Low noon

Clean, old-fashioned hate will occupy its usual time slot this season.

Off the top of your head, what game on that list would you consider the most competitive?  Florida-FSU, maybe?


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football, SEC Football

70 responses to “Low noon

  1. KornDawg

    Death, taxes, COFH at noon.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Granthams Replacement

    Miss state – ole miss will be the most entertaining in a WWE comments kinda way.

    Liked by 11 people

  3. fisheriesdawg

    Probably not this season, but lately it’s been Tennessee-Vanderbilt. 5-5 over the last 10 seasons, though only two of those games were within a touchdown. I know that’s not what you asked but I wanted to post that stat anyway.

    I think Arkansas-Mizzou and Louisville-Kentucky are the closest matchups this year.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    I know I complain about noon games all the time, but this is the one noon game I am 100% good with every year. It’s usually the coldest day on the calendar for any Dawg game, so if they want this one at noon in Athens and Atlanta, I’m good.

    Even if BoB comes in and does well for the NATS, getting them to that 8-game a year in the win column with the occasional 9-10 win season ceiling that Fish Fry had them at, I still want this in the noon slot. Get in, get out; business trip.

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  5. miltondawg

    Most competitive, to me, is likely FSU/UF though Louisville/UK and Arkansas/Missouri should be competitive as well. I thought that this might be the year that USC gets one on Clemson (or at least makes it a competitive, hard-fought game) after the Notre Dame game, but after the game with Louisville on Saturday I just think that Clemson is going to do more of the same to USC after seeing their defense being a menace, the run game getting going again for Clemson, and DJU having his best game since probably early October.

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  6. vidaliadawg

    With tech and vandy both at 4-6 I thought they would have given us the 7:30 nod. I guess Kirby made a phone call.


    • fisheriesdawg

      Alabama-Auburn was the first pick. Honestly hard to say whether ESPN sees that noon game or the 7 PM game as their second pick. They’re going to hope to keep as many people as possible on ESPN after Gameday while everyone reaches for their remotes to switch to Fox for Ohio State-Michigan. I’ll be in the stands, so I’m annoyed that I won’t be able to see it. If anyone wants to invite me to their box and will have Ohio State-Michigan playing on the TV, I’d be glad to join you.

      Tennessee/Vandy was the second-lowest priority game based on the network and time, so that game was never in play for us. Lowest was UK/Louisville.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Russ

    Florida-FSU is probably it, but the Egg Bowl is always good, and I’ll be hoping a CADILLAC runs over Bama, but given that it’s at Bama this year, I think they roll easily.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

      An Auburn fan I have some contact with is sooooo excited about Cadillac as a coach. My response was “yes, his enthusiasm is contagious, but it’s only one win”. The barners are desperate, and Bama should roll, BUT if Auburn can pull that out I think they will be driving a Caddy next year.
      Agree the Florida and Mississippi battles will be the most competitive.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I expect The Iron Bowl to be closer than the stats would predict. A likely unmotivated Bama team against a team that Cadillac has ready to run through walls for him.

    I mean one team has Bryce Young and the other doesn’t, but still think it’s gonna be closer that expected.

    Liked by 3 people

    • MillyDawg

      They have Kearis’ friend Jermaine too. He of the not quite 20 TDs and 1,000 yards receiving.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Was going to post the same thing. Last year’s Bama squad was much better than this year’s but still needed 4 OTs to put away a floundering Auburn squad. I wouldn’t put money on Auburn pulling the upset, but if Cadillac has them geeked out of their minds to play the game, who knows . . .

      Liked by 2 people

      • fisheriesdawg

        If it were in Auburn, I’d be more optimistic about their chances. But they have not won in Tuscaloosa since 2010. Their closest loss at Bama since then was by 11 points. Meanwhile, they’re 3-3 in Auburn with last year being close as it gets in a loss.

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Remember the Quincy

    Really? F-ing aTm and Vandy get night games? That is horseshit.

    Liked by 1 person

    • PTC DAWG

      You realize Noon is what Kirby wanted, correct?

      Liked by 3 people

    • Castleberry

      Not for nothing, but maybe they can get Jordan Rodgers on the call and he can point out repeatedly have Vandy and Tennessee split their last ten matchups.


    • dawginsga

      Dam right RTQ. My wife and I enjoy the night game atmosphere. We usually stay the weekend but we’ve decided to drive up the day of the game (3.5 hours away) and drive back. Makes for a long day.


      • Remember the Quincy

        I’m older now, but I still like the occasional night game. The atmosphere is electric and the light show is something else. I do appreciate earlier start times since I love 4 hours away, but it’s a 🤡 show that we don’t even get one game under the lights at home this year.


  10. originaluglydawg

    Several pretty good matchups.
    Who do you think will win Turds vs FSU?
    (I don’t care for any team in Florida)


  11. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    I blame Cadillac


  12. D.N. Nation

    Trek blows. Get a 30-point lead at the half, pull the starters.


  13. unionjackgin

    Having been to a few different COFH late starts over the years, I kinda like having it at Noon on the Holiday weekend. Just me ..

    I am leaning to LSU/A&M being the most competitive game of the weekend. Just a hunch but I think it might be Jimbo’s last stand and LSU might be focused on an additional game the next weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. rigger92

    I’m kind of left with every SECW matchup being fairly competitive, that’s not the same as good though.

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  15. Castleberry

    Vandy and Tennessee split their last 10.


  16. Derek

    Egg bowl should be good.


  17. csmoore2021

    The time slot this FCS matchup deserves


    • The Truth

      After a great experience with some very hospitable Other Dawg fans in Starkville this past weekend, I know who I’m pulling for in this edition of the Egg Bowl.


  18. I can’t decide if I would have preferred that 3PM slot over the noon kick or not. Getting up there in time to tailgate before the game is much tougher for the noon game, but being back home by 7PM will be nice. Of course, if the weather is nice we may tailgate after the game and let traffic clear out.


  19. uga97

    Flat gnats without a coach, with remaining coaches looking for next job, and the team down to 4th string qb with no inspiration, PLUS + Kirby jockeying for final pure CFP eye-candy to lock #1 seed at home = Clean old-fashioned, most lop sided victory in the series.


    • spur21

      I think we will see the starters out by the 3rd quarter. Rest the starters and avoid injuries.

      Liked by 1 person

      • godawgs1701

        yeah, if you’re looking for shock and awe in this game you’d better be in your seat because Kirby’s hoping he can put it on cruise after the first quarter. There’s no need to impress the committee, the #1 seed gets locked up or lost in the New Georgia Dome against LSU.

        Liked by 1 person

  20. practicaldawg

    The last time GT played in Athens, Jake Fromm was a sophomore, Justin Fields was on the roster, and Stetson Bennet was a young man at 21.

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  21. Kevin’s Missing Pinky

    UK v. Louisville and Arky v. Missouri both have strong “2 mules fighting over a turnip” vibes. The true upset in either of those games would be having to watch them.


  22. Illini84

    We’ll be at the beach so I can just fish until 11:45 and go up and sit on my ass the rest of the day!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. TripleB

    Arkansas v Missouri might be good, close game.


  24. archiecreek

    There were some night games when the trade school was competitive. My first night game in the series was at Mark Richt stadium on Thanksgiving night 1971. The trade school had won the last 2 years!! There was rumbling that Dooley had lost his advantage over the trade school. Poulous over the top for the game winner with about a minute to play. Cold as hell. First time I said “Hell” around my father as a 10 year old singing “and the Hell with ga tech!” Dad just smiled!! That game started a 11-2 series run.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. munsoning

    Arkansas vs. Mizzou and Clemson vs. Louisville might be competitive. That’s not a bad slate of Rivalry Week games.


  26. MudCat's Mechanic

    I’ll follow COFH whilst between Mexico and Atlanta. Was hoping for a later kick so I could possibly enjoy the beat down. DVR it shall be.

    Liked by 2 people

  27. classiccitycanine

    I would have much preferred this particular game be at night so I could watch OSU/Mich and the Iron Bowl but it is what it is.


  28. stoopnagle

    Egg Bowl; followed by L’ville-Kentucky.
