“And guess which dogs are barking first?”

Okay, kids, who you got as the scaredy cat (scaredy dawg?) there?


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

58 responses to ““And guess which dogs are barking first?”

  1. Dawgfan1995

    Jim Chaney, because most of his offensive calls appeared to be made while scared.

    Liked by 11 people

  2. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Coley. Had to be.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Salty Dawg

    And here’s some more of that, along with the rest of the season for an excellent review of that season …

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Salty Dawg


    Liked by 1 person

  5. jcdawg83

    Had to be Chaney, he was very conservative.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. godawgs1701

    That’s probably one of my five favorite moments in Sanford Stadium. It was so much fun when all 92,000 realized at the same time what the play was and how wide open it was.

    Liked by 4 people

    • siskey

      It is the only game my Dad has ever been to. He is not a football fan but I made him go. He understood why I like it so much after being able to tailgate and hang out in Athens.

      Liked by 13 people

      • godawgs1701

        Man, that’s really cool. What a great memory for y’all. Way back 21 years ago when I was a senior at UGA my late parents came and watched the Kentucky game with me in the student section, stood on the bleachers and the whole bit. It was a really special experience to get to share with them. That was the only Georgia game either of them ever came to in person but they became Dawgs when I enrolled and they cheered for UGA the rest of their lives. Sometimes I get a little choked up when I look over at that part of the stadium when I remember it.

        Liked by 12 people

        • Russ

          I have great memories of going to a few games with my Dad. He came to the South Carolina game (Herschel vs George Rogers) and we stood in the student section. I believe we shared some bourbon to go in our Poss’s Cokes.

          Liked by 2 people

        • TripleB

          Reminds me of my dad. I got him to go to one game when I was in school at UGA— the Gator Bowl when Andre Arizona was at Michigan State. I think it was Dooley’s last game? He’s old school-no hobbies, works all the time. Started a plumbing company in the 70’s.
          But he still talks about that game!


      • unionjackgin

        I was very fortunate to go to several games with my Dad – my favorite was the season opener against Boise.

        He passed 12 years ago on the Saturday we lost to MSU in Starkville.

        I would give most anything to go to just one more game with him so he could see the CKS version of UGA.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. whybotherdude

    What’s the odds they do that again to open the game, just because they can?


  8. kevinsauer


    Liked by 3 people

  9. jdawg108

    Run the damn ball, Bobo.


  10. ugafidelis


    Liked by 3 people

  11. Chaney…he only liked to run it up the middle on 1st downs

    Frigging stupid but true

    Liked by 5 people

    • Down Island Way

      Alex, what is the “Hook and lateral vs alabamia” for $1 million dollars please…(it coulda’ beeen a flea flicker, but whose counting)…GO DAWGS!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bulldawg Bill

      “…he only liked to run it up the middle on 1st downs.”

      Might as well have been on first date! Either way, you JUST don’t do that!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ah yes, glory days…but now as I understand it, if you don’t get 2 signed letters of consent, notarized, your goose could be cooked

        Best now to keep them guessing with fakes and bean flickers…I mean Flea Flickers


  12. RC

    And I’m sure we all remember the next year’s Florida game, Mullen’s first after having moved over from MSU, when they opened their first possession with…a flea-flicker, which resulted in…Wah-waaaaahhh…incompletion. Thanks for playing!

    Liked by 6 people

  13. Illini84

    We interrupt this post to say Happy Veterans Day to Ranger Russ, Spur, Ghurka, Corch and all the other Vets who land here!

    Liked by 31 people

  14. redhotchilidawg

    Wasn’t this the play where Kirby said “they [MSU] had an eye violator” in the secondary? Kirby usually keeps things like that close to the vest but I thought it was pretty amazing that we saw that on film and attacked it.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. kdawg05

    One of Joe Teesitore’s finer calls. I find him very obnoxious and annoying but that actually sounded good a few years later.

    Liked by 1 person

    • godawgs1701

      He’s way too over-the-top on a random first down conversion play in the second quarter, but I mostly enjoy his calls. He was terrrrrrible on College Football Final, though. I was so happy they got him off of that show and back in the booth, he almost ruined one of the best parts of college football Saturdays.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Russ

        Tess really shines near the end of blow outs when you can tell he just doesn’t give a shit and is liable to say anything. Sort of like drunk uncle at Thanksgiving.


  16. ugafidelis

    Have we had one work since then?


  17. Derek

    I vote for Pittman.


  18. Texas Dawg

    I would love to see them run that as the first offensive play just for old times’ sake.


  19. uga97

    Coley no doubt.


  20. Russ

    Kirby is talking about himself.


  21. Gaskilldawg

    My guess is that the coach was not Chaney since, as OC, it was his job to present a game plan to the head coach and I figure, if he didn’t want to try it, it would not have been other table for Smart to decide.


  22. RangerRuss

    Late February 1995 one of my favorite vendors paid me a visit. It was cold so we sat in his truck and talked. Mr Clarence Yeargin had recently turned 74 years old and was set to retire. We’d never talked about anything except business until that day.
    He told me that 50 years before he was a Marine Corporal on Iwo Jima. When they left the island he was the Company Commander and one of twelve Marines still standing from his company. He talked for awhile and I just listened. That was the last time I saw Mr Clarence as he died about a year later, a week after his 75th birthday. I reckon retirement didn’t suit him too well.

    Liked by 2 people