Moar ’21 vs. ’22 stats

Marc Weiszer throws up few more statistical comparisons between Georgia’s 2021 and 2022 seasons here.  On the positive side, a few that caught my eye:

–Rushing offense: 197.5 yards per game in 2022 from 197.2 in 2021

–Scoring offense: 39.5 per game in 2022 from 39.8 in 2021.

–Passing yards per game. The Bulldogs are about 85 yards better at 320.3 this season from 235.3 last season.

–Red Zone offense, Believe it or not, Georgia has improved from 86.2 last season to 97.2 this season. Georgia is scoring touchdowns at 66.7 percent in the red zone, up from 58.6 percent last season.

–Total offense. Georgia is putting up 517.8 yards per game, up from 432.5 last season.

So, contrary to what we’ve thought, rushing yardage isn’t in a state of decline.  It’s just that in comparison to the jump in passing yardage, it feels that way.

And one negative development of note:

–Red zone defense. Opponents are scoring 77.8 of the time this year compared to 62.5 last season. When it comes to touchdowns scored by opponents in red zone, it’s at 33.3 percent after 12.5 last season.

I guess the defense is bending and breaking a little more than last season.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

15 responses to “Moar ’21 vs. ’22 stats

  1. biggusrickus

    Georgia’s been hit or miss on red zone touchdowns, with three excellent games and three below average ones.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Remember the Quincy

    My take on rushing yardage: there’s a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth about HOW we get those yards. Just using the eye test, it appears we are getting more yardage through QB runs (like the long TD by SBIV last week) and exotic end arounds. If these yards were mainly coming through traditional running routes, I think people would feel better.

    For me, I don’t care how we get them…just keep getting those yards on the ground.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. chopdawg

    Strength of schedule not as strong so far this year?

    Liked by 4 people

    • jcdawg83

      Pretty close to the same in my opinion. By this point last season we had played UAB, Auburn (who sucked) and Vandy. Clemson and Arkansas were the two best teams we had played. I think Oregon is as good as Arkansas was last season but South Carolina is much worse than Clemson was so, on balance, I’d say we have had one more “easy” game this season than last.

      That said, an 85 yd per game increase in total offense is a big difference. We are scoring more tds and more in general in the red zone in direct contradiction of the pearl clutching by the fans and pundits. I don’t see a team ahead of us in the regular season that is going to present a real threat to stop our offense. My concern going forward (really only the Tennessee and Miss State games) is if we can avoid slow starts that let the other team build a multi score lead on us that we can’t catch up to.

      Liked by 1 person

    • akascuba

      Agree strength of schedule is a little misleading it’s about to sort that out. The extremes of the season opener to both Columbia trips brings both cause for concern and confidence. When healthy and focused Kirby has another team capable of winning championships. May good health and good luck be friends of this team.


  4. RangerRuss

    I’m pleased with comparisons from last season to this and not surprised at the stats. The drop off in red zone D re TD’s is understandable.
    Kirby is doing something extraordinary at UGA.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Bulldawg Bill

      It’s pleasing to know that you’re pleased! #FTMFs


    • akascuba

      He’s building what will be know in years to come as the good old days. Just MO unlike most coaches he has his dream job. His teams are built the right way to produce long term success. Theres only one other coach using this exact blueprint. This is the stuff of nightmares for Bamers.


  5. Russ

    We need more scoring from the offense. Being the same as last year won’t beat Bama and win the playoffs if the defense has (understandably) regressed from last season.

    Liked by 1 person

    • PTC DAWG

      The Bama I’ve seen vs decent teams is very beatable.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Russ

        I still can’t tell. Struggled mightily against the Texas teams and should have lost at least one of them. But crushed and Arkansas team on the road that I thought was pretty good. This week will tell the tale about Bama, I think.

        Still wish we were averaging in the low 40’s in points.


        • PTC DAWG

          Fair enough, our scoring D is 2 points better than theirs, their scoring O is 5 points better than ours…3 points isn’t worth fretting about….IMHO…

          I wish we gave up zero and scored 50. 🙂


        • akascuba

          All reports of Bama weakness are just like after last years Auburn game to me. If they play Georgia it won’t be a half assed effort.


  6. pedropossum

    One word on the run – toss sweep.
