Hey, Knoxville! Thanks for having us.

Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if ‘Bama jumped out to a 21-0 lead after the first quarter.  Not saying that’s gonna happen, of course.  Just sayin’.


Filed under Nick Saban Rules

61 responses to “Hey, Knoxville! Thanks for having us.

  1. drunkenmonken

    The yummy rat poison that smug motherfucker are in December 2021 was the time delay version and killed him and his bitch ass crybabies in Indy in January.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. W Cobb Dawg

    Is there any truth to the Wisconsin rumors?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. biggusrickus

    The way it normally works in this situation is Alabama jumps out to a big lead and wins something like 45-20. Eventually, it won’t happen that way, but I’d rather it not be Tennessee who benefits from Alabama’s theoretical decline.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Ran A

      I cannot stand UTjr. They still haven’t played aa good team; but they did put away LSU (granted they self-destructed early), which means they are playing with a lot of confidence.

      If QB1 is back for Bama – they’ll win by 3TD’s. If QB2 is in for Alabama – then this game comes down to turnovers and Alabama has had a turnover problem. (4 last week).

      Liked by 3 people

      • Biggen

        I agree with you. If Bryce is close to 100% then this game isn’t close. I just don’t know if you can come back from a separated shoulder that fast.

        Vols still have to deal with a pretty good defense from Bama. Pitt took them to overtime with a cripple for a QB. Bama is gonna be much tougher.

        I think a Vol win benefits us more than a Bama win however. Just hard rooting for those hilljacks.


    • PTC DAWG

      Don’t care who wins. We’ll have to play both of them.

      Liked by 4 people

  4. Bluto, Bama seems to have issues and plays close games to teams from states that start with the letter T.

    Is it bad to root for a slobberknocker game that racks up injuries for both teams? Asking for a friend.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. theoriginalspike

    This is a meteor game! Amirite?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. armydawg

    This is a perfect example why I would never let a son of mine play for Saban. He will play Young this week because the game is so important. He will be pumped up on drugs to get through the pain regardless of the fact that the injury could get worse by playing. Kirby cares about and protects his players and would never let that happen.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. classiccitycanine

    I have no problem cheering for UT this weekend. Hell, I cheer for Auburn every year in the Iron Bowl. If the Taliban faced off against the Tide, I’d be yelling “Allahu akbar.” That’s how much I hate Alabama. FTMF!

    Liked by 4 people

    • otto1980

      The only reason I didn’t pull for Florida against Bama last year is I didn’t want the Crocs to troll us with a W over Bama.


  8. southgadawg1

    This is the week this fraud that is Tennessee’s 2022 season gets shown to be what it is. I don’t believe for one minute Alabama is going to lose this game and it probably won’t even be close. I despise the Barn and Florida most of all teams Georgia plays. To me they are our rivals along with Tech. Tennessee is not a rivalry game. It’s just a big game. But the way these turds think they’re “back” every time they hire a new coach is uniquely obnoxious. Their offense is a gimmick and their fat ass coach is overrated.

    Liked by 5 people

  9. I think Tennessee wins. They’re probably going to score a lot on everyone and it’s about keeping up and not turning the ball over. It’s as much about their offensive pace as it is talent imo.

    Liked by 1 person

    • miltondawg

      I kind of feel that way, too. It has a little to do with close wins at Texas or A&M and a little to do with Bryce’s injury situation and lack of receivers of the same caliber as Metchie, Williams, Smith, Ruggs, etc. (though I still think that Jahmyr Gibbs is the best offensive player in the country not named Brock Bowers). But mostly UT is flying high right now, they’re at home in what will probably be one of the most raucous atmosphere’s they have had there in a long, long time, and I think that they really believe that they are 2017 Georgia and are going to win the East, the SEC, and go to the CFP. And maybe that is a little Munson in me because I really hope that Bama curb stomps UT and leaves a hole in their collective hearts a mile wide, but I just don’t see it working out like that.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Gotta be able to run the ball and control the clock against teams like Tennessee, unless you’re willing and able to trade TDs all game.

    Liked by 1 person

    • PTC DAWG

      You think UT is gonna light up either Bama or UGA? I don’t see it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I see games with Tennessee possibly going like our game against Oklahoma. They tend to get rid of the ball quickly and their pace can nullify a pass rush.
        I feel like you have to have a talented, disciplined and well coached secondary and, offensively, you have control the pace.

        The biggest reason I pick Tennessee is that Bama, and Georgia for that matter, have been somewhat inconsistent and Heupel offenses have always been good at taking advantage of that.

        All that said, I don’t really have any conviction to this because I’ve only watched Bama and Tennessee in bits and pieces. I just go off of my knowledge of Heupel offenses.


        • godawgs1701

          I think that it took about a quarter to a quarter and a half for our defense to adjust to the tempo Oklahoma was playing with, and from then on they were equal to the task of limiting the damage the Sooners could do. I’d worry about it being the same for Georgia against the Vols, except that I read last year that Georgia had Tennessee practice periods throughout the year just like they used to for the Tech triple option, may it rest in pieces. I’m sure that has to still be the case this year, and almost certainly will be a fixture of our practices during the bye week. Our scout team isn’t the Tennessee starting offense and while he’s by all accounts brilliant, Gunner Stockton isn’t Hendon Hooker yet, but … I feel like our guys will be prepared to face them, that’s all I’ll say.

          Liked by 1 person

      • miltondawg

        PTC, I am not sure what your definition of getting lit up would be, but I think that this game is in the range of 34-31 to 40-34 with it being a close back-and-forth game all afternoon and I don’t see Bama holding UT under 30 points in Knoxville. Which team wins I don’t know, but the TD line with the O/U of 64.5 makes me think that Vegas sees this an old school Big XII game where both teams don’t get a lot of stops on defense. I think a big question is whether Bama’s package of Anderson, Turner and Braswell can get enough pressure on Hooker to prevent him from having a Heisman-type of heroic performance. If I was forced to bet my mortgage payment, I’d take UT and the 7.5 points.


  11. archiecreek

    One thing we have learned playing the gumps…
    You’d better keep it close, then knock the hell out of them in the 4th quarter,
    I mean knock the everloving gump shit out of’em!!
    We did that in Indy,
    don’t know if the hillbillies have it in them,
    gimmicks and what not.

    Liked by 6 people

    • godawgs1701

      Keep it close and take great care not to get caught in a middle-8 meltdown where Alabama scores at the half and then gets the ball back to start the second half and is suddenly up two scores or more. If you don’t win the coin toss, you’d better start thinking strategically well before the second quarter starts to wane.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. godawgs1701

    This is indeed the meteor game, but the crater is going to be on Tennessee’s side of the field once the 4th quarter starts to wind down. It’s not going to happen for the Vols on Saturday.

    It won’t make me sad if the Neyland Stadium turf works its magic on a few Bama receivers’ knees, though that only seems to happen to Georgia players up there.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Probably will be just like last year. Tennessee keeps it close for 2 or 3 quarters and then Bama’s depth just destroys them in the 4th. That said, Bama is looking pretty shitty on turnover margin, and if you give a quick strike team like Tennessee extra possessions early, they can build a lead that may be hard to overcome…especially if Brice Young is not healthy or out there at all. Unless of course Gibbs has a Heisman type day. How did we miss on THAT guy. Anyway, I took Bama to cover on this week’s Pic ’em.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. RangerRuss

    The vols beat Pitt in OT.
    Pitt lost to tech.
    Which once again proves my theory that Tennessee sucks.

    Liked by 8 people

  15. charlottedawg

    I don’t really care as win or lose it looks like our game with Tennessee will decide the east. Lose to Alabama and beat us they’re going to Atlanta, win and lose to us they’re staying home. Simple as that

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah. I’ve trying to figure out how this works out best for us. A Tennessee win could mean we don’t have to play Bama (Ole Miss or Miss St can still hang them an L) and the best way to get past them is to not have to face them. That might sound a little bit chicken shit, but it would be nice to make a run at a ring for once without having to beat them to do it.


  16. practicaldawg

    Tennessee feels like a team that’s gotten a little ahead of its skis, and a double black diamond is coming up


  17. Darin Cochran

    If Bama wins, then it zaps some momentum out of the Vols before we have to face them and brings them back to Earth somewhat. If they win, then it gives them a few weeks of rat-poison-ingesting praise and having them get all full of themselves and have everyone telling them how wonderful they are and how we don’t stand a chance against them, blah, blah, blah. Which will consequently, make our guys come out with a mountain-size chip on our shoulder when they come to town. So either way…it works out good for us.


  18. pedropossum

    I don’t care who wins. We likely have to be able to beat both at some point. Let’s see what they got this weekend and then line ‘‘em up and hopefully knock their teeth in later in the season.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. thosebigthighs

    I just hope come November, the press hypes Tennessee up over Georgia. Think back to last year when all those teams were going to curb stomp us. Seems they all got Kirb stomped to me. I called the SEC game, everyone was telling me how crazy I was. I also told them we would win the rematch. 😉
