Tuesday morning buffet

A little of this, a little of that…

  • This is awkward.
  • A.J. Turman’s good spring is getting him some attention.
  • Florida is now down to six healthy scholarship linemen for the final three spring practices, including the spring game Saturday.  Maybe Boom can make another crack about McElwain’s dog.
  • You don’t like how Georgia’s spring scrimmages have gone?  Check out Missouri’s.
  • Speaking of scrimmages, it sounds like Auburn’s got a ways to go to meet it eight bombs a game goal.
  • The Pac-12 ponders furthering its academic mission by going into competition with the likes of IMG.
  • Seth Emerson looks down the stretch of Georgia’s spring practice.


Filed under Gators, General Idiocy, Georgia Football, Pac-12 Football, SEC Football

14 responses to “Tuesday morning buffet

  1. piper

    funny that Hinnen also misspells it once (of four tries). Ishamel


  2. godawg

    Glad to finally see AJ Turman on the field. He was a big get at the time. Kudos to him for sticking around. the way our luck runs with injuries, he could figure in big next season.


  3. Jeremy Johnson can throw it deep, not always accurately, but he can throw it deep. He also runs a 40 in about a full day. I just don’t see him being able to run that HS offense that Gus and Rhett run. Auburn will have to install a completely new O if JJ is the QB there. The last time an Auburn HC tried that he got run out of town. (See: Tuberville, Tommy).


  4. DawgPhan

    pretty sure that someone is currently compiling stats and reasons why Turman should be the starter over Chubb. Can wait for the epic melt in the comments after the spring game.


    • Merk

      You can’t hitch your wagon to Chubb, according to some analysts.


    • Mayor

      I think Turman can get an extra year of eligibility because of the foot injury in 2014. That means he likely has a full four years remaining. Marshall will be gone after this year. Chubb will be gone in 2. Michel may be also. Turman may very well be “the man” in ’17, maybe sooner if there are injuries.


  5. W Cobb Dawg

    Unless somebody moves up unexpectedly, it seems to me the first team on both sides of the ball is essentially set and now we’re looking to settle on key backups. Although they’re getting plenty of opportunities, Bauta beating out Ramsey and Ganus beating out Carter look like longshots to me.


  6. Cojones

    It’s a great problem to have, this competition being high enough to see regulars subbed out and newbys hitting the field regularly. Whatever it takes to stoke the coals.


  7. sUGArdaddy

    I think Mizzou takes a major step back. Losing their DC was huge. In the end, they were pretty average. I say they were one of the worst 3-4 teams to ever win a division in the SEC (’98 MSU, ’02 Arky, ’10 USCjr. among them). Getting them and the Cocks at home is big.

    Everyone is worried about QB. That’s easy to do given the consistency we’ve enjoyed there for so much of Richt’s tenure. But, look at our opponents. Who in the world is South Carolina, Florida, Alabama and Auburn going to throw out there? They’re in far worse shape than us at the most important positions on the field.

    The teams we play with more experience at the position are much less talented: Mizzou, UT and GT. And we have Nick Chubb and what I think will be the best UGA D we’ve seen in a long time. For years, we have based our optimism on the QB situation, really. But, that’s not what wins you a bunch of games in this league anymore. Solid (mistake free) QB play, run the ball and play some D seems to be the formula…but run the ball is the most important. Run the ball and stop the run. We do that, and I can play QB for us and we’ll be okay.


    • I think Mizzou takes a major step back. Losing their DC was huge. I was thinking the same thing. Auburn losing their DC was huge too… but in a different way. 😉


      • sUGArdaddy

        Eh…I’m not impressed with Boom. He had some great D’s at Florida, but we usually have found a way to score on his teams. I haven’t seen a team that runs that kind of offense with a suffocating D, yet. You have to have a transcendent kind of player like Newton to win huge. In 2013, they were simply the luckiest team in the long and storied history of luck. Yes, you make some of your own luck, but it was astounding. They won 3 games by the hair on their chin. They’re recruiting pretty good, but we’ve got more talent. And their secondary is still scared of Chubb.


        • Eh… you’re hard to impress then. While at Florida He lost to Georgia 23-20,17-9 and won 38-20. He’s no offensive guru and maybe not a good HC. He is a Huge! improvement over Ellis Johnson. Which was my point. And Missouri will miss Steckel in a big way. Which was your point.
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    • Macallanlover

      Sugar, I think you can add the TN ’07 team to that list of weak teams to win a division. The championship game was close due to the injuries LSU had that night, all the more disappointing that things didn’t work out for us that season.


  8. I decided to try the buffet line at Bleacher report. Something for a change of pace. I was just looking it over when I noticed an article about the Hillbillies winning the East and the SEC. Playing Michigan and winning the National Championship. I quickly gathered my things and headed back to GTP. You can get ill at a place like that. No sneeze guard.
