Wednesday morning buffet

It takes all kinds of things to fill a buffet.

  • This may be the most inane criticism of Gene Chizik you’ll ever read.
  • According to the Harris Poll, college football continues to hold steady as the third most popular sport for Americans.
  • Texas A&M athletic director Bill Byrne wonders if Texas’ new cable network with ESPN could conflict with NCAA recruiting rules about contact with high school prospects.
  • Lane Kiffin exploits a loophole in signing this year’s class.
  • Here’s how to measure whether a school’s offseason workout program is sufficiently intense.
  • Sometimes it’s not so much that the rich are different from you and me, it’s just that they’re bigger assholes.  (Not to mention that you have to question the judgment of a guy who throws a ginormous temper tantrum over not hiring Steve Addazio.)
  • Hugh Nall discusses Georgia’s coaching staff vacancy, among other things.
  • With all the excitement building over Florida’s spring, how soon is it before some pundit declares that Charlie Weis has remade John Brantley into the SEC’s second-best quarterback?
  • If that happens, Stan Drayton won’t be there to share in the buzz.
  • Record BCS revenues can only mean one thing:  PlayoffPAC is miffed“That imbalance [ed. – revenue distribution between the Big Six and the mid-majors] is unconscionable, given that it has no basis in post-season performance on the field and in the marketplace…” If the mids can match performance in the marketplace, why bother to stick around with the BCS anyway?


Filed under BCS/Playoffs, College Football, Don't Mess With Lane Kiffin, ESPN Is The Devil, Gators, Gators..., Gene Chizik Is The Chiznit, Georgia Football, It's Just Bidness, Media Punditry/Foibles, Political Wankery, Recruiting, The Body Is A Temple

16 responses to “Wednesday morning buffet

  1. Bryant Denny

    Morning, Senator.

    Do we get a free day on the site when you hit 6M? 🙂 It’s getting close. One more post on oversigning ought to do it. 🙂

    Have a good day,



    • AthensHomerDawg

      It is the off season and signing is just a few days away. What are you posting about on your blog these days?


  2. Normaltown Mike

    Is Scarbinsky trying to impress someone at the New York Times?

    I’ve been marinated in “War Damn Eagle” as long as I can recall. And I live in Athens!

    I hope he never heads to the Flats for a game or he might become apoplectic.


  3. Go Dawgs!

    I drop more F-Bombs before 9 AM than most people do all day.

    That said, the “War Damn Eagle” slogan has always made me clinch my jaw because it’s just so inane. Ooooh!! Look at us!! We’re EDGY at Auburn, because we say SWEARS!! But not BAD swears, just the light swears. Like “damn”. And “hell!” Watch out for us at Auburn. We’re BAD!

    Sure thing, Tiger fans. And maybe mom will let you stay up real late to watch the second half of the game, too, if you promise not to be too sleepy for school in the morning.


    • Dante

      I remember a conversation I had once with an Auburn fan. He told me, “At least we don’t just say ‘Go [Team Name]!'” I replied, “At least we speak in complete sentences.”


    • anon

      Our fight song tells a rival to go to hell.



      • Go Dawgs!

        Meh… it’s not taking a second-grade cuss word and wedging it into our team’s queer little slogan for no other reason than the fact that we want to say “damn”. There’s really no nice way to say you want your opponent to burn in the fires of the underworld. However, you can certainly say “War Eagle” without having to get all fake-hardcore and saying “War Damn Eagle”.


  4. 69Dawg

    I wonder if Will Muschamp will invoke the Saban rule with his assistants. It’s one way to keep Charlie W quiet and you know he is used to it being a former Pats coach. I see UF as a great soap opera for the next few years.


    • SCDawg

      Muschamp might have assembled one too many large egos down there. I think it’ll take some skill on his part, and restraint on the part of some of his other assistants, to keep everything together down there.


  5. JaxDawg

    Another OT loss to FL is nearly too much to take. One of these days the bounces will go our way and we’ll get the edge. Until then, I am walking around with an unhealthy hate for the gators. Seriously.


  6. Mayor of Dawgtown

    Obviously this Burton character has it in for Coach Paul Pasqualoni, the new hire at UConn, probably because of something that happened with Burton’s oldest son while the son was playing for Pasqualoni at Syracuse. That said, if I gave millions of dollars to a school and it hired a coach that I hated I might be inclined not to give that school money anymore, too. Burton’s attempts to get donations back and to embarrass the UConn AD seem a bit over the top though.


  7. Cojones

    Further info on S&Conditioning /rhabdomyolysis can be found in an article by Mark Hasty at Aol’s Fanhouse. Interesting how the conversation between Seth Emerson and Tereshinski matches the regimen in practice at most schools. What did we do before?


  8. Cojones

    JaxDawg- You have an unhealthy hate for everyone!
