COFH game day post

If you’re a Nervous Nellie whose mantra today is “but South Carolina”, consider this:

Scoring Offense (ppg)

  • South Carolina:  24.2 (99th)
  • Georgia Tech:  17.5 (122nd)

Scoring Defense (ppg)

  • South Carolina:  25.0 (50th)
  • Georgia Tech:  30.6 (87th)

Yards per play (offense)

  • South Carolina:  5.30 (96th)
  • Georgia Tech:  5.00 (112th)

Yards per play (defense)

  • South Carolina:  5.44 (53rd)
  • Georgia Tech:  5.73 (72nd)

You tell me — is going +4 in turnover margin today gonna do it for the Jackets?

It feels like a Manball kind of day.  Let’s just hope nobody else wearing red and black gets hurt.

Have at it in the comments, peeps.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

116 responses to “COFH game day post

  1. Greg

    “Manball” indeed…..but they better work on their passing game also (confidence, timing and etc.).


  2. RangerRuss

    The hell with tech. Nerds. Nutless fan base.


  3. scottrollins

    I hate the nerd school. After the Sanks fumble that wasn’t game, several nerd students jumped in the back of my truck as I sat in traffic getting the hell out of there, another kind soul keyed the side of my truck. I hated them before that game, but now it is fully ingrained in me. And my son, who wasn’t even a glimmer in my future wife’s eye at the time


  4. TN Dawg

    Cake walk.

    Could basically start all reserves and win,

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ozam

    The most interesting question for this game is whether Kirby uses it to work on the offense, or will he go with full manball mode. I’m hoping for the former but wouldn’t bet on it!


    • Gaskilldawg

      Smart is a football coach with a football coach’s mentality. He isn’t assuming a win and instead he is going to plan on doing what his team does to win. That said, if he gets a comfortable lead I can see him using the second half to work on a few things.


  6. FlyingPeakDawg

    Gotta believe Kirby treats this as a controlled scrimmage. Everyone play loose, lots of substitutions, have some real fun ahead of a week of really tough work. D will play for the shutout and O should top 30.


  7. Hogbody Spradlin

    That car looks like the Oldsmobile model Ted Kennedy drove off the bridge.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. TXBaller

    Dawgs 41 – 3
    Onto Korndogs


  9. WF Dawg

    This game is important for our fan base. In a season of few comfortable wins and few ahead the rest of the year, this is the chance to get one and to show that GT can change coaches, but it’ll never change its inferior status. Here’s hoping for a shutout.


  10. Kdawg

    I was more worried about Murray State than I am this game. I’m sticking with my 29-0 prediction.


  11. JCDawg83

    Those SC stats make the loss to them look even worse than before.


  12. Turd Ferguson

    As if the above stats weren’t enough, Tech’s rushing defense ranks 118th nationally (dead last in the ACC). This is the kind of day that even Kenny McIntosh should get a dozen-or-so carries.

    BUT … with Cager gone and LSU just a week away, Fromm needs all the game experience he can get working on his timing with the other receivers.


  13. D as in Dawg

    Let’s just play like we haven’t played all year. How hard can that be? Just score and score and score and then let the backups score. Go Dawgs!!


  14. The Dawg abides

    Kirby said pregame some players are dealing with sickness. Other reports say the stomach flu is making its rounds. Hope we have some portapotties close by.


  15. Bo

    Fromm looks sharp.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. D as in Dawg

    Jake Fromm y’all. Lol.


    • D as in Dawg

      I sure hope his confidence isn’t shot already. Don’t see how he can have any right now. This is simply the most atrocious, lethargic offense I can remember. But like Fromm says, they’re so close on offense. 🤔


  17. D as in Dawg

    Awww yeah!!! FG range!


    • Zach J

      Field goal U baybay.

      Dawgs on top, 39-10. Rodrigo sets single game scoring record for a kicker. Georgia offense sets single game record for most 3 and outs.


  18. Junior

    Damn what is wrong with the passing game? Whatever it is I guess run to set up the pass. The passing game looks like shit. Can’t wait for Bobo to come back!


    • That missed FG and all the other BS feels like SC all over again. At least Tech is really really bad.

      Fromm is bad right now and there is no way around that. What’s worse is that this staff doesn’t seem to be helping him in any way. Blocking is breaking down. WRs are letting balls doink off their cheats. Fumbles. Missed fgs. This team looks very poorly coached. But 3 SEC East titles, baby!


  19. Bo

    Fromm can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Get ready for a tight game.


  20. TXBaller

    I’m ready for Bennett.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Junior

    Before today, I thought UGA had a chance against LSU. I no longer believe that. If you look at what everybody has done against Tech minus the three garbage teams, Tech surrenders around 250 a game at high completion rate and yards per attempt in the 7 yard range. I don’t want to hear excuses about the lack of talent or experience. Robertson is a 5 star and this is his 3rd year. ALLLLL the RB are effective in passing game. Tight Ends are not world beaters but they are good. I can only think it’s an OC thing.


  22. D as in Dawg

    This is what we need to do on offense, damnit!! Let Fromm throw after a couple of long runs. And the back shoulder is the one pass that Fromm can complete right now. TD!


    • D as in Dawg

      Actually, not really back shoulder. More like lob it up and catch the defender not looking at the ball. Either way, it was an effective pass. Got to give him credit.


  23. D as in Dawg

    Holding anyone? Anyone??? GT really sucks. We started awful and the chances of losing were always 0.


  24. D as in Dawg

    Slant passes are not Jake Fromm’s thing.


  25. D as in Dawg

    Love, love, love a James Cook big play. Get him the damn ball!!


  26. Russ

    Where is Pickens?


  27. D as in Dawg

    Whatever the illness, GT is the medicine baby


  28. psyopdawg

    I think just heard Jake Fromm’s mom calling for Bennett


  29. The Old Jeffster

    Something I never thought I’d write…..bench Jake Fromm…..
    I guess he could use the reps/practice but geez this guy is hot garbage today. Is it possible Bennett could move this offense better than JF?

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Redhotchilidawg

    Why do we let Tyler Simmons anywhere NEAR a special teams play? I know Blaylock fumbled the catch but Jesus Simmons just fall on the goddamn ball.


  31. Normaltown Mike

    Only 3 more turnovers and we’re looking at another L


  32. psyopdawg

    I knew it. i was just thinking if I was collins I’d do the onside kick. theyve got nothing to lose in this game


  33. Bo

    What a shit show.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Kirby does so much right, but having some dude whose job it is to babysit you by holding onto your belt is a national embarrassment.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. psyopdawg

    can’t wait to fill out my Mumme Poll tomorrow


  36. mp

    Going to find out what -4 TOs does for this matchup, goddammit


  37. Redhotchilidawg

    Our offense is a fucking embarrassment to one of the best defenses we’ve ever put on the field. No passion and shitty effort the entire season.


  38. Ellis

    Why the heck is our only available receiver who can catch a ball not playing?


  39. Tampadawg

    We’ll win- but there is nothing enjoyable to watch about this team.-regardless of the record. The attitude is written on Swift’s face at recent TV timeout. He’s thinking about NFL.

    Something ain’t clicking with the offensive side of the team, and it seems to be just as much mental.


  40. Ellis

    Coley cannot possibly come back next year, right? What a waste of talent on the offensive side.


  41. D as in Dawg

    This team is the most talented suckfest ever. Watching them play is painful. GT wants it more. Half of the people on here still think this team is going to whip somebody. Incapable. Absolute coaching and execution shit show. Embarrassing. Pathetic. I am becoming convinced Kirby is clueless on how to fix shit. He just recruits and we haven’t done well in that regard lately, which coincides with the shit show we put on the field.

    See that! Kirby yelling at Herrien telling him to let me coach. He’s losing what’s left of this team.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. TN Dawg

    Huh. I wonder what’s up with Pickens.


  43. TN Dawg

    Fitting end to that half of ball.


    • Tampadawg

      So-who’s excited for a beat down next week and another letdown in the Bowl game.

      This team is lost and it’s apparent since after ND game. What went wrong? What was always wrong?

      Kirby gets blown out next week-and then no guarantees next year. What’s the narrative? Closer than CMR, but still no cigar?

      I maintain if Fields was here, this is a different team.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Normaltown Mike

        Nice try but If Fields were here, we’d still be running the same awful plays.

        The only upside would be Fields would apparently bail on the awful play call and run it himself


  44. Russ

    Hey, we’re winning! Ain’t this fun??


  45. Bulldog Joe

    Fields looks good.


    • Ellis

      Anyone would if they had receivers running around so wide open. Fields couldn’t beat out Fromm. Put Fromm in the osu offense and he would win the heisman.

      I never thought I would miss Chaney but this Coley guy is an idiot.


  46. Spike

    Great clock management



    Is it me or does anyone sense the jaw jacking back at Kirby from Herrin? I hope there’s not internal problems( Pickens) Nd other issues we don’t know about. Also there’s been a lot of offensive line players playing.


  48. Turd Ferguson

    I don’t know if anyone’s noticed this, but … our offense is really, really bad.

    And Kirby continues to just absolutely bungle the closing minutes of the first half.

    The fact that it’s the last game of the regular season and we still look like we’re working out the off-season kinks is 1000% on the coaching staff. Just embarrassing.

    God help us next week. It’s going to be so ugly.


  49. D as in Dawg

    Do yourself a huge favor and don’t watch Fields highlights from the first half today. Just stay tuned for the second half of the weekly series CKS and the Football Twilight Zone.


  50. Spike

    Even if we win.. and that’s a big IF, we will likely drop out of the top four. Embarrassing execution on offense and clock management.


  51. Russ

    Well, I’ve seen us waste the best offense in school history with a shitty defense, so I guess it’s fitting I’m now watching the opposite. Best defense I’ve seen in years wasted with a putrid offense loaded with talent.

    Liked by 1 person

  52. So does Kirby go total manball and play to protect his 10 point lead the rest of the game? Fromm is off…bad…and a pick 6 or a bad punt or two could turn this game on its head.


  53. South Carolina all over again but at least Tech is even worse than SC. This team looks poorly coached. Fromm is bad right now and his coaches aren’t doing him any favors. At least the defense is doing what it does.

    The missed FG is why I’ll never understand why a kicker gets the loudest cheers. I like Rodrigo but hate kickers. Hopefully they’re getting all the sacks, fumbles, dropped passes, missed FGs, blown blocking assignments and poor coaching out of the way THIS week. Smh


  54. gotcowdog

    Have no fear Surrender monkeys! I have perfected the perfect skinny margarita and I am personally going to drink Georgia’s offense pretty!
    Y’all can thank me tomorrow!
    Cowdog out…..


  55. D as in Dawg

    I give up. The Twilight Zone. It’s all there. Who the hell knows if or when they just decide to execute and score. I’m done commenting for today which will make many of you happy. Lol. Just going to watch the rest of this game with some kind of amazement. Who the hell knows what kind.


  56. psyopdawg

    this has got to be the best and most dominant physically fit defense ever. Our defense is personally responsible for 70% of our wins.


  57. Bulldog Joe

    Enormously dumb playcall.


  58. TN Dawg

    Man, I hope 7 is okay.

    Most of this is Kirby’s fault for failing to put this game way earlier.


  59. TN Dawg

    Pickens > Cager

    Not even a close comparison.

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Doggoned

    Time to grow up, No. 1.


  61. TN Dawg

    That’s bull.

    Swilling was slapping at Pickens face first. Pickens was defending himself.

    Low class Tech players and sorry officiating.

    Liked by 1 person

  62. The Curse continues. All on the Dawgs’ D AGAIN in the 1st Half next week.


  63. Hell, UGa never lost this many starters vs. Fishfry. Bizarre.


  64. Bulldog Joe

    Happy to see James Cook getting touches.

    Will play a big role next week.


  65. Russ

    Well, it took a half but we have a shot at 50. Maybe the Mailman can deliver!

    Liked by 1 person

  66. Bulldog Joe

    Impressed with the number of fans still there supporting the home team.



  67. Russ

    Let’s shoot for 6:08!

    Liked by 1 person

  68. FlyingPeakDawg

    Half a hunnert! Job well done Dawgs!

    Liked by 1 person

  69. It will take a Rambling Wreck filled with waffles smothered, covered, and flogged to forget 7-52… Welcome back to Tech, Colliins.


  70. sniffer

    Classic Munson Experience. The Stats vs. My Lyin’ Eyes.


  71. Debby Balcer

    We beat them 52-7 Clemson 52-14. Go DAWGS!!


  72. gastr1

    A good old fashioned ass-kicking. Payback for pretending they could do anything in that 2nd Qtr.


  73. Didntgotheredawg

    …but it was a close 52-7. I took the Senator’s tact and convinced myself to chill out and enjoy the performance of our elite defense. They absolutely dominated today. Hope Swift is able to go next week, and hope the dawgs come out pissed off in Benzo.


  74. Ugliest 52-7 win in Georgia history.


  75. TN Dawg

    Passing game looked good without Cager.

    JF was forced to consider other receivers and lo and behold there were other receivers and tight ends open.

    Good job Dawgs.


  76. Missing 3 offensive weapons for part or all of the SECC seems like a recipe for an upset. Maybe the offense will step up.

    Sucks about Pickens but I don’t blame him. Swilling was hitting him in the facemask before he ever threw a punch. Pickens could have been smarter and not thrown a real right hook into his helmet, though. Hope his hand is ok. The injuries and getting baited into a fight and ejection against a shit team are why I’m ready to entertain dropping them if they aren’t gonna get better. Can’t avoid injuries but Tech likes to bait.

    Oh well. On to next week. Go Dawgs!


    • Bat City Dawg

      It is tough to give Pickens the benefit of the doubt. He has been seemingly on the verge of being a hot head all year, and it happened today


  77. The Truth

    Uh, in case any of you don’t think Gus’s rabbit’s foot is real…


    • Bulldog Joe

      Gus lines his punter up at receiver on 4th down and draws the game-winning substitution penalty.

      Amazing how much luck comes with preparation.


  78. 69Dawg

    CBS is going to have to try very hard to put lipstick on the SECC game. LSU absolutely destroys A&M. If they score 25 against us they win. Fromm has regressed more than any QB I have ever seen. Bobo please come home.


  79. RangerRuss

    As I’ve said I’m happy as a Bulldawg puppy with two dicks to lick with the win over the maggots. But reading some of the game day posts made me bristle with anger.
    “CKS has lost control. It’s inevitable at UGA.”
    Take that chickenshit over to stinktalk where that type of garbage is appreciated you gt troll. Yeah I’m talking to you D as in Dawg. If you’re not a tech fan you’re the worst sort of whining, sniveling, quitter Dawg fan I’ve had the disgust of scraping off the bottom of my jungle boot. Fuckn loser attitudes such as yours give aid and comfort to the enemy.
