Tuesday morning buffet

Lots of weirdness in the buffet today.


Filed under Big Ten Football, Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football, SEC Football, The Body Is A Temple, Wit And Wisdom From The Hat

28 responses to “Tuesday morning buffet

  1. 202dawg

    “Smacker? I don’t even KNOW her!!!” I’ll be here all week, folks. Try the veal. Don’t forget tip Bluto…


  2. While it’s nice to think Boom is on his way out, I am quite skeptical about our chances at the WLOCP this year. Florida is a lot better than they are getting credit for and they are likely to give us more than we can handle. More so, given that if Muschamp is feeling any pressure prior to that game about his job, a win over GA buys him a minimum of one more year.


  3. Scorpio Jones, III

    Nice work by the Ole Missy player….bout like some of the comments about Vandy.


  4. Mark

    Senator, have you seen this piece on Louisville’s defense? Writer is taking shots at UGA fans and it is kind of humorous unless one has a thin skin.



    • Master troll effort for sure, and I’m sure Senator is crafting his response already. I’d be curious to see comparisons of the UGA defense this time last year compared to now, that would be the closest thing to an apples-to-apples comparison.


  5. Given all the heat and discussion on the topic, it is amazing to me that (1) Nobody made an effort to notify Hoke of the diagnosis that was made a day earlier and (2) that Hoke himself didn’t reach out and ask for an update from the medical staff before a press conference where he knew he was gonna get grilled. I mean, if I’m in Hoke’s shoes, I’m gonna assume that a determination has been made in the prior 48 hours, and I’m gonna ask somebody about it.

    I don’t think there was an intent of malice by any means from any party involved. But the level of incompetence from the time that kid got lit up through Brandon’s statement last night is shocking. Everything from apparently nobody seeing him get laid out, to no communication on the sidelines, to no communication with Hoke after the diagnosis, to Brandon trying to take the chicken way out and release the info at 1am…….just wow.


    • Macallanlover

      Good post. With all the chaos on the sideline and multiple parties responsible for communicating it was simply an honest failure to communicate well. Given the dumpster fire around Michigan and Hoke at this point, it is easy to see how this wasn’t the major topic of conversation. Nothing sinister here, but I don’t see how, or why, UM can wait any longer to make a change. I would beat the crowd in getting my search committee moving, there may be a rush for the “top level” coaches.


      • What fresh hell is this?

        Charlie Weis is available. 🙂


        • BMan

          He could probably convince Boom to be his DC.


          • Macallanlover

            He would be free, yes? Aren’t they still paying him? He may still have cash coming in from ND who game him a 10 year contract after less than a season I believe. He should be on his knees in front of Belicheck. He even sued the doctor when his lap band surgery failed to make look like Johnny Carson in a suit.


    • Cojones

      Don’t think Hoke should take any blame. If his own players and Med Staff can’t keep him informed without Hoke having to ask, then responsibility for the QB returning to the game was on their backs, not Hoke’s. Do we really expect a coach to see every play happening to every player? People should ease up on Hoke concerning this matter.

      The unfortunate thing here is the further injury that could take place to the player and if it had happened, Hoke would be gone with the blame game riding out with him. I do think that the AD was correct for stopping the commo falderal that was continuing.


      • Dog in Fla

        “Don’t think Hoke should take any blame.”

        You and Brady may be the only two people in America with that idea 🙂


  6. budro

    Perhaps a bit OT, but I’ve seen some maps projecting climate change that suggest Hahira will in fact boast some prime oceanfront property within a couple generations.


  7. What fresh hell is this?

    The Kentucky BB gun thing reminds me of Jameis Winston being suspen… oh that’s right, nevermind.


    • Hackerdog

      It’s a shame that, as a society, we can no longer allow boys to play cops and robbers. I see kids in my neighborhood play with airsoft guns all the time. It’s never occurred to me to call SWAT.


  8. Q

    Lotta dean pritchards w/ tight bholes. Campus airsoft/bb fights are a right of passage.


  9. The Michigan thing seems like what I’ve been waiting to happen. Everyone playing dumb because he gives you the best chance to win. Maybe this isn’t the case but it’s not like this didn’t happen before testing became a big thing. Player says he’s fine and no one questions it. Old school folks call it being tough. Lol


  10. Also…can never have too many RBs. Crazy how quickly a stable can a couple.


  11. Per receivers: Over the last 17 games only Rumph has played in 4. Hope their communication skills are well honed. That seems to be a sticking point.
