Efficiency, for the win

In the wake of Georgia’s narrow win over Missouri, there’s been a lot of gnashing of teeth in the comments here and questioning by the national media.  Perhaps everyone should take a deep breath and then check out Bill Connelly’s advanced box score for the game.

Like they’ve done all season long, Georgia destroyed their opponent in success rate (46.8% vs. 28.3%).  I know it felt like Missouri dominated for much of the game, but it was the turnovers and Mevis playing out of his ass that kept the Tigers on top until the fourth quarter.  Maybe that’s a formula that comes back to haunt Georgia later this season, but I’m not sure it’s something to be counted on.  When the Dawgs don’t shoot themselves in the foot, they just grind and grind, as we finally saw in the fourth quarter.

A few specific tidbits worthy of note:

  • Missouri had zero success on third-and-long, except for the Ringo penalty.  Georgia, on the other hand, knocked out three conversions in that setting.
  • Stetson was much happier throwing into zone coverage than man.  (Cover 0, I suspect, for the Mizzou win there.)  Missouri struggled against Georgia’s man coverage, too, but only took five shots against man.  Makes you wonder if the Dawgs should have played more man coverage.
  • Georgia averaged less than seven yards per pass attempt, another example of how Missouri was willing to compress the field because they didn’t respect Georgia’s downfield passing game.
  • The Tigers blitzed at almost twice the rate the Dawgs did.  (See comment above.)
  • It sure didn’t feel like it, but Georgia wound up with a better explosive play rate than Missouri did.
  • One other key:  goal-to-go TD%.  Georgia (66.7%); Missouri (0.0%).

The point of these stats isn’t to mislead.  There’s no question Georgia struggled for a good bit of the game.  But there are clear reasons for that and the majority of those weren’t structural.  In other words, this is a very good team that’s got some cleaning up to do… and should be able to do.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

88 responses to “Efficiency, for the win

  1. debbybalcer

    Thanks for the perspective. Some people only post when we struggle and they seem happy to equate the struggle with total doom.

    Liked by 6 people

  2. RangerRuss

    That’s right, Henny Penny. The sky is not falling.
    Go Dawgs!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. siskey

    We just need to clean up the o line play and make some plays downfield. There were a few running plays that if they were well blocked would have gone for big gains (one where Truss misses his guy stands out). I am glad that we have a big rival this week so that any issues of focus SHOULD not be an issue.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. jcdawg83

    I had to listen to the game Saturday night and the feeling wasn’t so much one of anger or stress but of frustration. Zeir is a great sideline guy and does an excellent job of explaining what is really happening and why. He said early on that Missouri was playing a lot of cover 0 and cover 1 and bringing extra pressure and that was making it hard to both run and throw. He also noted that we didn’t have any wideouts that Missouri was worried about as far as a deep threat. Turnovers, especially Milton’s fumble, and Missouri’s kicker having the game of his life made that game the close affair that it was. Take away Milton’s fumble and let McConkey catch that ball on third and long early and I think the game would have looked a lot different.

    I watched the game on Sunday morning and being able to know we would ultimately win allowed me to watch a little closer. The OL looked bad on a few plays but Stetson generally had time to get rid of the ball and was only sacked twice, once was his fault not the OL. The problem was the receivers either couldn’t get any separation or they dropped the ball. Stetson had a few balls sail on him, especially throwing to the outside, I’m guessing that is some sort of mechanics issue. I don’t know what adjustments Monken and/or Searles made at halftime but the run game really got better in the second half. I think they may have taken advantage of the Missouri defense pinning its ears back on every play and let them run past the play or simply move them out of the running lane as they ran in. Missouri scored 6 points in the second half, both long field goals and should have only had one if not for Ringo’s PI.

    It seems to me watching this team that the “struggles” have been mental. I don’t think the team has the maturity to play to its standard against teams it thinks it will easily beat. The games against Oregon and South Carolina had the full attention of the team and they showed what they can do when they focus. Samford, Kent State and Missouri were seen as gimmes and the team looked like they were somewhat disinterested. In the second half Saturday, once the team really focused on playing, Georgia looked dominant. If they had played that way from the first kickoff I think the game would have been a blowout.

    Liked by 11 people

    • Russ

      Yeah, I watched the game Sunday and it was much easier to watch knowing we won.

      Liked by 1 person

    • gastr1

      Stetson’s high passes were a result of being wary of defenders in his sight lines. It’s something to address because teams will be doing it again from here on out.

      I kept wondering why it was that we couldn’t have Bowers run across the middle just past the LOS and catch a ball for a TD just like in the SC game. There must have been some reason that wasn’t going to work, I don’t know….

      Liked by 1 person

      • bmacdawg87

        This is what I was wondering as well. Especially as much as they blitzed with cover 1 and cover 0 behind. You do that to Bama and they hit that inside slant that any receiver they have can just take to the house on command.


  5. Migraine Boy

    Someone smarter than me help out with the strategery of football: What’s the counter when a team sends the house every play? And why didn’t we do it?

    There’s got to be some reason teams don’t sell out every play like the Mizzou D did if it’s that effective

    Liked by 3 people

    • originaluglydawg

      Good question.
      Hope we get some really good answers to it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • mg4life0331

      Screens and hot routes.

      Liked by 2 people

    • According to some here, get a new offensive line coach.

      The reality is that Drinkwitz decided death by big plays was a better alternative to the death of a 1,000 cuts due to an efficient offense that could push people around.

      We didn’t hit explosive plays in the first half to make them pay for blitzing and playing cover 0/1.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Migraine Boy

        Thanks for the answer – so now the quesiton is what prevented us from hitting those explosive plays that should have been there?

        Liked by 1 person

        • miltondawg

          Missouri brought a ton of pressure at a very high rate and a lot of it was up the middle which can be far more disruptive than from the edge (especially with shorter QBs). Stetson was in jeopardy on seemingly every pass play in the first half, the pressure coming from the middle was a killer to the run game, and a lot of Stetson’s passes were off target by enough to prevent balls that were caught from being big plays (or they weren’t caught at all). Mitchell and Smith not playing meant that no one on the outside was enough of a threat to keep Missouri honest. I had no idea until a heard one of the Georgia beat writers say this on the radio yesterday, but I guess that McConkey has been dealing with turf toe so even though he played he was a little hobbled.

          Liked by 3 people

        • realitycheckhere

          I will give you three reasons. The first, as Kirby said, is their defensive line was whipping our ass. It is no secret that Stetson is not nearly as effective when under pressure, like most quarterbacks.

          The second is that our receivers were not creating separation, as Kirby and others pointed out. As he said we need some of our receivers back. Plus, their secondary played well.

          The third is for the second week in a row we had turnovers.

          I am really disappointed in the offensive line. The problem isn’t talent. I have never seen Georgia with more talented offensive offensive lineman across the board than we have right now. The line has not jelled. No question. If Searles is not to blame, who is?

          We dominated the stats in this game but other teams are studying the template.

          Liked by 4 people

          • junkyardawg41

            You are totally spot on. You either blame 18-23 year old Offensive Lineman or the multi-re-tread Offensive Line coach. I know who gets my vote.

            Liked by 1 person

      • biggity ben

        Well, as has been mentioned here and elsewhere, other teams will see this as a blueprint. We will need to be ready for it, even if it’s not the main game plan. We need to rep screens and hot routes just a notch more so we are ready for it. That and for the love of crap, can we cut out that weird shuttle pass screen thing we keep trying?

        Liked by 2 people

    • Bulldawg Bill

      Screens? Flanker screens?


    • gastr1

      The counter is what we did in the 4th quarter: short passes (hot routes) over the middle, tunnel screens, runs in the gaps past the blitzers. That’s why it worked… because that’s what works.


      • junkyardawg41

        Was it? Or did it start to work because we wore them down with better players? I honestly don’t know but I would argue USC has better players than Missouri.


  6. originaluglydawg

    Rat poison being very skillfully laid (purposely or not).
    The tortoise and the hare.
    This is just what the team believed before the last two fiascos.
    I hope they don’t still believe they will automatically get the W every week because of superior talent.
    They were lucky to escape with a W over a shitty team with superior drive.
    Need both to be champions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 69Dawg

      When my Munson took over I could see the win in this game as more rat poison. We played bad for 2.5 quarters but won anyway. How is that not going to reinforce the team that they can win in the end no matter how crappy they are or how fired up the opponent is early. Munson is worried this comeback will only make us mentally weaker. The Standard must come back now.

      Liked by 2 people

      • bmacdawg87

        As a player, you don’t want close nail biting wins. Everyone knows that ball is an odd shape and bounces some funny ways. In close games like that, all it takes is a little bad luck and your goose is cooked. I think the game will serve as a wake up call. Get ready to pants the hell out of Auburn on Saturday. It’s going to be glorious.


  7. Biggen

    Clean the turnovers up and this isn’t a game at all. That’s five turnovers in 2 games we have lost. Surely the regression to the mean will be on our side the next few games, right?

    Liked by 5 people

  8. Ozam

    That’s what a 40 year drought does to people. The scars do not magically disappear! 🌝

    Liked by 4 people

  9. dawgphan34

    You are not going to beat Georgia kicking field goals.

    Liked by 2 people

    • originaluglydawg

      We were a tackle on the one yard line from being finished.
      MO ended up with a FG out of that long run.
      Thank you, Defense!
      (or maybe not. Dawgs could have put up seven more on the closing drive.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • thelifeofthemind

        Honestly that was a miracle tackle. I don’t want to hear about anything in that game not going our way because that run should’ve been a touchdown if not for the herculean effort made by Starks to run that down. And I agree, we probably don’t survive that score. Mizzou’s momentum would have been out of control at that point.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. charlottedawg

    Efficiency is fine and good but 1) if you don’t finish drives, all the yards and first downs in the world don’t mean shit. We probably racked up 300+ yards on 4 drives to net 12 points. And 2) teams don’t necessarily regress to the mean on turnover margin, see Florida gators and Anthony “pick six” Richardson. Florida was actually 12th in the country last year in offensive YPP but was 49th in scoring offense because they gave away the ball like Davis’s momma does blow jobs, hence why that ypp didn’t show up in the win column

    Liked by 4 people

    • thelifeofthemind

      If you’re consistently throwing picks, then yeah, there’s no mean to regress to, but UGA isn’t doing that. They’re losing dumb fumbles, botching handoffs and getting caught on fake punts, and that’s what’s killing them. I think, I hope, they improve in those areas down the stretch.


  11. mg4life0331

    Wait are people mad we aren’t number 1 anymore? Screw that let bama have the rat poison. Long as we number 1 at the end that’s all I care about.

    Liked by 6 people

  12. Ran A

    Senator. It seems like some, not all, of the Missouri games were hard fought, where Georgia just stuck to the plan and waited for Missouri to implode.

    Difference this year being that they didn’t. Add the two early turnovers and it the Tigers not making their normal mistakes – shake well and you get a physically/mentally tough game in a WEIRD environment. Hard to get motivated to play those guys. Never had a desire to travel there.

    Am I wrong?


    • charlottedawg

      No, Georgia has dominated this series

      1) mizzou has beaten Georgia once since joining the sec 10 years ago, 2013 right after we came back completely decimated from Tennessee and it took probably Missouris best team in a decade to do it

      2) the close games were typically against bad Georgia teams or at least Georgia teams with no offense : 2015 (9-6), 2016 (last minute td to McKenzie, 2019 James “I can’t score even though I have 4 top 40 overall nfl picks and the returning 4th best QB by passer rating on my unit” coley (Pickens, swift, Andrew Thomas and isiah Wilson were on that offense)

      3) you have the mizzou hangs around but it ultimately turns into a blowout: 2012,

      4) then you have the Georgia just kicks their ass from the opening whistle: 2014, 2017, 2018, and last year

      Liked by 1 person

      • D.N. Nation

        2019 wasn’t even that close (27-0).


      • thelifeofthemind

        2017 was a 3 point game with 4 minutes left in the 2nd quarter. I would put that one firmly in the “Mizzou hangs around but it ultimately turns into a blowout” category.


        • thelifeofthemind

          Not that I ultimately disagree with your point. The series has certainly felt competitive at times. Remember the whole “Old Man Football” brouhaha? But in reality 9/10 is dominant no matter how you square it.


    • charlottedawg

      Or the shorter answer to your question, no they’re not usually hard fought games.


  13. jim1886

    Several of the field goals by Mevis were set up (given he did kick the hell out if the ball) by the ga offense with poor field position that left our defense in a hole.


  14. Texas Dawg

    Lies, damn lies, and statistics. Anyone who watched that game and does not think we have some serious issues that need to be addressed is delusional. Yes, we won but against a team of that stature, it should never have been in question. Can it be fixed? Most likely. Will it be fixed? TBD.

    Liked by 2 people

    • jcdawg83

      South Carolina used to win every single game on the stat sheet, the scoreboard was where they had problems. It used to be high comedy to go to their message boards or listen to their call in shows after a loss.

      There is only one stat that really matters, points scored. Like my stepfather always says “in football, they don’t ask how, they just ask how many”.


    • PTC DAWG

      We can always count on a couple of guys to straighten us out. Thanks.


      • Texas Dawg

        And we can always count on a few rose-colored glasses Pollyanna’s to deny reality

        Liked by 1 person

        • rugbydawg79

          I have lowered my expectations to avoid mental anguish. Beating florida is always a good year.

          Liked by 1 person

        • PTC DAWG

          I’ll stick with you thinking we won’t win the East…let’s see how that ages.


          • PTC DAWG

            I’ll add that I don’t see anyone in the conference running the table..


          • Texas Dawg

            Never said we would not win the East. Way to read in something that was never said or even implied. Said we have problems that need to get fixed and fast with UT, UF, and UK coming up. We play like we have in the last 2 games, and we will lose one or more of those games. We play like we are capable of “per Kirby Not getting our asses whipped at the line” for starters and we win them all.

            Liked by 1 person

  15. MGW

    If they didn’t get the message after Kent, I assure you it’ll sink in this week. I assure you, Georgia covers against Auburn.


  16. uga97

    Oline needs more reps & getting used to monken’s variety of play calling & complex playbook. Other than that, loving Hot Pod’s ice cold veins & money kicking vs Mizzou, something that needs more credit.

    Liked by 4 people

  17. sundiatagaines

    Yep. When the other team commits zero turnovers and goes 5-5 on field goals (2 from 50+), then you have to play pretty damn clean to blow them out. We did not.


  18. The offensive line had one too many “Look out!!” blocks if you ask me. I don’t want to jump on the Searles-is-a-Bum bandwagon, but if it keeps coming by I might have to hitch a ride.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Game was never actually in doubt, and if it was for you, you don’t watch football as well as you think you do.

    My family text thread was annoying. My middle sister, God love her, has been a Dawgs fan since the mid-80s, when we moved there from South Carolina (maybe before, I dunno… I was too young to know). She is Munson doom-and-gloom if it ever has been.

    She said things like “you aren’t a #1 team if you can’t get into the endzone”, I responded “Bama won a Natty in a season they won a game 9-6.”

    She said “not who I wanted to lose to.” My response: “good news. We won’t.”

    “I haven’t seen anything that wins tonight” (this was at the beginning of the 4th.)

    She fell pretty silent as the Dawgs took over the fourth, with her primary contribution being score updates to my youngest sister, who was in Fort Worth with her daughter, visiting TCU.

    She’s been watching Georgia Football for over 30 years, but all she sees is end results. Touchdowns, victories, first downs, etc. She doesn’t watch the game inside the game. Every play in a football game is its own individual contest. When you start to watch football that way, you start to understand why others of us can have an eerie calm even when down by 10 in the fourth quarter.

    Their offense, with the exception of a couple nice breaks, was strangled by our defense. They weren’t going to pull away from us. All we needed was for the offense to succeed to its top level on 2 plays.

    Plays. That’s it.

    And this team has been very very good at getting successful plays… not top-level successful (TDs) sometimes, but successful.

    But when your team is very good at creating successful plays, it eventually gets a few to pop. And when it is very good at preventing successful plays, it keeps even bad games within the win column.

    And if it doesn’t, there’s always whiskey.


    Liked by 10 people

    • PTC DAWG

      A voice or reason cries out…FWIW, I agree with you.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Gonna have to disagree with you on whether the game was ever in doubt. Anytime you are losing in the 4th quarter, on the road, anything can happen and often does. Then again, as you said, maybe I don’t know as much about football as I think I do.

      Liked by 4 people

      • PTC DAWG

        I don’t think any of us knows as much as we think we do…

        Liked by 3 people

      • originaluglydawg

        He must have been taking a leak or looking in the refrigerator on the play where the Mizzo player was running for a clenching touchdown but got stopped on the one by an amazing effort. I guess I don’t know much about football either, but when he was streaking across the 40, the 30, the 25, the 20, the 10, the 5….I thought the game was in great doubt.

        Liked by 3 people

    • charlottedawg

      Um, end results kinda matter, they’re the only thing that show up on the score board

      Also when you need to go for it on 4th down to get your first td, feel so desperate you need to fake a field goal and are down 10 in the 4th quarter, yeah I’d say it’s probably not overly pessimistic that one could be concerned we’re gonna lose.

      But hey that’s only because we didn’t see the play within the play where we won. I mean sure when we fucked up a hand off, Stetsons getting knocked around worse than Rihanna and we couldn’t get in the end zone for 3 quarters that’s just surface level stuff because we’re too stupid to see how we were actually killing it.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Well yeah, you’re bad at watching ball.

        It’s ok. Now you’ve diagnosed the problem, and you can begin the hard work of not reading your own press clippings about what a brilliant observer you are.

        Liked by 1 person

        • originaluglydawg

          Thanks for straightening everyone out, Mr. Magoo.
          Condescend much?

          Liked by 2 people

        • thelifeofthemind

          C’mon dude don’t be a jackass.

          Liked by 1 person

        • charlottedawg


          So your argument is basically I’m right because I say I am lol.

          Please do enlighten me. I’m a simple guy I’ll admit it. When one of the worst teams in the conference is winning by double digits what can my lizard brain do except come to the conclusion that this is NOT GOOD for Georgia. But hey I get it, I’m not that smart, I did graduate from Georgia after all. please please tell me how scoring fewer points than the opposition is actually us being successful on the majority of the plays. I’m sure I’m not the only member of the unwashed masses who are believing their lying eyes as opposed to your keen analysis. If only you could substantiate your argument that and I quote “the game was never in doubt” because “I don’t watch football as well as I think I do”. We or at the very least I, would be eternally grateful for blessing us with Your insight. Just so for even a few fleeting moments I could watch football the way it’s “supposed”to be watched. Because here I thought touchdowns and first downs for the guys in red and black were good, the inverse was bad. I’ll hang up and listen.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Comin' Down The Track

      LOL. Change these names to my wife’s and mine, and an identical scene played out in our living room. This is the way.


    • realitycheckhere

      Whiskey is good win or lose

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    • bmacdawg87

      Anytime you are trailing by 10 in the 4th quarter of a football game… the game is by definition “in doubt”. What was never “in doubt” is that we were the better football team. Does the better football team win every game? We were forced to execute our last 2 drives perfectly and get stops on D to win that game. All it takes is one fluky play to throw that off and bam, you’re stuck with an L. I’m glad you felt calm and confident watching the disaster that was the first 2.5 quarters with “no doubt” of the potential of losing. Coming on here and condescending everyone that has sense and actually understands that there is a certain amount of luck involved in the outcome of football games is completely unnecessary and not a good look.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Anon

      Aww—the old you are not allowed to opine on race relations because you aren’t black —- the old you shouldn’t have an opinion on wars since you didn’t serve. Got it. Stupid as hell

      Liked by 2 people

  20. practicaldawg

    Missouri has a generational long snapper and a kicker that refused to miss from anywhere a week after he couldn’t hit a 25 yarder against Barn. I believe they would have won if they had let him kick from 75 yards instead of when they punted. He wasn’t going to miss from anywhere that day even if the uprights were 5 yards apart.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Previously Paul

    Lack of discipline is what concerns me. Lack of discipline by the players before and after the game. Lack of discipline by the offensive linemen. On another note, am I the only one who thought the play calling was, I don’t know, ‘off’ the first three quarters? We didn’t see the kind of play calling we expect from Monken until the fourth quarter. My wife was asking if he was even in the booth.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. ugafidelis

    I blame Bobo.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Rosemy-Jacksaint and Blaylock, two guys kinda forgotten about after bad injuries and the arrival of other playmakers, both had some huge catches against Mizzou. I didn’t realize how many until watching a highlight vod on YouTube last night. #1 had 3 or 4 catches on routes where WRs sometimes get clobbered. Blayock showed some good strength. Really happy for those two.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. MGW

    Ferocious place-kicking kept Mizzou in the game

    A moral victory by an army of one.
