
If you’re feeling somewhat down about last night’s game… well, just imagine how Pitt’s Pat Narduzzi feels this morning.


Filed under Georgia Tech Football

20 responses to “Perspective

  1. Bulldawg Bill

    The samurai option is probably looking pretty good right about now!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Nuke Laloosh has a good perspective for this morning:

    Liked by 1 person

    • mddawg

      I was thinking of Bull Durham after the Kent State game. We looked like a bunch lollygaggers out there.

      Liked by 4 people

      • I’m not sure it was lollygagging. We ran into a buzzsaw of Mizzou throwing the kitchen sink at us and us not being ready for it. Their kicker was on point and number 14 was having a highlight reel day.

        I wished we had Burden.

        Liked by 4 people

        • practicaldawg

          100%. Mizz had a plan that they executed and they played out of their mind. I respect what they did and as goofy as Drink usually seems to me, I’m tipping my cap for having his guys ready to run through a burning building.

          Liked by 3 people

          • originaluglydawg

            Our guys seemed to be in shock at M’s defensive energy and determination.
            Mizzo’s bulletin board was probably covered with printed statements about how much they suck and how bad they would look and lose.


  3. I doubt they did it with a “let’s do this for Coach Collins” speech. I’m sure the traditional football coaches on his staff were tired of Mr. PR and his gimmicky bullshit.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    The “coach got fired bump” is real.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ran A

    Well give Tech credit. They went out and played hard (I guess – was sweating through our game). But will use this to make this point. Have argued since the WVU game that Pitt was over-rated.

    And that leads into this point. UT has played Ball State, Pitt, Akron and Florida. Pitt has played West Virginia, Tennessee, Rhode Island and Georgia Tech. (They are 2-2) .West Virginia has played Pitt, Kansas, Towson, Virginia Tech, Texas – t(hey are 2-3.)
    Florida, going into today has played Utah, Kentucky, South Florida, UTjr. (they are 2-2 and could EASILY be 0-4).

    The two best teams that UT has played are a combined 4-4. In those games UT average 33 points and averaged giving up 30.

    UT is over-rated… Period.

    Liked by 1 person

    • originaluglydawg

      Something happened here and it just ain’t exactly clear.
      Pitt lost to who?
      I don’t doubt that Pitt is over-rated, but they lost to who???

      Liked by 1 person

    • PeachPit

      I wish I could go along with what you said, but to be sure they will be watching every game tape very closely and be Uber prepared. We were a 22 point favorite and look how that turned out. I am super glad our team pulled this out of the hat, but now I don’t discount any SEC team as irrelevant.


    • D.N. Nation

      Pitt’s problems are entirely of their own making. Narduzzi won the ACC last season with a fun, pass-happy offense that made a high draft pick out of Kenny Pickett. But that wasn’t his way, so he sent the OC packing and installed the James Coley offense with some NFL Brain lunkhead. The results speak for themselves.


  6. muttleyagain

    Message to 85 Pitt students athletes: 85 sets of parents need to deny you. 85 scholarships need to be sent to hungry children in China. 85 girlfriends need to break it off via text message.

    And somewhere, right now, the coaching staff should be getting hunted like animals.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Morris Day

    Way to go Pitt, you blew our doubleheader sweep. Pitt sucks. Tuck Fech!


  8. originaluglydawg

    I predict that this week, there will be idiots wearing their GT shit out in public with their shoulders thrown back, their heads held high and looking for others of the same ilk to gloat with.
    It doesn’t take much to get the Techmites out of their burrows.

    Liked by 2 people