A “useful” exhibition

I think I’m just gonna throw this Nicole Auerbach suggestion ($$) out as food for CFP expansion thought:

Why not cut the regular season down to 11 games and move the 12th game to the spring? Last season, 115 of the 130 FBS teams played FCS opponents, in games that we all know were scheduled to pad win-loss records (and also to drive revenue for the FCS team’s athletic department). They’re called guarantee games for a reason.

So play those games in the spring. Sell tickets for them closer to what you’d typically charge for a single-game ticket. Pay the FCS team like you would in the fall.

I’m not sure that doesn’t cause as many problems as it solves, if it indeed solves anything more than providing a lame suggestion that the powers that be have offered something to reduce player wear and tear as the postseason expands.  The games would be played with rosters in flux, since the most recent signing class wouldn’t be enrolled and even Auerbach acknowledges that for some programs, “changes to the offseason conditioning program and the amount of contact in other spring practices, as well as the amount of time spent teaching fundamentals” would have to be made.

And I’m saying this as someone who’s on the record as being in favor of a spring scrimmage FBS-FCS game.  What do y’all think of this?


Filed under College Football

38 responses to “A “useful” exhibition

  1. DawgStats

    You lost me at Nicole Auerbach

    Liked by 16 people

  2. Ran A

    It is not Georgia’s responsibility to prop up Georgia Southern. They already prop up Vandy and Georgia Tech every other year.

    Liked by 9 people

  3. gotthepicture

    It’s intriguing, but the biggest issue I have seen is the number of players on the team during the spring. Certain positions can be very thin on teams during the spring, e.g. I think we only have 3 (scholarship) TEs that are practicing this spring. Maybe a few transfers stick around a bit longer before leaving so they can play in the Spring with this change, but maybe not.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    A terrible suggestion from one of CFB’s worst writers. You’re never going to get anyone to agree to remove a game from the regular season, or, as I’ve seen other idiot CFB writers suggest, get the SEC to give up the SEC Title Game. These media people live in a frakking fantasy world. Just awful.

    I do think however that you could get people on board with scrimmaging against FCS teams in the spring. That’s been a suggestion running around this blog for a few years that is actually pretty good.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. otto1980

    If a team plays another in the Spring it will factor into ranking even if it isn’t supposed to. The spring team is not the team that plays in the fall. I used to think a spring game with Clempson would be fun but I am against it now.

    Why is CFB trying tos olve problem that doesn’t exist? When was the last time a potential national champ didn’t make the playoff? Under the BCS when was a potential national champ outside of the to 4? UCF is not a correct answer.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Making more money is a problem that never goes away for the CFB industrial complex.

      Liked by 3 people

    • sundiatagaines

      I don’t understand being against it for that reason. The Braves team that won the World Series was not the same team from the first half of the season. Champions League soccer is played like a full year after the qualifying. It’s about the name on the front of the jersey, not the back. Different players, different coaches, who cares. It’s still UGA.


      • otto1980

        Trades are part of MLB. Kids are not even on campus for Gday.

        It would be like Spring baseball counting in the season record determining who makes the playoffs.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Gaskilldawg

      UGA 2018?


  6. fisheriesdawg

    This sounds really unfair to Georgia Tech. I’m not sure they could’ve beaten many 1-AA teams this spring.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. whb209

    Football is to be played in the FALL. As God intended.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. sundiatagaines

    I don’t like it. But she’s getting closer to my sneaky awesome idea of having non-playoff bowl games count as the first game of the subsequent season. Auburn is already 0-1 for 2022 with a loss to Houston.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Terrible idea … what else would you expect from Auerbach?

    I’m not a fan of FCS games, but they do serve a purpose.
    1) They allow families to take young ones to a game where you can decide to leave at any time.
    2) These games provide the money for many FCS programs to have football and to support their athletic programs.
    3) A coach isn’t going to play his starters in a spring game that doesn’t count against an opponent that may be motivated.
    4) These games in the regular season do give the reserves a chance to get real game snaps. With the redshirt rules in place, this is a big deal.

    Liked by 4 people

    • PTC DAWG

      Excellent retort


    • Tony BarnFart

      Yes to all of this. It’s much easier to accept if you look at the FCS game as a modern take on the JV game. You have 11 “real” games and a JV game, just like in the early 90s. Except this time, the starters can get a few series.


  10. CB

    Doesn’t seem logistically feasible. I enjoyed when FCS played their season last spring. I would be in full support of keeping that going. I attended more Mercer football games last spring than I had in the last 5-6 seasons combined. FCS would be the only college football game in town. I hypothesize that if they committed to it they could really raise their financial status.


  11. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Hey! Listen! I have an idea! OK, it’s not broken, but let’s fix it anyway! ‘K?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I love it. Full stop.


  13. originaluglydawg

    What a stupid thing to suggest.


  14. Castleberry

    There’s a goddamn monster elephant in this room and I am shocked no one has mentioned the impact this will have on GDay QBR

    Liked by 4 people

  15. unionjackgin



  16. NotMyCrossToBear

    They should play it in Europe. Expand the brand.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. uga97

    Idea maybe:

    Every team must play a 12 non-conference game on the weekend after Thanksgiving and actually rename those semi bowl qualifier games with regional local sponsors. Teams can agree on any local home or away venue. Invite all the recruits & NIL sponsors you want. Winner gets a guaranteed automatic bowl bid regardless of record.
