SEC Media Preseason Poll

It’s about what you’d expect.

Although I think we’d all like to meet the person who picked Tennessee to win the SEC this season.  Or at least get a taste of what he/she is smoking.

If you’re interested in seeing how many Georgia players made all-conference teams, here you go.

The only team to exceed Georgia’s eleven selections is… well, do I really need to tell you?  (If it makes you feel any better, Alabama only had one more player named than did Georgia.)


UPDATE:  Here’s the vote breakdown for the division:

That looks really close.


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football

16 responses to “SEC Media Preseason Poll

  1. Got Cowdog

    Fuck Bama. Rapunzel and the Fighting Dabos smoked their ass last season. We should have. Maybe my coonass cousins can help out but I, for one am sick of all the Bama love.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Scott

    I’m counting 19 Bama players…10 first team, 3 second team, 6 third team (plus Waddle shows up both on offense and as a returner).


  3. 92 grad

    Happy for Rodrigo, I wish people would wake up and put Missouri over the #FTMF team.


  4. No homer in this stuff.



    So you saying there’s a chance?


  6. Bob

    SEC predictions track record…meh.


  7. Gaskilldawg

    I understand Colin Cowheard also picked Tennessee as SEC champs and the 4th seed in the playoff. Guess he and the SEC writer shared the pipe.


  8. This is where we hope/pray for a bammer stumble (UGA no stumble) so UGA can get away from playing them twice after november


  9. So who picked USC to win the Sec without winning the east?


  10. J-Dawg

    It’s an insult to Jake to put him 2nd team. He’s the best QB in the SEC! Can’t wait for the season so I can watch him carve up the other teams. It’s going to be fun.


  11. Salty Dawg

    That one, lonely, pathetic as the team, vowel vote definitely came from an idiot homer.


  12. Macallanlover

    As I said earlier this week, I think LSU and Bama are close to 50/50 in their chance to win the West. Edge to Bama with the game in Tusky, and depth is a Tide edge. A&M, AU, and Missy State could be a key role with an upset of either of the Tigahs, or Tide.

    From the East, only UGA looks capable of beating those two. I think UGA is a safer bet to reach Atlanta than any team in the West. Mizzou will have a better record than FU this year, would pick them to finish 2nd in the East. Hope they drill FU again.


  13. DawgPhan

    I mean it’s how I would pick it. Maybe Auburn over TAMU. Florida seems like the 2nd best team in the East and the order of the rest is pretty meaningless.

    2 teams in the east that matter and 3 or maybe 4, but probably 3 teams in the west.
