Friday morning buffet

Fresh, hot and tasty… mmmm.

  • Former Dawg great Rex Robinson has started a blog.  I just thought I’d point out in a post of his that he said this:  “Coach Richt comes from the George Bush school of loyalty, and thats not a compliment.” Political injection alert!  Go get him, guys!
  • What do you do when you’re Steve Spurrier and you’re bored?  Stir up a little trouble for Urban Meyer on the Finebaum show.  Yawn.
  • Some ACC folks think the SEC is turning into college football’s version of the American League East.  I hope that makes Tennessee the SEC’s analogue to the New York Yankees.  How would orange and white pinstripes look anyway?
  • This is rich:  a sports reporter bitching about the cost of a Coke and bag of M & Ms.  Come down from the press box and try buying concessions at a football game sometime, pal.  Five bucks for the two is almost a bargain in that setting.
  • The Pac-10 wants a TV network to call its own.  If it’s smart, it’ll give the USC Song Girls a reality show.
  • You moved me with this, man.
  • If you watched ESPN’s coverage of the recent NFL draft, trust me when I tell you that this is the greatest grading of a draft I’ve ever seen.  Mark Sanchez rooolz!
  • We’re seeing and hearing a lot of this in the wake of Delaware’s legalization of sports betting.  While I agree that fixing games is the nightmare that every organized sport has to worry about, I really do wonder how much this particular move will contribute to the problem.  Plus, there’s a little matter of hypocrisy to consider here:  can anyone tell me why injury reports are published?


Filed under ACC Football, College Football, ESPN Is The Devil, It's Just Bidness, Pac-12 Football, SEC Football, The Blogosphere, The Evil Genius, The NCAA

10 responses to “Friday morning buffet

  1. BigOldDawg

    Ya gotta love the OBC, although if he is being a smart-ass again, it sorta, kinda makes me nervous, ya know?


    • Dog in Fla

      If OBC can coach up Steven Garcia and with as much as he likes beating Georgia, we all should be nervous.

      Re his Urban to ND comment, maybe OBC hopes that the Gators will re-hire him. If you look at Paterno and Bowden, Spurrier has a decade and half or so of head coaching left.


  2. Gasp!! Doesn’t Robinson realize that if you make a joke about anyone that falls to the right of the political spectrum and you don’t take an equal shot at Obama then that makes you a cheese eating surrender monkey that hates America, is unpatriotic, and probably Godless? I’m sure there are some Dawg fans out there that will let him know this… (rolls eyes and sighs…)


    • Dog in Fla

      If only Rex had been saavy enough to know. Others may teach him now. Who cares if Rex is right. Or left. Or in the middle.


    • Legatedawg

      Indeed, Audit. Actually, when Rex makes a comparison of CMR’s sense of loyalty with that of our former President, he is actually comparing Coach Martinez to Secty of Defense Rumsfeld, which seems unfair to me. Coach Martinez is perceived by many as a come-down from what we were used to in the Van Gorder era of Coach Richt’s time at UGA. That is true although it is also only fair to point out that his D’s worst performances, against UF last fall, and of course giving that fat orange balloon the excuse to crow “How ’bout them half a hunnert points!” in 2006, were coupled with disastrous showing by our O, repeated turnovers inside our 30 against UT and Stafford throwing picks and bobbling hand-offs like a drunken sailor last year in Jacksonville. Rumsfeld, by contrast, was simply the Co-Worst Secretary of Defense in American history, a foul distinction that he shares with Robert McNamara. If Dubya had had the sense to fire him in November 2003 instead of November 2007, he would have deserved a better memory from the American people. But that is all in the past. What we at UGA have is the present, with Martinez returning as DC and a host of Dawgs wondering if he will reverse things on his side of the ship and do his part to keep us from a third consecutive season in which we suffer a blow-out loss in which our guys are not even competing to stay in the game. We will see.


  3. Dog in Fla

    The Brushback first round draft analysis is wonderful. ‘Pete Carroll must feel pretty stupid.’ does top it off along with the grades and comments re Stafford and Moreno!


    • CLTDawg

      best part of that analysis is the fact that he had Percy “Harvey” coming out of FSU. F the gators.


  4. Will Q

    You know, I wouldn’t put it past Spurrier to be dredging up the rumors of Meyer-to-Notre Dame just because he knows how much many Georgia fans would like for it to happen.
