Thursday morning buffet

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Filed under Coach O Needs Another Red Bull, Crime and Punishment, Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles, Political Wankery, Recruiting, Stats Geek!

68 responses to “Thursday morning buffet

  1. Merk

    but they scored 65 week one…THE O IS BACK!!!!!!

    Is it just me or does Fla seem to always open up with one of easiest first 3-4 games every year. Must be nice.


  2. So Georgia routinely underperforms based on the talent they actually have? Well knock me over with a feather. Next thing you’ll try to tell me is that some day we will be able to pause live TV!


  3. reipar

    I had no idea our pass defense was dead last in yards per attempt last year…..other than the two teams that were behind us lol.


  4. Gravidy

    Tongue in cheek or not, at least Adelson (who is normally fairly useless) addressed the first down measurement debacle. Has anyone seen any official response to that error (to put it kindly)?


    • Cojones

      Yes. The bar holding the chain is not the measuring stick. It’s the last link in the chain being held by the bar.

      Heard it in a bar from some who got it from the internet so it must be true.


      • Gravidy

        If the nose of the ball doesn’t have to touch (or extend beyond) the inside of the stick, I surely would like to know why I’ve personally seen officials stick a piece of paper in that gap. Either the rule has changed, or those officials I saw doing that in years past didn’t know what they were doing.


        • Silver Creek Dawg

          It is the inside of the stick according to my friends who officiate HS and small college football.


          • Mayor

            Right. If there is daylight between the ball and the stick (like there was in Columbial on a certain 4th and 1 play for USCe against Georgia)–the O doesn’t get the first down. Except when SEC refs are doing the measuring.


  5. Scorpio Jones, III

    OK, now ….FSU is gone all serious about its bad boy quarterback.

    “The University and athletics department will have no further comment on the matter.”

    By God, that’s tellin em. Till the next time anyway.


  6. Scorpio Jones, III

    It is nice Senator McCaskill is steamed about OU accepting the transfer of Green-Beckham…not that anybody in Oklahoma gives a fat rat’s ass what she says.

    Meanwhile, in Auburn, Alabama….


    • Cojones

      Yes. And the loud sound of the powder puff she threw hitting the wall was a step forward to stopping women from being battered. The good Senator has been in the arena in prosecuting battery of women and you would think a more hard-hitting response would be offered. She had all the background and, as a football zealot, she should have struck the branding iron to the hide. She probably has a pablum arsenal to turn loose on Auburn and Louisville soon.

      I’ll wait with baited breath.


    • I was glad to see the McCaskill article, because Stoops deserves the criticism. It couldn’t be more obvious that Stoops could care less about what DGB did. I agree she could have stuck the knife in a little deeper.

      Stoops doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with Richt, which she clearly pointed out.


  7. Scorpio Jones, III

    Andrea Adelson was apparently one of the few people who noticed the heavy drone activity over Williams Brice Stadium Saturday night. Drones can affect everything, you know. It is all a plot by the Liberals.

    Note to Andrea: change drugs.


  8. JessDog

    I don’t get the fuss about Mark Richt, he’s had one team finish in the top 15 since 2008, most overhyped coach in college football, what’s the big deal?


    • Normaltown Mike

      You’re a great roller skater Jess


      • JessDog

        You’re a tree stump Mikey.

        My point is why do UGA fans get all hyped every year, when 4 out of 5 times, their team won’t even finish in the top 15?

        I guess it was about Gurley and Pruitt. Gurley is only useful if you hand him the ball, and UGA likes to throw it. See 4 yardline and goal for latest debacle.

        Pruitt’s a first year coach at UGA without his type of players, and players are trying to learn his system. Defense looked awful both games.


        • Spot on Jess. Except for one 1st down, 15 yrds & not a point in the 2nd half vs Clempson. And the whole – sack to force a punt & INT to set up the offense late in the 4th vs sakerlina, you’re spot on. Good post.


          • Mayor

            Actually Nate, the Dawgs D held South Carolina to 2 TDs in the second half. If the Dawgs had run it in from the 4 with Gurley Georgia would still be #6 in the polls, and everybody in the media would be talking about how the Dawgs came back even better than they did against Clemson and how the D is improving.


        • Cojones

          You have the last part of your troll name correct except it’s not in a complimentary way. Where do you kids hide all the time?

          Would everyone please excuse me while I get a plastic bag for this dogshit on our blog?


    • sUGArdaddy

      Um, Jess, not to get all technical on you, except that 2008 and 2012 both finished in the top 15. So, you’re exactly right except for the part where you’re not.

      Now, if you want to say since 2009, then you can pick anything to really get your point across like…

      -South Carolina hasn’t won the East since 2010
      -Steve Spurrier has one division title since 2001
      -Florida hasn’t won the division since 2009
      -Tennessee hasn’t won the SEC in the 2000s
      -Alabama is 2-2 in the last four years vs. Auburn
      -Nick Saban only has 2 SEC titles since 2004
      -Auburn is 9-9 in their last 18 SEC games
      -Les Miles is 2-3 vs. Mark Richt

      See there. That was fun. This just in. The SEC has a bunch of excellent coaches. Saban, Richt, Malzahn, Miles, Spurrier, Sumlin. Freeze ain’t too shabby, and that guy in Fayetteville went to a couple of Rose Bowls. When they play each other, someone has to lose. Them’s the rules. There was a day when we could just say Vince got the better of Bear that day, or Vaught got the better of Majors, or Jordan got the better of Dooley. They were all good coaches.



      • JessDog

        2009, no top 15 finish
        2010, no top 15 finish
        2011, no top 15 finish
        2012, top 5 finish
        2013, no top 15 finish

        There’s his last few seasons. UGA fans feel that’s great, let’s keep him, he’s a great coach, am I missing something?


        • Normaltown Mike

          I’m glad that finishing in the top 15 is the pinnacle of achievement for you Cock fans that pretend to be “dog” fans.

          How many times has SC won championship?

          It’s ok if you want to count the ACC.


      • JessDog

        Wow, Spurrier has finished in the top 10 3 years in a row. I get the hype over Spurrier, he’s the most underrated coach in college football.


        • And yet somehow the overrated coach has been to more SECCGs since 2008 than the underrated one.


          • JessDog

            i don’t see how losing Championships makes Richt a better coach. He’s just not consistently a top coach. He ends up outside the top 15 4 out of 5 of the last 5 seasons.

            So UGA fans it’s ok because he lost 2 SEC Championships?


            • Normaltown Mike

              How many SEC Championships has SOS won since he’s been at USCe?

              Just curious.

              That clown CMR has never won the SEC, except for the times he did it.


      • JessDog

        Saban has finished in the top 15 6 years in a row.

        Miles 4 years in a row.

        Spurrier 3 years in a row.

        Sumlin top 20 3 years in a row

        Malzhan finished No 2 last year.

        Richt? 1x in 5 years.


  9. JessDog

    I agree with Russ Mitchell. In fact, with the 1 top 15 finish in 5 years, surprised Rich even has a job. UGA fans are ok with being ok.


    • Normaltown Mike

      Your mom’s ok with a Cincinnati Steamer, but not a Donkey Punch.

      Go figure.


      • The 4th Stooge

        NM, where do you see us finishing this season record, like 11-1, 10-2, 8-4 or worse? Which games will we lose, if any? Still got Auburn, Mizz, Ark, Kent, to a lesser worry Tenn, GT (although both were close last time).


        • So you’ve got Georgia on the cusp of bowl eligibility?

          The stoopid, it burns today.


          • The 4th Stooge

            Me, no, I havn’t a clue where we end up–could be 11-1 if everything goes perfectly, I think we definately make a Bowl game, no way we got worse than 7-5. I’m all over the place after that last game. I ask myself ‘is this team better than the one that barely beat GT & Tenn?’ JP’s and Mason’s inaugural season, a lot to overcome, so I’m not sure yet. Sure hope so. I feel great about Gurley and the backs, not great about any other position.

            what do you think Bluto?


          • The 4th Stooge

            Didn’t even mention Florida, ouch, so we got
            Auburn, Mizz,
            Ark, Florida
            Kent, Tenn, GT.

            Looks forboding.


  10. Cojones

    It’s becoming more difficult to wipe the remaining crap from someone trying to smear shit on our coach. A couple more swipes oughtta do it.


    • The 4th Stooge

      Cojones: Me too. I had a debate with a guy at a bar in Florida that his coach was better because he got his team to same top 10 in AP Poll as we did since Muschamp has been there. I thought, that can’t be, but damn, it twas true. CMR is stooping to the Muschamp level, and that ain’t good, better turn this ship round quick.


      • Mayor

        You know, there actually was a 4th Stooge- -his name was Shemp. And the original Curley was replaced by a different Curley. So there were really 5 stooges. So actually we should call you 4th of 5 Stooges to be accurate. Right?


  11. JessDog

    Jim Donnan got fired for finishing in the top 20 4 years in a row, but Richt keeps his job for not finishing in the top 15 4 out of 5 times lately? Makes no sense.


    • Normaltown Mike

      That’s not why Donnan got fired.

      Of course, you weren’t even in elementary school yet when Donnan was our coach so the subtleties of the Donnan era are completely lost on you.


  12. CannonDawg

    While Jimbo may be getting tired of Jameis Winston’s antics, his patience seems to be correlated to his national ranking, recruiting, salary and perks, etc. No mystery there. We have commented on this blog before about Winston being a ticking time bomb, and each new incident seems to bring him closer to detonation. How much more national ridicule are the adults at FSU willing to endure to keep enabling this buffoon? I have disliked FSU since they broke Bob Taylor’s leg in ’65, so wishing ill fortune upon their football program is nothing new to me (not that I hold grudges; and in this case, not that they work especially well).

    I’m glad Winston didn’t start out at UGA. So is Nick Marshall, I’d bet.


    • Cojones

      A friend played on that FSU team and said his recruiting was down to FSU and UGA before he joined FSU. He continues to love the Dawgs and follows them closely. He remembers that game well and was instrumental as a WR in posting the win over UGA. He loves Richt like a brother and since he is among the few living who are in the Honor Circle and one of the last in good health of The Magnificent Seven , he still mingles with Bowden and others in the suites reserved for them. He is sick to death about Winston and thinks he should be kicked out for morality reasons. The casual FSU fans that I see also agree with him, so, in my mind’s eye, this hangs with Jimbo and the AD. They are the ones who continue to let their fans endure. FSU is highly embarrassed and alumni are aware of the ding that has smeared them nationally.

      Why doesn’t the NY Athletic Club see to it that he is dropped from this year’s candidates because of moral issues? It is one of the tenets of the award, is it not?

      Jameis may have gotten away from direct spotlight on his rape case and may think that it will go away from his FSU life, but it will be interesting to hear what the NFL has to say in drafting him (or not). I’ll bet it will be more of a surprise to Jameis than anyone. And not in a good way considering that they are dropping great players like flies nowadays. Jimbo is not doing Jameis any favors with his inaction and is actually imperiling Jameis’ career.


      • A friend played on that FSU team and … remembers that game well and was instrumental as a WR in posting the win over UGA.



      • Jimbo is not doing Jameis any favors with his inaction

        Agree, but you’d think Jimbo was a cruel slave-driver the way the 1/2 game suspension is being portrayed by most writers.

        and is actually imperiling Jameis’ career.

        Agree again. But then, Fisher’s action/inaction has never been about Jameis, has it?


    • I have disliked FSU since they broke Bob Taylor’s leg in ’65

      Isn’t that the same game that FSU purposely super-soaked the field so there would be no sound footing for Georgia’s running game (our strength)?

      It was either that game or the ’61 game there. There had been no bad weather and I remember we were sliding all over the place. Trying to remember if that had anything to do with Taylor breaking his leg. I still remember him laying there on the field, for what seemed like an hour.


      • CannonDawg

        I don’t remember the soaked field, I just remember Taylor being hit by two defenders from opposite directions. Yes, I recollect that he was down a long time. We were 4-0 and ranked 4th, with wins over Bama and Michigan. After losing to FSU, we lost 3 of the last 5 and finished 6-4. Ton of key injuries besides Taylor–McFalls, Burson, Moore. Great start, but a very tough road after FSU. Bob Taylor ran as hard as any running back I’ve seen. RIP #24.


        • Yeah, Taylor ran hard. And that was a very tough loss that night (both the game and Taylor. That was a long ride home. I remember the play now, thanks. I think the ’61 game was the “sprinkler game”, as we called it then.


        • Russ

          Apparently Vince became a crappy coach after those players went down…finishing 6-4 and all. 😉

          Isn’t that the theme of the board today?


  13. PTC DAWG

    Don’t feed the troll.


  14. Macallanlover

    Is there a more pitiful fan base in the SEC than SC? At least Vandy and Ole Miss keep their expectations in line with reality and just happy when they see an upturn or knock off one of the big boys. SC fans are just bitter about their past, learn to be better losers, you should have had enough time to perfect that by now.


  15. James

    Serious question that seems to keep coming up in sports this week: what is an appropriate policy for suspensions resulting from allegations? Is the argument that every allegation is supposed to trigger an immediate punishment, or is the coach/AD/GM/owner supposed to base the suspension on the available facts and play judge and jury? I’m interested in this as a due process question.


    • Cojones

      UGA has expelled on raw evidence without any court case to guide them. Why not? It’s sending them away from the team, not sending them to jail before their day in court. We don’t need no stinkin’ convictions to decide right and wrong among players and students.


      • James

        Due process isn’t reserved for jail time. Kicking someone off a team is a major life event. I’m curious if the people saying this about 20-year-olds feel the same way about how they should be treated at their place of employment. Firing you for being accused by your landlord of vandalism isn’t sending you to jail, so why not?


      • Cojones

        I’ve been brought before a Board that included Student Council, Dean of Students, assorted Professors and a member of the Bd of Regents in my underclassman days. A pep rally, led by myself and two great women turned into a panty raid and an all night riot on campus. The Student Code of Conduct was of the UGA system and they familiarized me quickly as to what they could do. It was the beginning of my Senior year; they posted my record as a serious classroom student as one of the major reasons I would be placed on probation rather than kick me out, but they made it clear that the Student Code of Conduct was sufficient, in and of itself, to kick my butt out. They didn’t have to go to any other stinkin’ reason to do it.

        Same applies to FSU’s Student Code of Conduct.


  16. Spike

    Jess.. We get your point. Take a break.


  17. Honest question: How long do you think, given the same behavior, Jameis Winston would have lasted at Georgia? Would he have made it long enough to even play in his first game?


  18. 69Dawg

    Senator the trolls and sock puppets are increasing. I know they are hits but this is getting to be ridiculous. I don’t mined someone that has a point even if it is crazy. I do mine the point being made ad nauseam.


    • I’ve banned more folks in the last two months than in the last two years. Not sure what else you want me to do. About all that’s left is to make everyone register to comment here, and that presents its own problems.


      • 69Dawg

        Please don’t take my comments as criticism of you or of this blog, it’s just madding to get these trolls just frying to get everybody’s goat. I wish the rest of us would just ignore them. Remember what some wise man once said “arguing with an idiot is like wresting with a pig you both get dirty but the pig loves it”. Love what you do on this blog and visit here daily and since I’m retired I visit multiple times. Keep up the great work.


      • Mayor

        Senator, you are doing just fine the way you are handling things now. Please do not change. When some idiot shows up here spewing hate, we all just need to ignore the troll. If nobody responds to his nonsense he will go away. When another poster gets dragged into a tit for tat with him, that’s what the troll wants-attention. My advice to everyone here (myself included) is to withhold that attention and he’ll leave.
