Week 7 Mumme Poll ballot link



Screenshot_2019-09-30 (1) Senator Blutarsky ( MummePoll) Twitter

I imagine a few ballots will change this week.  Link is here.


Filed under GTP Stuff

11 responses to “Week 7 Mumme Poll ballot link

  1. Biggen

    Took me longer to fill out the questions at the end than it did to cast my votes.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 11 teams – 4 SEC, 2 Big 10, 1 Big 12, 1 ACC, 3 Pac 12 (only because I think the committee will be desperate to put a 1-loss Pac champ in the playoff)

    Best stadium experience – Auburn
    Worst – South Carolina


  3. coastaldawg

    LSU was the best for the tailgate and atmosphere.

    Auburn the worst, becuase well Auburn sucks.


  4. Skeptic Dawg

    I continue to only vote for teams that I believe have a shot at making the playoffs. Alabama has a realistic chance, but I struggled with the Tide today. Toughest question was best SEC experience. LSU was my first thought, but as much as I dislike them, Auburn does it pretty well also.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. kevinsauer

    i’ve been to every stadium execpt the two new guys (mizzou and a&m) – it’s really had to pick a ‘worst’ since each has their own charm, esp when you’re making an away game trip of it.. the qualifier on ‘stadium’ made it extra hard bc uSC is absolutly a shit hole around the stadium but once inside it’s kinda electric with their horrible music.. still i picked uSC

    and yes i know uga doesn’t play at UF but went to a few games there in the 90s with my parents who went to UF. it’s loud.


  6. Hobnail_Boot

    Been to 9 of 14.

    Best LSU, last Vandy but considered Ole Miss.


  7. I went with LSU for the best (considered Auburn) and choose Vandy over USCjr for the worst. Nashville is great, but I was mainly considering in stadium experience rather than the town and things to do before and after the game.
