Fourth random Sunday thought

Remember those intangibles I assured everyone were the key to yesterday’s game?  Well, if I had seen this before the game…

… I would have told you to stuff those intangibles in a bag and burn them.  That’s not the kind of thing a focused, mature team gets involved in before an SEC road game.


Filed under Georgia Football

50 responses to “Fourth random Sunday thought

  1. I do question if Carter’s heart is in it this year. He has the look of a guy who has to hang around for a few months before he gets paid.

    Which, coupled with what happen, makes me skeptical we see him again this year.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Derek

      Come on man!

      Liked by 1 person

        • gurkhadawg

          I kinda agree with your comment. And I’m not really criticizing Carter. If I am being completely honest, when I was 22 and if I had a million payday in a few months, I would probably be doing the same shit. I would have been thinking “ I’ll soon be a multi-millionaire, I don’t have to put up with these coach’s bullshit anymore “. I wouldn’t comprehend that I might be jeopardizing that payday. I’m not saying it’s not immature and foolish, just saying that I remember when I was 22.


          • Derek

            Nobody took off their third year like Clowney did.

            He still played.

            Liked by 1 person

            • gurkhadawg

              Ok, he has so much talent that he will play in the NFL. I’m just saying if you had a 1000 players with Clowney’s attitude and a 1000 players with Nick Chubb’s attitude, which group would you think would have the most players who would go on to a successful NFL carever?

              Liked by 1 person

              • Derek

                I’m not endorsing coasters. I’m just saying that, when healthy, carter will be playing, period. Any thoughts that kirby is sitting him for this, or due to signs of looking ahead, are misguided. He’ll play and play lot.


          • gastr1

            Would a player be jeopardizing their payday more through reputation/attitude or potential injury? Not sure there’s a clear lime there in terms of what 88 might be thinking.


    • pansythedawg

      For those able to peer into the hearts and minds of others, Jalen Carter wanted back into the game according to Kirby Smart.


    • debbybalcer

      He has been injured even before last night.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    No wonder yesterday’s game felt like a Mark Richt Era Game… Jalen Carter was doing some Mark Richt Era level bullshit before the game!!!

    Dude, we’re not supposed to be that team anymore. WTF is going on this year?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Meeks too on the sideline on Missouri’s last drive, talking shit to their receiver out of bounds.

      We don’t have the leadership of last year, clearly.

      Liked by 4 people

      • originaluglydawg

        Yeah, we miss George Pickens.

        Liked by 4 people

        • Derek

          George never caused any issues:

          Liked by 2 people

        • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

          Dude, there’s a difference in letting emotion get to you in the heat of a game and in going out and doing stupid shit like this before a game. A big difference.

          I don’t remember George Pickens once doing something this stupid, and as I said, this is a reminder of the kind of undisciplined shit I thought ended when Richt’s time ended.


          • originaluglydawg

            Only point intended is that smack goes on continuously and sometimes it’s more benign and sometimes it backfires. Pickens was very good at f’ing up and making us smile about it.


            • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

              I mean, I wasn’t smiling after the water bottle incident, but I did not mind that he slammed that Bug’s head into a brick wall after the Bug punched him, even if it did cost us in the SEC title game, so, point taken.


  3. Good grief. I’m glad I missed most of the game on TV by being at my daughter’s improv group performance last night. Why in the world would our guys be outside the locker room on their side of the field?

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Remember the Quincy

    Yep. I saw this on Twitter before the game and immediately had my doubts about how the game was going to go.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Well, that explains the low block on Carter. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    Liked by 8 people

  6. Roswell Dawg

    Totally stupid. You should’ve proved it on the field – instead you got your sorry behind pushed around for a while. Kirby needs to get in their face and say, ‘if you ever do that again you’re gone’. It’s like Saban saying to his players who were doing the upside down Longhorn symbol on the field after Bama escaped Texas, and he yelled at them and said “don’t do that shit.” Discipline. Maturity. Grow up.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. winderdawg

    After the display last night and seeing this, it looks and feels like a lot of the players ate the rat poison.

    Liked by 11 people

  8. Dawg in Austin

    This is definitely starting to feel like a team enamored with its press clippings.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. TEXBaller

    78s best play of the night — intervening Carter.


  10. jim1886



  11. pansythedawg

    It’s like the comment section during and after a close win.


  12. Last year’s team was extremely talented. This year’s team is extremely talented. What seems, so far, to be missing is upperclassman leadership to keep everyone focused on the mission. We had it in spades last year, and it showed on the field every single week. Can it emerge mid season? That’s what will tell the tale for the rest of the season.

    Liked by 6 people

    • RangerRuss

      Thanks WBOHs. My feelings exactly.
      Carter sets the tone for the team. Kirby will have a man to man discussion with him I’d think.
      I wouldn’t put up with that shit for a skinny minute. I have stories…

      Liked by 6 people

  13. MGW

    It was a very bad sign, especially considering we’d just been exposed by Kent State.


  14. SenorLorenzo

    I couldn’t agree more. Our guys looked more like arrogant immature bullies in a school yard than champions in that scuffle. That’s exactly the kind of behavior that Kirby spoke about regarding the Gators at halftime last year in Jax. Mizzou punched Carter and the Dawgs in the mouth and came very close to being able to point to the scoreboard and laugh. Kirby needs to address that head-on because it will be the downfall of this very talented team, and might be at the heart of what we’ve seen these last two games.

    Liked by 3 people

  15. 69Dawg

    Speaking of the Chop block that everyone saw except the Zebra who gets paid to see those things, I hope UGA files a complaint against the crew. Carter was lucky to not have a season ending injury. UM 75 was not the guilty party he and Carter were engaged, the other guy was going low because he couldn’t stand up block Carter. I thought maybe the new cut blocking rule would end some of this crap. Cutting from the side even on the LOS is a dirty play period and should be outlawed.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. stoopnagle

    This and a lot of shit talking during the game when losing is a really bad look. But what do I know?


  17. voxdawg

    I thought last year would’ve worked all that goofy shit out of their systems. I am disappoint.


  18. pedropossum

    Not super concerned. Swagger and all that. Didn’t really seem like too big of a deal to me.
    My different take away from the video is that in spite of the lack of recruiting by missou over the last several years there were some sizable dudes who did not seem to be intimidated by jalen or Nazir. Those were some big in shape fellas. Not the type of size / shape differential that the spread would indicate.
