Who am I to argue?

Pictures don’t lie.

Count me as someone who thinks Swift is a little undervalued going into the season.  In a way it’s understandable, as he didn’t look completely healthy last year until midseason against Florida.

Nobody should sleep on him in 2019, though.  Between Georgia’s offensive line and that ridiculous jump cut move of his, he’s coming.


Filed under Georgia Football

17 responses to “Who am I to argue?

  1. TomReagan

    A healthy Swift is a deadly Swift.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Smoky Joe Would

    How about that block against South Carolina, that was badass!!


  3. Salty Dawg

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see him in action! GO DAWGS!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mayor

    Those dolts at B-M need to start a campaign supporting Swift for the Heisman. We have had multiple players who were arguably the best RB in the nation (Gurley immediately comes to mind) and crickets from B-M. Then someone not as good who gets hyped by that person’s school wins it.


    • Running backs don’t win the Heisman in today’s world (4 of the last 20 with Derrick Henry as the last). It’s now the WWL’s most valuable to ratings trophy. Jake from State Fromm will be on the periphery of the conversation, but the idiots on College GameDay will just say he’s a game manager.

      An award that didn’t go to Deshaun Watson during his last 2 years at Clemson isn’t worth the bronze it’s made from.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Macallanlover

      Gets the most press, but the most meaningless of the top awards to me. The position awards are the ones earned on the field, not in the marketing departments. Glad BM is not buying billboards and hyping individual play at the expense of team accomplishments. RBs like shared carries more than selfish auditioning for hype awards, otherwise Swift wouldn’t be in Athens to begin with.


  5. Russ

    Can’t wait! And I hope to see Herrien, Zeus, Cook and McIntosh(?) add to that mix.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bright Idea

    Swift may not get many touches the first three games but Notre Dame could be his big breakout, although to us, he already did that.


    • I imagine he’s going to get a number of touches in the Vandy game until the game is fully in control. I imagine the next couple of weeks he’ll play the 1st quarter (maybe through the middle of the 2nd). He will be fully rested and ready for September 21.


  7. Comin' Down The Track

    He makes the shimmy look so effortless that it almost seems unimpressive; and once the dood gets to the second level, ain’t nobody catching him.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. stoopnagle

    Shh, y’all! Don’t tell nobody (yet). It might interrupt the Gator Hype™.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Starbreaker

    When he is healthy, I have a hard time coming up with anyone better. Just really hope he is 100% entering the season and stays close to that throughout.


  10. The Dawg abides

    I got a kick out of watching the linemen celebrate after Swift breaks free on the last run. He still had about 30 yards to go, but they knew they’d blocked it perfectly to spring him and nobody was catching him.
