Gap vs. zone

Josh and Graham interview George Foster about the difference in the two blocking schemes in this informative clip:

It’s a little frustrating to follow, because Foster’s feed is somewhat hinky, but he provides a lot of stuff to think about.


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

12 responses to “Gap vs. zone

  1. thelifeofthemind

    Yeah I lasted about 30 seconds until I had to turn it off. I personally wouldn’t have released a video that buggy to the public.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 3rdandGrantham

    I’ll never forget about Foster’s rather peculiar PF penalty in the ’02 UF game. Ugh – what a disappointing loss…to a clueless Ron Zook coached team no less.

    Those were the days where UF clearly were in our heads.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Texas Dawg

    Multiple knowledgeable sources that pontificated on last weekend’s game talked about the switch from zone blocking to gap blocking in the 2nd half last week. By the end of the game the offense was humming, and the running game looked like a UGA running game. Was gap vs zone working because of what Missouri was doing? Was it because our personnel are more gap than zone material? Whatever the reason, the 2nd half offered a glimmer of hope. Let’s hope the Auburn game looks like the 2nd half of Missouri, not the 2 1/2 games preceding it.


    • armydawg

      In my opinion it was lack of depth and conditioning that led to us finally getting some traction in the second half. Also talent gap. Mizzou could only go so far on adrenaline and motivation.


  4. Yea as someone mentioned above I wouldn’t of released it. I would of just cut my losses and transcribed it into an article. Disappointing too, as I really was interested in what George was saying here, seems like he had some interesting perspective. Also he had something to say about the Carter injury block but I couldn’t tell but I think he said it was bad technique.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. DawgStats

    Yeah. It was disappointing. I apologize for that substandard. There is element of time we have and didn’t want to disrespect his time with us and shelf it.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Evidently Normaltown

    Could anyone speak to how much the sugar huddle may have helped vs. scheme change? Haven’t watched the video, but if they cover that I’d be curious.
