Bennett to Blaylock

These two completions are a perfect summary of Georgia’s passing game Saturday night.

On the first one, the pass pro holds up beautifully, Stetson has plenty of time to set himself in the pocket, and still winds up throwing a pass that sailed a little to Blaylock, who barely had enough separation on a stop route to find room to climb up and grab the pass.

On the second one, the o-line picks up the blitz to start with, but the pocket begins to collapse.  Stetson has the guts and patience to wait until the last second for Blaylock to run his route and then delivers a beautiful ball that hits the receiver in stride as he breaks open.

It’s an adventure.


Filed under Georgia Football

13 responses to “Bennett to Blaylock

  1. Dom needs to be on the field more. It seems he has gotten his mojo back. He’s probably our best route runner as a wide out.

    Liked by 14 people

    • siskey

      I’m glad to see him back and making plays as well. We need him now and as the season progresses. It was 3 years ago against Auburn when he scored on a 50+ years pass. I hope we see the same this Saturday.

      Liked by 4 people

      • gastr1

        I thought, while watching the game at the time, that the first catch was absolutely huge. The very next play was a 30-yard toss down the sideline to Bowers. Seemed to help get Stetson and the whole offense into a higher gear.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. RangerRuss

    Good things happen when everybody does their job.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. aim260

    I love Kearis and everyone else, but aside from A.D., Dom is the bail-out guy as the season rolls on. Those routes are like buttah…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ran A

      Yup, looks like he is gaining back form and confidence. That is the one of the positives out of the Mizzou game. Also read that Ladd is battling turf toe. Smith if finally healthy and not mentioned, but Rosemy Jack-Saint had a pretty good night.

      Funniest part of all of this. Even if those 3,3,3,3 or just 3,7,7,3 – then this game is considered a solid win against a chippy football team. And doesn’t feel near as close.

      Got to get the RZ figured out. And that usually means your running game has to be more effective. We may look back at this game and see some of these guys turning the corner under a lot of adversity. Hope so.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Bulldawg Bill

      …they’re on a roll!


  4. Russ

    Really glad to see Blaylock back, and not a moment too soon. Hope he has a big game this weekend.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Ran A

    Pieces are there or close to being there. Smith and Mitchell should make a big difference and what we saw from the line in the 4th quarter was also promising. Auburn and Vandy do not have guys in the trenches that will be able to battle. That just don’t. Work on getting it right, then two weeks to get healthy and to settle into a starting 5 and I think they’ll be good.

    With the exception of Tennessee, the other three do have LOS on the D side that can give Georgia problems, if this isn’t fix. Still think MSU is our biggest test – not Tennessee.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. chucktowndawg

    I want to see more AirB2B


  7. Dawg in Austin

    And in both, Dom came back for the ball, stayed big as a target and showed off his great hands.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I yelled ”Blaylock!” after the 1st catch. Thought it was not only a good grab, but the effort to drag the defender 8 more yards was great. Really thought that might light a fire at the time. Unfortunately it would take 4 more drives before we found the end zone. Really hoping Blaylock can catch fire & step up in Ladd’s role till he’s healthy & gets his head together with the drops.
