
My first reaction to seeing the pick ’em spread for the Auburn game was that it was too big.  The last time Auburn lost a game by 30 or more points was 2018, against Alabama (although they did lose by 29 to Penn State this season).  And Georgia’s play in the last two games certainly gives pause for thought about that kind of margin.

But, weirdly enough, I’m seeing a lot of national writers picking the Dawgs to cover — here’s Sallee, Fiutak and Mandel, for example — and making it sound like they’ll do it with ease.  How are y’all feeling about Saturday?  (Aside from not caring about Auburn, that is…)


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Georgia Football, What's Bet In Vegas Stays In Vegas

60 responses to “29.5

  1. Salty Dawg

    I’m sure we will win, but how we play leaves me somewhat apprehensive.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. charlottedawg

    I’m 100% sure there is no damn way the dawgs cover an almost 30 point spread, especially considering their struggles the last two weeks against opponents with also huge but lower spreads

    Which means they’re gonna cover

    Liked by 22 people

  3. Castleberry

    I talked to a lifelong Auburn fan yesterday who has spiraled from anger to apathy.

    It was glorious.

    I’d like to win by a number that moves them to the next stage.

    Liked by 9 people

  4. Harsin’s funeral march which is going to cost Mr. Yellawood a lot of money. Will says “Hi”.

    Liked by 3 people

    • miltondawg

      I’m just glad that Harsin is still the head coach even though his time after Saturday in that position may be measured in hours rather than days. I’d be far more nervous about an interim-led Auburn coming to Athens and pulling a Georgia Tech.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hobnail_Boot

    I’d like to see competent OL play, a few completed deep passes, proper LB assignments, and sad Auburn women.

    If that means a 1-point win or a 49-point ass-kicking, so be it.

    Liked by 12 people

  6. uga97

    The spread seems to have baked in “Harsin’s lost the locker & the entire Auburn nation” but vegas also seems to have forgotten about Searels.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Down Island Way

      Bluto, don’t know your anything about your person, other than you read/skim a shit pot load of words (Which would make you Senator Wordsmith…), wouldn’t listen/read any crap coming from those 3 chumclickers, all I know, is that I don’t know anything about the barners, other than #AUBURN SUCKS!…SIC ‘EM DAWGS!


  7. Previously Paul

    Whatever you do Senator, please, please, please do not pick Georgia to cover.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Ran A

    38-16. But it could get out of hand and they could quit in this game. That team has been through a lot and Georgia is due to play a good game.


  9. D.N. Nation

    This, somehow, is Auburn’s first game outside of Jurrdurrn-Hurr this season.

    The SEC HQ loves them some Auburn Tigers, I swear.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. RangerRuss

    If conference expansion does away with the annual DSOR game I’ll be content knowing the Dawgs came out ahead with a bullet.
    30+ point differential isn’t unheard of in the previous decade or so. The Dawgs get their head out of their ass and this team should have no trouble covering the spread.
    No matter what happens in the future stomping Auburn’s head and grinding cleats in their face never gets old.
    The fuckn cunts.

    Liked by 13 people

    • godawgs1701

      Auburn’s counting down the days til Texas and OU are in and the Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry is out. When it turns out that playing Georgia in October is just as hard as playing Georgia and Alabama within three weeks of each other, you start looking for the exit.


    • Bulldawg Bill

      Dammit, RR!!! There you go denigrating another social sub set!!!! Ranger, you gloriously ignorant lout!!!!!!!!

      My compliments, sir!


  11. theotherdoug

    UGA needs to come out hot and force Auburn to answer on the scoreboard and in physicality. We all know they can’t and won’t.

    Kirby knows this and the team will come out motivated and the play calling will be aggressive.

    Liked by 3 people

    • realitycheckhere

      I agree. Auburn has tended to start well this year. Hitting them in the mouth quickly on the road is likely to put them on their heels

      Liked by 1 person

  12. godawgs1701

    Sallee is an Auburn troll FWIW…

    Fuitak and Mandel may be sincere, but they clearly hadn’t heard at publishing time about how Auburn is going to demolish our defensive front.


    • miltondawg

      Yeah…I can’t decide if Sallee is trying to pull a reverse-psychology thing or if he sincerely believes that Georgia is going to roll Auburn. Sallee went to Auburn and I heard him say on his Sunday ESPNU XM show recently in a discussion about Auburn and the booster problems that he is 42 years old and he’s been an Auburn man for 42 years. I assume that means that its a generational thing for his family.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Spell Dawg

    I haven’t been all that concerned the last two weeks, it’s early and there are more pups than dawgs on the field compared to last year. That said, if we don’t open up an XL can of whoop-ass on these clowns, I’ll be reassessing my post-season hopes and dreams…

    Liked by 4 people

  14. The last two weeks have me taking those points. Needing a 30-point win in a rivalry just doesn’t make sense to me. I suspect AUB will have a couple of clock-eating drives (even if they don’t end with points).


  15. Number seems big to me.

    Kirby hates Auburn given his background at Georgia and Alabama. I wouldn’t be surprised to see us put an Oregon style beatdown on them, but I also wouldn’t be surprised to see this be a struggle for a half.

    In other words, I wouldn’t put next month’s mortgage payment on the spread either way.


  16. KornDawg

    Can’t do it. Not after Kent St/Mizzou. I haven’t submitted my Fabris Pool picks yet, but I’m taking the points on this one.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. No way we cover that number. Hard to get to 30, much less win by 30 when you kick FGs instead of score TDs.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. sniffer

    To all our Auburn brothers and sisters…


  19. Dawg in Austin

    21 is how I see it. Which works for me. But I won’t be laying 30.


  20. practicaldawg

    I think it all comes down to the mood of our OL and how well they protect Stetson. The fewer plays the OL takes off, the more likely we cover 30.


  21. stoopnagle

    Oh, friends, it’s time to break these bitches.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. SenorLorenzo

    Last week I suggested that, taking all things into consideration, it just might have been the week to give the seemingly low points and bet your house in the Dawgs. Since that clearly showed how much I know about these kinds of things, this week I’m saying the opposite, take the Barn and the points. Follow me for more betting tips that will lead you to homelessness.

    Liked by 4 people

  23. californiadawg

    I’m not sure we would cover that with last year’s team (which means we definitely will).


  24. pacificcoastdawg

    At the beginning of the week, I was concerned we’d be playing another team that was fighting for its coach’s job. But the unbelievable lack of support for Harsin in Barn-land has to be affecting the players and coaches. Auburn’s SBN site is illustrative. Its weekly podcast was 60 minutes of conspicuous avoidance of the elephant in the room: a long historical trivia game, two separate tangents on metal music…anything but Harsin and the future of the team. And in its formal “how to watch” post today, the weather was described as “a good day to get rid of a coach,” and the comment on the betting line of a projected 40-10 Georgia win was “That’ll do.” Wow.


  25. Twenty-nine and the hook would seem like a pretty big number to cover even if we hadn’t just gotten chased to the buzzer by Missouri. I mean, last year’s win over Auburn was the kind of blowout I think most of us would like to see again on Saturday, and even that was “only” 24 points (executed by a superior team at that).

    I think it comes down to avoiding the early turnovers that got us into an early funk against
    Mizzou and Kent. Take advantage of early scoring opportunities instead, take the wind out of Auburn’s sails, keep the home crowd juiced up, and maybe we issue the kind of beatdown I think we’re all hoping for.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Skeptic Dawg

    I don’t like the Dawgs to cover this weekend. Georgia has failed to cover the spread in 3 of their last 4 games, losing two in a row. Something is off with this team, specifically the offense and the O-line. We have watched the Dawgs struggle in back to back Saturdays, and they were fortunate to pull out a W vs Mizzou. Thank you Starks!! I like Auburn to cover with ease, and I think Auburn wins outright.


    • californiadawg

      You sure do stay on brand, huh.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Skeptic Dawg

        Something seems off with this group. Not sure if it is a lack of leadership, kids reading their press clippings, new O-line coach or what. They play uninspired and sloppy. I am not sure that can be corrected in 1 week. Hope that I am wrong.

        Liked by 3 people

        • californiadawg

          They’re a talented but young, somewhat injured bunch. People were saying the exact same thing about Bama all last season and they still almost won the Natty. Sky isn’t falling (yet)

          Liked by 1 person

          • Skeptic Dawg

            I agree. The sky is not falling at this moment. My concern is that this group will allow opponents to play around long enough and they will eventually find themselves on the wrong side of the scoreboard. Also, the O-line is troublesome.


    • Go put next month’s mortgage payment on Auburn to win straight up. Based on the current odds, you’ll be able to pay your mortgage for a year.


  27. theoriginalspike

    Always remember Nick Fairly and Trooper Taylor let’s beat their $@&%%$ ass!

    Liked by 2 people

  28. Tommy Perkins

    The small money likes the points, the big money likes Georgia. https://www.si.com/college/georgia/news/betting-odds-trends-georgia-vs-auburn

    I think this is because small money gets hung up on narratives and sentiment.

    This is a year when a lot of hoary narratives get laid to rest, and several of them involve Auburn:

    “Auburn is a chaos agent.” No. No, they’re not. They’re predictably sub-mediocre and have been for years.

    “When they’re underestimated, that’s when they strike.” That hasn’t been true since at least 2017 and maybe even 2013. (I can’t remember what preseason expectations were for them in ’17, but in ’13 they were coming off the 20212 fiasco that got Chizik fired.) Either way, that was many years and many coaching staffs ago.

    “Ooh, but they’re rivals.” Don’t kid yourself. Alabama is their rival. Alabama is who determines whether an Auburn coach is fired or extended. Ask that 2012 team how much the Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry meant to them. November is rivalry month. It’s early October. The last group of Georgia seniors to graduate with a losing record to Auburn was the class of ’02-’03, and they left Athens SEC and Sugar Bowl champs. I hate saying this as an erstwhile Columbus resident, but this is as much a rivalry as whatever it is we have with South Carolina.

    “But they’re coming to Athens! The road team always wins.” Not when the road team is Auburn, which hasn’t won in Athens since 2005.

    Liked by 1 person

    • otto1980

      Gus wasn’t fired for his record against Bama, it was better than most.

      Gus was fired for giving up ground to UGA and LSU.


      • Tommy Perkins

        Yes, and his ludicrous buyout was reflective of his success against Bama. And he was fired following a 42-13 throttling by Bama, so I think there’s a fair argument that the Yella Fella and Co. decided there was no more fur on Gus’ rabbit’s foot.


        • otto1980

          Your narrative in your post is flat out wrong. I have family that played for Auburn against Richt. The losses to UGA burned more than the Bama losses.


          • Tommy Perkins

            Well, there you go. Your family members are the whole Auburn Family. Sounds conclusive.


            • otto1980

              Claiming the Bama game had Gus fired and UGA isn’t a rival is absurd as GT saying their last win over Donnan had him fired.

              BTW this wasn’t family saying this. This was from being around other alumni at Spring games and other events.


              • Tommy Perkins

                You’re putting words in my mouth (“Claiming Bama game had Gus fired”) and taking this down a pretty typical message board rabbit hole. I don’t know Auburn’s specific rationale for firing Gus. I wasn’t in the room. I just know what happened right before he got extended and what happened right before he got fired. Same thing with every other Auburn coach.

                You manufactured an argument, and have used that to try to invalidate five distinct points I made (“Your narrative in your post is flat out wrong.”)

                Bottom line, would Auburn roll over for Georgia? Recent history says “of course.” In 7 of the last 12 games, we’ve handed them their asses to the tune of 3+ scores.


  29. Munsoning

    Jekyll or Hyde Dawgs on Saturday? I’m thinking more Jekyll than Hyde. D gets a score and Dawgs take care of the ball. 34-17.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. debbybalcer

    I hope the crowd is behind the team and makes the atmosphere hostile. No waiting for the DAWGS to prove themselves. We need to be elite fans.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. chopdawg

    Luv my DAWGS! But I think we’ve showed who we are, the last couple of weeks. DAWGS win, but don’t cover.


  32. Bulldawg Bill

    What is wrong with a “win?”


  33. huskyjeans

    Auburn’s offense is abysmal and their QB sucks. They also haven’t played on the road all year. This game could be over really quickly if we finish drives early. They won’t score more than 6, and we get rolling and score in the 30s by the half.

    48-6 Dawgs.
