Tale of the tape

Looking at the stats, the Dawgs turned in a dominant fourth-quarter performance that produced the win.

The question that begs, of course, is where was everyone during the first three quarters.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

62 responses to “Tale of the tape

  1. siskey

    I’m glad that they were able to find that in them when it mattered because this game had all the makings of a loss. The defensive backs tightened up in the 2d half but I’m afraid we are going to give up at least one long completion every game. The defensive line and linebackers are not what we had last year and we are going to have to scheme to protect the d line especially if Carter doesn’t get back to form very soon. (I don’t believe he is not playing hard or anything I think he’s having to deal with the other team having no concern with Logue, or the rest of the line). The linebackers are just young and we don’t have an eraser like Dean who makes the right play even if the wrong defense is called.
    The Offense is really lucky to have Bennett. He can look bad like the 1st half last night but he has a lot of guile and but for his ability to escape would have been sacked at least 2-3 more times yesterday. I came away impressed with the running backs. If Milton doesn’t fumble I think the game may have played out differently but both he, Kenny and Edwards ran hard the entire game. If last night is what it takes to get Washington the ball then I’m all for it. I honestly don’t see how anyone can prevent him from catching an even remotely well thrown ball unless they commit a penalty. The offensive line must do better. I don’t blame it on Searels I think it’s due to some misses on guard recruiting and that Sayler being able to play anywhere masked a lot of problems that the line has had over the last 2-3 years. I’d like to see Ericson play some at left guard, I know that he sometimes gets tomahawked but I don’t recall him losing his man on the same stunt that every 4 man defense has done since the beginning of time.
    With all that being said we are 5-0 and have a hell of a lot of talent on this team and the best head coach in our program history so I just want to see improvement against Auburn and Vandy and then get ready for the stretch run.
    Go Dawgs!!

    Liked by 16 people

    • JaxDawg

      “We don’t have an eraser like Dean”

      I agree with a lot of what you said, but man did Pop have a night. Seems like he’s filling in nicely for Nakobe. It’s the supporting cast that needs to gel.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Gaskilldawg

        Pop did play well and he played the veteran leader role, even though he is just a soph.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Hobnail_Boot

        I strongly disagree.

        Go back and watch the plays where Mizzou busted long runs up the middle. Every single time, Pop crashed the wrong gap.

        He is a liability in the run game.


        • JaxDawg

          Perhaps you’re right as I don’t know his assignments, but he led in tackles, and was disruptive all night.

          I’ll leave the re-watching of that debacle to the coaches and players.

          Liked by 3 people

    • Texas Dawg

      Bennett is not the same Bennett as in years past. He was rocked many times but never panicked. He wound up throwing for over 300 with ZERO picks. In years past, he would have tried to force things that were not there. He may not be the rah rah guy the offense needs like Pop on defense, but he is also not going to be a liability with times get tough.

      Liked by 10 people

  2. Terry McCullers

    We moved the ball with ease between the 20s. Red zone miscues and turnovers is what kept them and the crowd in the game. They also made some 3rd conversion with their QB. Got to find a consistent run game though.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Bulldawg Bill

    If nothing else we managed to adjust to what Mizzou was doing, something that never seemed to happen under our previous staffs.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. RangerRuss

    The Dawgs need to get their head out of their ass. It may not be complacency but it’s something as bad. Arrogance? Entitlement? Lack of discipline?
    Seems a long time since Kirby’s leaked halftime speech at last year’s WLOCP.

    Liked by 10 people

    • I thought Kirby’s lack of going nuts last night was telling. He knows he has a young team that might not respond to that yet.

      It’s going to be an interesting stretch to see how this team matures.

      Liked by 16 people

      • JaxDawg

        Spot on. A friend last night text me “why isn’t Kirby losing his shit over this?!?” My answer- “maybe he knew this was coming.”

        We have talent, and maybe we’re the top dawgs by the end of the year. But there’s work to be done. This game might be exactly what the Dr. ordered.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Gaskilldawg

          Some players react poorly to a coach “losing shit” and others seem to be notified by it.
          Smart has been a coach for what, 30 years? He recruited and has gotten to know these guys and if he thinks not “losing shit” on the sidelines is the best move then who am I to second guess.

          Liked by 8 people

        • Texas Dawg

          “This game might be exactly what the Dr. ordered.”
          That’s what we said about Kent State as well. This is not a talent issue, It is a coaching (here’s looking at you Stacey Searels) and mindset issue as illustrated in the 4th quarter. I hate to say it but we “imposed our will on them” in the 4th.

          Liked by 2 people

      • dawgsaregods

        I’ve noticed Kirby never rants and raves when things are going poorly. I think he tries to project a calm demeanor during adversity so the players will follow his lead. “Composure” is one of Kirby’s favorite words, after all.

        Kirby only really seems to lose his shit when we’re blowing somebody out and he’s trying to get the team to maintain focus.

        He’s like this after games, too. When we dominate an opponent he’s usually grumpy and harping on what we need to improve on, but after Kent State and Mizzou he was noticeably upbeat and positive.

        Liked by 3 people

    • mwodieseldawg

      RR, reading the pre game blog talk and elsewhere we as fans have come to expect the blowout wins too. I was talking smack to a co-worker last week and he told me I sounded like one of those entitled bama fans I always bitch about.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. SenorLorenzo

    They were on an Easter egg hunt looking for the OL, although it’s also being reported that a blocking scheme change was the difference.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gaskilldawg

      You mean the O Line coach made a successful strategic move?
      He must know something about coaching O lines.

      Liked by 2 people

      • SenorLorenzo

        Yes, I would assume, although I don’t know enough about coaching to say for sure how many folks contribute to that kind of thing. I do assume that while Kirby would insist that the buck stops with him, he probably leans very heavily on those who have substantial more insight into trench dynamics than he does as a dyed in the wool defensive guy. I would also assume that Monken as the OC might have more than just a little input as well.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Gaskilldawg

          I have never been on a Kirby Smart coaching staff but I expect the position coaches are not just wooden statues in headsets when in game adjustments are made.
          Of course, maybe Smart wants position coaches who STFU
          when it is time for in game adjustments.
          Damned if I know.


    • I think our run game is predictable at times. We are typically running across the face of the QB when we go between the tackles and the only times we don’t are when we toss to the side the back is standing by the QB on. You can typically slant the front to the opposite side of the back.

      In the Gurshall days, we used the pistol with devastating effect especially with Gurley between the tackles. I wonder why that isn’t something we see now.


      • SenorLorenzo

        With as much ingenuity we have seen from Monken, I’m inclined to give him the benefit of any doubts about his schemes and play calling. I seriously hope he’s smarter than you and I in that regard. However, from my layman’s understanding, OL performance is as much about fundamentals, technique, scheme, and finally, execution, as it is about play calling. Plenty of times everyone in the entire stadium can predict what’s gonna be run but the D can’t stop it because of elite athletes executing in sync. That’s exactly what happened on those last three drives.


        • No doubt he’s smarter than I on this topic. I was just making a comment that the pistol is a great formation because a DC or the Mike LB can’t assume a run is going one way.


        • Gaskilldawg

          I have no clue if Monken is smarter than you and ee but there is no doubt that he knows more about running a college offense than the amateurs do.
          If a program can get offensive analysis from anonymous message boards that is equal to what the OC can provide then simple economics tells me that Power 5 programs would not be paying OCs a million dollars a year. Replacement quality would be available for a dime a dozen.

          Liked by 1 person

          • All I’m saying is that I see some pre-snap tendencies in the run game based on formation. If I can see it, I imagine every DC sees it, too.

            I don’t think there’s anything in the offense that getting a healthy AD Mitchell back can’t fix.

            Liked by 1 person

            • spur21

              Bowers in the “Wild Dawg” should make for some interesting defensive second guessing. Maybe with the “Displacer” in the backfield with him.


      • whb209

        Mr. EE
        I think our problem is we do not have a Gurley type back.
        The pistol works great when you have a back that can make one cut and be at top speed. I don’t see that on this team
        Our OL has to grow up fast. If a team respects you run game the whole play book opens up.

        Liked by 1 person

        • We haven’t used the pistol since Kirby has been in Athens. We have had backs who can run it from the pistol. My only comment is that a traditional shotgun set tips the defense on the direction that a running play may go.


  6. munsoning

    Ugly first three quarters. That said, better ball protection from the RBs and better hands from the WRs makes it a much different game. We got some young Dawgs that need to grow up.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. originaluglydawg

    “Where was everyone during the first three quarters?”
    In shock from the emotional intensity of the M defense.
    I suspect that Kirby is missing something…getting these kids to realize they are only better than their opponent across the line when they match or exceed that opponent’s determination to beat them…on every play.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. charlottedawg

    I really thought we were going to lose following some version of continuing to settle for field goals in the red zone while mizzous kicker kept drilling 50+ yard field goals


  9. practicaldawg

    Everyone wants to be Alabama. Well, this is what Alabama does to you on their off days. They make you think it’s possible for 50-55 minutes. Then they snuff out your hope in the final minutes.

    All the fans on our side that are pissed off should take a moment and enjoy being on this side of things. I know I am.

    Liked by 11 people

    • JaxDawg

      Well said. It wasn’t that long ago we were losing these types of games.

      Liked by 5 people

      • akascuba

        Totally agree JD we spent a lot of years with good teams losing games just like this.

        The offense was off the first three quarters. From Bennett just missing on easy throws, OL getting pushed around, fumbles and predictable play calling. When the game was on the line and Monken went to a sugar huddle quick snap count that their D had no answer for.


      • thelifeofthemind

        We really weren’t though. The last time we lost a game like this was 2019 to Muschamp’s 4-8 South Carolina team, who was probably worse than this Mizzou team. But beyond that, we hadn’t lost to a non-bowl eligible team since Colorado in 2010. That’s insanely impressive.


  10. William Ferguson

    I never thought we were going to lose, but did tell the Mrs “Kirbs needs to tell the fella’s we are being hunted”


  11. Derek

    We’re no. 2!


  12. Biggen

    I will say that all the teeth gnashing that was happening here in the comments the last couple of weeks about not being able to close the game out in the 4th quarter may have been a bit exaggerated. Mizzou knew we were gonna run it and couldn’t do anything about it on our last drive. Edwards is an amazing closer and tough yards runner. He needs the ball more.

    We have red zone issues though. I hope that gets straightened out soon. Also, o line blocking aint great. I worry that is not fixable in the short term. We will see.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. PTC DAWG

    Win the damned game…done.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Doggoned

    First couple of sloppy offensive series put us behind the chains and set the tone. Stetson was off-target on the first play from scrimmage, and it seemed to take three quarters to find his groove. Milton’s fumble after an excellent run also put us on the wrong foot. Wish we’d just throw a screen or something easily completable to start things off. Helps to start off with a successful play. We came back through grit and talent. Just my thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • “Stetson was off-target on the first play from scrimmage” …

      The one that hit Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint smack dab in the hands?

      Interesting choice.

      Liked by 1 person

      • originaluglydawg

        Stet-grading always in style for some folks.


        • originaluglydawg

          Stetson was doing a great job just staying alive. Yeah, he missed some throws but there were a lot of dropped balls. All goes back to the O line. Fix that (easy to say) and the Dawgs will be on the way.


      • Doggoned

        I thought it was the McConkey throw that was on target but dropped. I was writing from memory, but I thought Stet was throwing behind the receivers and high a lot throughout the first half. Not trying to put him down, but he and his receivers largely didn’t seem in sync.


    • Gaskilldawg

      Stetson was 7 of 11 for 85 yards and 4 completions for first downs in the third. He may not have found his groove in the third quarter but hd did well.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Butler Reynolds

    Fun game to watch. I watched the whole game for a change.


  16. We basically scrapped the game plan at the half… not one jet sweep in the first half or toss sweep that I can remember. I thought Mizzou had kidnapped TM based on their play calling.

    Would be good to hear from Kirby on why. My only thought is that KMac was very limited and we really didn’t want to use him so the plan was to attack the middle… bullyball. In the second half we had no choice if we wanted to win the game so we reverted to our normal offense and put the load on KMac. Fortunately he held up and came through but as I said on the vent… imagine if KMac couldn’t go at all… it’s a very thin room in terms of play calling options.
