDawg

            Damn, I had known the quickest way to rile you crusty old bitches was to talk trash about Chick-fil-A I would have started doing it YEARS ago.


        • greg63

          I’m with you. The chicken sandwich at CFA is pretty good. It’s nothing spectacular IMO. The Wendy’s chicken sandwich is miles better. Now, the chicken nuggets with polynesian sauce is the shit!


      • CPark58

        I stand corrected. I don’t have any personal first hand know so I’ll take your word for it. Just a lifetime of perception.

        Thanks for shedding light there.


  8. JasonC

    It is interesting to see what drives our ire. And you’re 100% right about politicians fertilizing the media and minds with their BS. I love the Chick-fil-a : Nike comparison. Because at the end of the day, I am like “fine if you don’t want to buy it, I will”. I guess that’s how Phillip Morris is still in business selling cancer to the world.


  9. dawgxian Perhaps, Derek and Chili can explain why Democrats now say it’s cool for a 12 year old boy and a 22 year old man to have sex?


    • ChiliDawg

      Perhaps you can explain why a 19 year old should have to register as a sex offender for having intercourse with a 17 year old?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Athenshomerdawg

        What state is that? Usually when there is an age difference of 4 years or more and girls are 16.
        Why do women get a lesser punishment for statutory rape than men?
        The age of consent in Mexico is 12.


        • Cojones

          Mexican children become smarter to the adult world before our children do? Wow! That is about 60 IQ points ahead/head. Maybe letting a few more in from other central and Sudamerica countries will up our IQ!


    • Derek

      I don’t think an 18 year old who has consensual sex with his 15 year old girlfriend should be branded a sex offender for life. But that’s the law imposed by “conservatives” to ensure that we have no fucking clue whether a registered sex offender is someone to be actually concerned about.

      The draft looks a little broad and should have a cut off age at the bottom. 15 seems right.

      The age of consent varies from state to state from 14 to 18 but it doesn’t mean they aren’t having sex and it doesn’t necessarily mean they are having sex with people who should be labeled with the pedophiles and rapists and child pornographers.

      8 year olds dude. That’s a pederast. And you should get more than 6 months at Chino for it.

      Before you complain about a bill that’s been proposed, talk to a felon and lifetime registered sex offender whose crime it was that he has sex with his willing girlfriend who happened to be born 25 months before he was.


    • ChiliDawg

      BTw I realize this will be lost on you because you’re an idiot – but not forcing people to register as sex offenders is not the same thing as legalizing a 22 year old man raping a 12 year old.

      Sex offender registries are bullshit anyway.


    • ChiliDawg

      It’s going to be an interesting turn for you when you start rationalizing why it was OK for 50+ yr old Trump to rape 15 year old girls provided to him by his pal Epstein, though.


      • illini84

        “Alexander Acosta, the US labor secretary under fire for having granted Jeffrey Epstein immunity from federal prosecution in 2008, after the billionaire was investigated for having run a child sex trafficking ring, is proposing 80% funding cuts for the government agency that combats child sex trafficking.
        Acosta’s plan to slash funding of a critical federal agency in the fight against the sexual exploitation of children is contained in his financial plans for the Department of Labor for fiscal year 2020. In it, he proposes decimating the resources of a section of his own department known as the International Labor Affairs Bureau (ILAB).


        • Cojones

          Acosta is a product of the Fl Republican machine. This news bubbled up a couple of times in elections down there before the Miami Herald Investigative Reporter republished for all to see. It was ignored earlier because they have a GOP-run state that doesn’t listen to shit, much less their own people crying out because they have polluted the inland and coastal waters(both sides) with the ranching, but most importantly, the sugar industry; that have tentacles that bash and rip any regulation concerning the environment.

          At least Georgia began their environmental homework in the sixties when Dr. Eugene Odum gave Ecology classes to legislators just before phosphate mining was to begin in the Marshes of Glen. It would have destroyed Georgia’s shrimp industry and that of the east coast. That environmental respect continued through President Carter’s tenure when he established State wilderness areas. Science and environmental laws are important to the welfare of all states and our pursuit of happiness, but are grouped into the same boat as any regulatory laws established during Obama’s tenure; all to get back at people who dared to elect a black man twice as President.


        • Napoleon BonerFart


    • stoopnagle

      Do you believe in equal protection under the law? Stop reading right-wing propaganda sites, go back to reputable news sources so you can get the whole picture. It took me a quick google to find an article that more fully explained the purposes and background to this bill. There’s not a Democrat alive in public office proposing what you’re saying here and, FWIW, there is no opposition to this bill from California Republicans.

      When something seems so outrageous it can’t be true, it’s usually untrue.

      Liked by 3 people

  10. Go Dawgs!

    If anybody, MAGA fan or otherwise, thought that Nike went with the Kaepernick ad campaign without knowing EXACTLY what the results would be then that person is a fool. Nike is a multi-BILLION dollar industry. They have redefined marketing and branding. They know exactly who their customers are. They knew exactly who would be offended and take five years or more off from buying Nike products in protest and they knew exactly who they’d make a customer-for-life. And they also knew how many new consumers they’d recruit. Frankly, I have no idea who Nike’s executives or stock holders voted for but I think it’s at least possible if not likely that they support Republicans because of their fiscal policies…. we’re talking about incredibly wealthy people. Nike just did it (see what I did there?) because there were dollar signs in it. If there were more dollar signs in NOT doing it, then they wouldn’t have.

    And personally, even if I was offended by the protest started by Kaepernick (I’m not, because I know he wasn’t insulting the troops or the country, he was calling attention to inequality that still exists in our nation) I would still be buying UGA gear with the swoosh on it because their stuff is higher quality and it looks better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mayor

      I disagree about the quality. New Balance makes a better shoe. Like a lot of businesses Nike got market penetration by paying highly visible athletes and teams to endorse/use their products. The Nike golf division started out with a bang because of essentially bribing Tiger Woods but it had to go out of business because the golf products they made were inferior and the customers eventually stopped buying Nike. BTW, I know for a fact that when Tiger was at the peak of his career he was playing with a Taylor Made driver with the Taylor Made brand buffed off the sole plate—saw it with my own eyes. At bottom Nike is a marketing company that tricks consumers into buying overpriced inferior products using celebrity endorsers.


      • Tiger played mizunos early on regardless of what the bag said. Pre Nike early days.


        • Silver Creek Dawg

          Mizuno before he turned pro and played Titleist before he switched to Nike. In each endorsement contract, Tiger had a clause inserted stating he could play any clubs he wanted until the sponsoring company built him clubs he would accept and play.


          • Got Cowdog

            Mizuno blades are the shit.


          • Had mizunos in that Titleist bag for a year for two though. I didn’t know that about the contract. Nike made crappy clubs. And that’s when his game slipped a little to boot.


            • Mayor

              Nike made crummy balls too. The balls Tiger used were allegedly Nike balls made as a “custom run” especially for Tiger to his personal specifications–but you or I couldn’t get any. If they were really made by Nike specifically for Tiger don’t you think Nike would be marketing them to Tiger wannabees too? I still think Tiger was playing some other kind of ball entirely with the swoosh stamped on it. Did Nike have the ability to manufacture a duplicate of the Pro v 1 just for Tiger? I don’t know. But I’ve hit Nike balls during that era and they really weren’t very good.


    • Mayor

      Ask Zion Williamson how high the quality of Nike basketball shoes is.


  11. Derek

    Inept, incompetent, dysfunctional? Sounds about right.

    If you want proof he’s a fucking idiot:

    “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.“

    Trump on 5.30.19 at 6:57:47

    There it is in all its glory.

    But Putin just picked him because he was looking out for us.


    • Atticus

      Who gives a rats ass about Russia. Trump is a loud mouth and is so cheesy in many ways but its irrelevant. He has some really good people on his team including Pompeo and Pence and before with Nikki Haley. He frees up regulation, nominates talented judges and calls BS on China, Iran and is working on N Korea. He plays the media and the Dems like a fiddle, its simply comical. As if Hillary would’ve been the answer or these clowns they are putting up on the other side. She was that awful and the group running now has gone so far left and are just awful and will lose in a landslide.


      • illini84

        Pence is a fucking moron, are you kidding???


        • Atticus

          Based on what?


          • Derek

            A dictator Trump called a “really good guy” says so:

            North Korea called US Vice-President Mike Pence “ignorant and stupid.”

            So there’s that.


          • RandallPinkFloyd

            Please tell me what he has done with North Korea. ‘Working on it’ is an interesting choice of words. If that’s the case I’m working on convincing my wife that she has to blow me on a daily basis.


      • ChiliDawg

        Imagine thinking that MIke Pence, Mike Pompeo and Nikki Haley are “really good people.” Imagine thinking Trump’s influence on China, Iran or North Korea has been positive. The mind boggles.

        “Who gives a rats ass that he sold us out to Russia?”


        • Derek

          Hey, without trump, Iran’s uranium wouldn’t be this enriched!



        • Atticus

          Sold us out how so? Russia is irrelevant. They are NOT the USSR and have no sway over our country. They are a shell of what they used to be. How about read a book.


          • Athenshomerdawg

            “The Left should have learned something after the failed celebrity appeal to undermine the Electoral College, the initial articles of impeachment, the empty invocations of the Logan Act, the Emoluments Clause, and the 25th Amendment, the 22-month, $35 million Mueller investigation deflation, the periodical silly “bombshell” announcements of perennially wrong and comical Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the pathetic palace coup attempt of Andrew McCabe, the assassination chic from the likes of Madonna, Snoop Dogg, or Kathy Griffin, or the deification of the slimy prophet Michael Avenatti.”

            Liked by 1 person

          • Cojones

            Atticus, have you ever heard of Crimea? Go a little further north and capture the naval personnel in the adjoining country you are trying to take over and still occupied by Russian soldiers and weapons? How about Syria? and the Russian alliance with Turkey just getting underway with Russian weapons to be used against our allies in that region? Do you even have a glimmer of the danger that the Russians still threaten us with? Are you so ignorant as to paint a government sworn to undermine ours so glibly. Are you? Then that means you are making an excuse for Trump undermining our government so publicly to our allies and to his followers. Wow! That explains more than the cult follower I gave you credit for earlier.

            As a veteran, I recent such ignorance of what you ask young men to face that can end their lives in a blink – the defense of their country.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              It doesn’t matter that the people of Crimea have long considered themselves Russian? Or that Russia acted after an American-orchestrated coup in Ukraine? Does it matter that the American “allies” in Syria as just Al-Qaeda?

              I certainly don’t expect young men to risk their lives in support of regime change, or as Al-Qaeda’s air force against a secular Muslim dictator who is tolerant of Christians. Even if John McCain and Hillary Clinton really thought it was a good idea.


        • Napoleon BonerFart


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Imagine thinking that AOC, Pelosi, and Booker are any different. Imagine thinking that threatening war against every country that doesn’t fall into line with us qualifies as foreign policy. Imagine thinking that Russia has planted a Manchurian candidate sleeper in the presidency with a plan so devious is began in the 1980s. Imagine being that hysterical.


      • Derek

        You’re an idiot:

        I’ll take the person Russia doesn’t want over the one they do, but, you know, I’m not a traitor so it skews my view of things.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Exactly. I can’t wait to hear Mueller’s testimony about all the treason he left out of his report.


  12. Atticus

    Nike products suck now. Especially the shoes. They are garbage. CK is irrelevant to me, same with the b—h on the World Cup team. All these celebrities are the same they want to spew their nonsense and tell us how smart they are and how they are fighting for the comman man rights….but haven’t read a freaking book. Good advice Senator.


    • Derek

      Whatever you do, don’t elect a celebrity know-it-all President!!

      “My I.Q. is one of the highest – and you all know it!”

      “Many people have commented that my fragrance, “Success” is the best scent & lasts the longest”

      “Many people have said I’m the world’s greatest writer of 140 character sentences.”

      Celebrities endorsing their own smarts are the worst!!

      You going to vote for the host of America Idol next?

      You folks are so stupid you have no idea of your own hypocrisy.


      • Atticus

        You comment on words, he simply gets results. He ran companies for 30+ years. He is not in the pocket of anyone.


        • Derek

          Except Vlad.

          He bankrupted a casino. A CASINO!!

          The fucking Native Americans got stupid rich during the same time period and they aren’t in Atlantic City in close proximity to NYC and Philadelphia.

          Casinos in bumfuck Mississippi make BANK. He went bust.

          Why do you think he went on tv? Ever think why no actual successful people have the time for that shit?

          The taxes are kept secret for a reason.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Mayor

            The “no taxes” …ftfy.


          • Tony Barnfart

            Casinos in Tunica are closing and in long term trouble. Just FYI.


            • Derek

              Because of the tremendous management and decision making, in spite of it, or have they fucked it all up?

              Btw: those are all corporate not Native American owned casinos a short drive from Memphis.

              I’m talking about the one in the swamps of Neshoba county, MS three hours from toothpaste and deodorant. It seems to be doing fine.

              Tunica has attracted a lot of competition. I’m sure the well run ones will survive. Which is my point.


              • Tony Barnfart

                Who cares. I’m so over the Trump hysteria. I’m not sure whether people genuinely believe a POTUS (any POTUS) has all this impact on their lives or that they’re so dug in that it’s too late to turn back now. Way too many people dotting all corners of this country are led like sheep to believe that the POTUS has all this effect on their lives when, in fact, their political engagements would be so much more fruitful and impactful on their everyday lives if they focused on state/local/neighborhood politics and policy.

                Most Americans can’t tell you who their state congressman is and she/he probably lives just a mile or so away.


        • ChiliDawg

          He had 5 bankruptcies during that time, and received large influxes of cash from Russian sources. He got elected with the assistance of the Russian government.

          He’s in the pocket of someone alright.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Mike Cooley

            Yeah. Successful geniuses get on message boards and scream at people. Lol. You’re smart, chili.


            • UGADrake

              Mike, you need to take a page from Bill Stanfill’s book and apologize to Chili and Derek for stepping on their collective skirts.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Cojones

              It’s obvious that neither one of you can reply to the factual statements provided as to Trump’s business acumen or lack thereof because that’s the thing that convinced you to back him. Your ignoranth increasith (sic).


              • UGADrake

                Probably because of all that CFA I eat that tastes like 3rd rate food and rubber chicken old people like. I can tell I am getting dumber by the day.
                Just because you imply you have balls doesn’t mean you actually do.


                • Cojones

                  First, I was complimenting their chicken and ,Second, I’m glad you know that you are getting dumber by the day. If you are that self-aware then there may be hope.


  13. Mayor

    The way to get Nike is through the team. If enough fans get after the AB and AD and the school (I am not limiting this to Georgia) doesn’t renew its deal with Nike, then that would hurt Nike. And again, it would take more than just one school to have an impact.


    • Derek

      Perhaps a team meeting led by you where you white-man-splain to them that Colin and Nike are bad and you and the Betsy Ross flag are good would do the trick?

      Or should we just leave “those people” out of the decision making here as per usual?


      • Mayor

        I’m not advocating that Derek. I’m just pointing out that is how to get at Nike—through the endorsements. The Senator implied Nike is bullet proof so why try? Not true. Nike is vulnerable through the endorsers.


        • Derek

          You’ve made a very strong point that applies to everyone and everything. Vulnerability is omnipresent. Thanks for the reminder.

          Btw: no school of note is doing a damn thing about their shoe contract over this. It would be suicide.


          • Mayor

            I don’t know of ANY school, of note or otherwise, that’s doing it. I’m just saying that is the way to get at Nike. The teams and celebrity endorsers. Now, would that get anywhere? I don’t know. My belief is that as long as the Nike check clears the bank the teams and endorsers say nothing and stay with Nike, unless staying with Nike became a liability to THEM. Then they would flee like rats deserting a sinking ship.


          • UGADrake

            Mayor, you should open your presentation with this picture from Barack Obama’s inauguration and inform them that his bigoted presidency embraced the Betsy Ross flag. That should really win them over.


            Facts are bitch Derek. They cut both ways. Sorry to step on your skirt again. Go back to your shows on BRAVO network


            • Derek


              Where did I attack the Betsy Ross or defend Colin or Nike. I didn’t and personally I think the whole thing is fucking stupid, like you.

              I merely stated that old white dudes bitching about this shit in order that their college BB and football team changes shoe brands is stupid, like you.


  14. Mike Cooley

    Said the king of cognitive dissonance. Lol. You and your court jester, chili are the morons who fall for this kind of shit and Fox News beats all other cable news in ratings, not because of conservatives, but because jack asses like you two hate watch them. Derek you are unintentionally hilarious.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      You wouldn’t say that to me face to face ‘cuz I’m like tough and stuff and you’d be too scared and what not so there!

      Rather than focusing on platitudes and your Neanderthal notions of manhood, why don’t you actually try and make a point? About a topic and not a person? You know, with words. English IS a first language I trust, right?


      • Mike Cooley

        After you, comrade. Practice what you preach. Sounds like I’ve hurt your feelings. I don’t care that you’re a beta male weakling. I just think you’re rage is funny. Don’t be so easy to control.

        Liked by 1 person

        • UGADrake

          Be Careful Mike. All of those true, accurate, and factual statements about Derek, his ad hominem attacks, and those of his ilk are going to get you labeled as Homophobic, libaphobic, Derekaphobic, xenophobic, any other phobic you want to add, oh, and “stupid” …and the Coup De Gras- Racist. Keep going Derek. You’re the reason Trump won in 2016. You’re the reason he will win in 2020. I’m not a Trump defender, but you have no one to blame but yourself.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Derek

            Trump disagrees with your cause and effect:

            “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.“

            Trump on 5.30.19 at 6:57:47


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              “No, Russia did not help me get elected. You know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all.”

              Trump on 5.30.19 at 8:49

              Maybe Dan Scavino got lazy and left off “supposedly?” Did Mueller feature the tweet in his report? I haven’t read all of it yet.


          • Mike Cooley

            Oh that’s fine with me. Derek’s insults just make his admonishing me about talking about people rather than issues all the more hilarious. And you are spot on that guys like him and chili are the reason Trump is president and why he will likely be re-elected much as they are what drives Fox News’s ratings. So they are welcome to keep screaming at everyone and calling people stupid as far as I’m concerned. Neither one of them are very
            bright. Funny though.


            • Derek

              Again, you should look to Trump’s electoral calculus:

              “I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.“

              Trump on 5.30.19 at 6:57:47

              It wasn’t me.


      • Cojones

        You might want to read up on The Neanderthals because it’s beginning to come out that they weren’t the ignorantes (Spanish) we thought they were.


        • Derek

          The fucking PC crowd are going to go to bat for the goddamned Neanderthals too!?! I mean, they don’t even fucking exist you damned Devonian-brained twit!

          Its just an adjective dude.


  15. Mick Jagger

    MLK is spinning in his grave. This is not what he had in mind.

    Peace, racial harmony,non-violence – these ideas make sense on so many levels.

    Not the hatred we see around us (and unfortunately here).


  16. Paul

    The politics and economics of division works. Both political parties embrace and practice it and increasingly, business is using it to their advantage as well. We have “liberal” and “conservative” news outlets precisely because it increases ad revenue to more narrowly target your audience. If all I care about is the bottom line, then anything I do to enhance that bottom line is good for the business regardless of how it makes certain consumers feel. Not everyone is my customer. If I understand who my customers really are I don’t care if I piss off non-customers. Especially if doing so makes my actual customers even happier. Personally, I find this attitude cynical and counter productive. Clearly, I’m in the minority.


  17. I need to wash my brain after reading all this.


  18. Argondawg

    The playpen is just twitter but you can have more characters. I dont learn anything useful or new except about human nature in these thread. This place never fails to make me laugh. The level of vitriol spewed at people that have never met is pretty damn funny. How do people get this angry at screen names?


  19. Here is my marketing question. I do recognize that Nike has made a conscious decision that I as an older adult white ,well educated suburban male do not fit their demographic model so screw my distaste for outraged college sophomores like Colin Kaepernick. I’m sure they have marketing data out the rear to support their decisions but there is a market that is important that I’m not sure they are accounting for. The demographic that I described above have homes and cars that are paid off (read that as disposable income)and kids and grand kids that they love to pamper with gifts. I have to wonder if antagonizing the demographic with far and away the highest amount of disposable income is actually being brilliant at marketing? My kids will get new shoes but they wouldn’t be Nike shoes, even if they specifically ask for same. As far as the governor wearing his Nike , wearing what you got is different from what you by in the future. I would burn or thrash my Nike but nothing new unless it is necessary to get the G on it.


    • CB

      “unless it is necessary to get the G on it.”

      And they have you


    • ChiliDawg

      You don’t realize it, but you just wrote an entire paragraph that perfectly summarizes why Nike doesn’t market to you. The lack of self-awareness is pretty comical to observe though.


  20. James

    My first post. You guys are mean as hell to each other. One guy can like Nike and CK, and another may not like their actions. Both of these guys might be good people and neither be stupid. Same with folks that like or dislike Trump. Ya’ll need to chill.
    I never really paid attention to Nike until all of this started, now I don’t like them and I don’t plan on buying their product. Of course I never bought their over priced shit before unless it was on sale, so I guess they don’t care.
    I also don’t like Trump and I don’t plan on voting for him this time either, but I actually know a lot of smart and very successful people who do.
    My point? Don’t paint somebody as a dumbass just because they don’t agree with you. That’s the real problem we have right now. People no longer tolerate each other.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      Now y’all have gone and done it: You’ve upset James. Shame on y’all.


    • Cojones

      Now that you have spent your virginity here, fuck you. 🙂


    • Russ

      James, don’t let this cesspool dissuade you from following the other posts. The good Senator created the “Playpen” (ironically named, I suppose) to keep this toxic crap out of the regular posts. And it’s done a great job at keeping the football/sports/music/food topics on point. So there’s that.

      Anyhoo…if you haven’t already, read the Bulldog stuff. You won’t find much better and even the neanderthals that are in this thread can make some great points when it comes to the Dawgs.


      • Got Cowdog

        Second. A lot of these cats tearing each other up here know a damn sight more about football than I do.
        If you don’t let yourself get morally vested, the Playpen is actually a fairly entertaining way to kill otherwise productive time.


    • Hogbody Spradlin

      James, there actually are people in this Playpen discussion who take themselves and their comments here with a great deal of seriousness. It’s really kind of pathetic because almost nobody cares what they have to say, so they use someone else’s soapbox.


    • Mayor

      James, you may want to consider refraining from reading posts on the Playpen in the future thereby avoiding the brain damage that normally occurs as a consequence. Derek and Chili are Exhibits A and B.


  21. Cojones

    It really gets interesting when Barr recuses himself of any Acosta reckoning, stating that he used to work for the firm that represents him. So did Barr’s father who had earlier hired Epstein (without a college degree) to teach HS math at a posh eastern academy of which he was headmaster. Would think that the ensuing scandal with Epstein being dismissed and Barr’s father leaving at the same time could be linked together before mentioning a firm they shared as a reason to recuse.

    Btw, Epstein-Barr is a virus that causes mono and is also known as human Herpesvirus 4. It is the most common disease causing virus. Jus’ so you can benefit from the same education I had at UGA.


  22. CB

    Idc what kind of shoe designs they put out, Nike quality is sub par unless you spend top dollar, the Ath Dept I work for switched to Adidas a few years ago, and the product quality has gone way up. The problem is I still feel weird wearing Under Armour or Adidas gear to a Georgia game. Feels like I’m supporting Auburn or Tennessee.


    • Anonymous

      I wore a pair of Nike’s trail running shoes as my day-to-day shoe going back more than 15 years. In the past few years, and especially the past couple of years, the quality of the shoes has gone down. I was getting a new pair of running shoes a few months ago. I was looking to get the same model I had been wearing (Nike Air Max – Torch 4). They were not nearly as comfortable as the previous pair. They had a few different pairs of size 12 that all felt different. I ended up buying a pair of Asics Gel Sonoma 4s. I am very happy with them.

      As a general note to everyone, screw fashion when it comes to shoes. Buy and wear what is comfortable. This is especially important for the ladies out there. A friend of mine is a podiatrist. He tells me horror stories of how poor footwear has destroyed people’s feet.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Chris

    Nike should be thanking Trump for that nice bump in the market index like the rest of America. But they’ve sold their soul to the mighty dollar, good for the stakeholders I suppose.

    Fyi, Onward Reserve makes great polos I’ve found to replace Nike Game day polos.


  24. Derek

    If a democratic president had a senior staffer whose spouse, and member of the same party, kept doing this:

    What would Fox News do?

    Just curious. And you know he isn’t getting all his info from public sources, right?


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Is it possible that Fox News would behave similarly to MSNPC? Nah, couldn’t be. #OrangeManBad


      • Mike Cooley

        Hey, hey! White men! That is a very important distinction! White men are bad. Black men are good. All of them. Unless they decide to tell the left to go screw. Then it’s open season. Hispanic men are also good. Except when they step out of line. Gay men too. I mean the only thing relevant about anyone is their group identity. That’s the only thing that matters. That and them doing as they’re told by their white liberal overlords. Orange man bad, ora he man racist!


        • Napoleon BonerFart


        • Derek

          I’m calling for a ban on all Muslims!

          Yay! Democrats divide us!!

          There were good people with tiki torches saying “blood and soil!”

          Yay! Democrats divide us.

          Obama’s birth certificate is a fake! He’s not legit!!

          Yay! Democrats divide us.

          Mexicans are animals, pests, and rapists who bring crime and disease.

          Yay! Democrats divide us.

          Stupid, stupid, stupid, a million times, stupid! But you’re proud of you’re stupid and that’s what matters most.


          • Classic City Canine

            I detest Trump and won’t vote for him on principle, but you and Chili do an excellent job of making me reconsider any interest I have in Democratic candidates so congratulations on letting your inner asshole chase away potential allies. You guys should probably get some counseling for all that anger. It’s really not healthy for you.


            • Derek

              Fuck you.

              If you’re loyalty to duty and country is that fucking weak who gives a rat’s ass what you think about anything?

              I was going to not burn a flag but some jar head bully type called me a “fag” and now I don’t know what to do!!!!

              Get a life.

              The president abuses more people on the internet than I do. Guess what? I’m not the fucking president you canary brained twit!! Can you figure out the difference or is your head too ensconced in your ass?


          • Anonymous

            I would like to point out that there is zero evidence that indicates that Derek is not a pedophile.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            You’re stunning and brave, Derek. Hooray for war. Everybody is a Russian spy. Trust in your government. Except for the traitors. It’s complicated. People who don’t agree with our politics are fucktards who are stupid and bad. #OrangeManBad


            • Raleighwood Dawg

              I’d like to ask you what your opinions are of the current President of the United States? I’m just curious if you’re comfortable, overall, with our current President? Do you think he represents you & your country in the way you would prefer your President? Do you overlook some of his faults because he ticks some of your priority boxes? I’m asking these questions because I’m genuinely interested in understanding why others can support a man like Donald Trump.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                I don’t support him. At least, not any more or less than any other politician. I like the deregulation he’s done. I like the tax cuts. I liked his campaign promises to try diplomacy instead of war and regime change.

                I also think he’s thin skinned and narcissistic. But, I think that any person who earnestly believes he deserves to be in charge of how other people live their lives is likely a psychopath.

                But I have a long view of history and I’m not hysterical. Trump isn’t the harbinger of doom that some think he is. He’s not bringing in the fourth Reich. He’s not a Russian spy. He’s just a liberal New York populist who knows how to troll Democrats.


  25. Anonymous

    With Jeffrey Epstein claiming that he is will to name names if he can get a suitable plea bargain, how long will he last in prison before someone has him killed? He is connected to way to many powerful people, many of whom are most likely quite guilty. What do you place the odds at that he gets shivved by someone that is already facing life without parole?


  26. Jared S.

    Kasich 2020


    • Mayor

      You raise an interesting point, Jared. I keep thinking at least one Republican challenger to Trump is going to come out of the woodwork but it’s getting pretty late for that. Kasich is one I expected.


      • Anonymous

        Bill Weld has already announced his campaign for the Republican Nomination. It sucks though. I was really looking forward to voting for him as the Libertarian Nominee. He is dead to me now though. He stood on the state in Orlando in 2016 and told us he would never leave to join another party. He didn’t even make it a full election cycle before going back to the Republicans.
