But they’re last in sacks, PAWWWLLL!!!

Defense is still getting it done.

That’s how you wind up with the lowest defensive passer rating in the conference.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

11 responses to “But they’re last in sacks, PAWWWLLL!!!

  1. Down Island Way

    Pressure is what CKS wants, if a sack or two falls in there, good, get to 3rd and long, good, protecting the back side is the main goal here…GO DAWGS!


  2. This stat is the cure for the bone I have had to pick with Brandon Adams (I know, I know). He complains day after day about the lack of sacks. My untrained eye shows me a defense that gets after the QB who then has been coached to get rid of the ball as quickly as possible even if it’s a throwaway.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. SenorLorenzo

    Assuming that there really is a method to the madness, I would love to sit in a room with CKS and our defensive coaches and listen to them explain the strategic ends and outs of pressure and exactly why you actually could be having more sacks but less overall effectiveness in your pass defense.


  4. back9k9

    Pressure & contain for the win.


  5. W Cobb Dawg

    But I thought they still had Brenton Cox to bring pressure.

    Oh wait, that’s why they’re 10th in the conference and especially suck on 3rd down.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Our corner fire blitzes have been effective in disrupting plays.
    Opposing QBs are just getting rid of the ball so fast we’re not getting sacks, but they aren’t making completions. AR is going to try to run around our pressure but is so inaccurate throwing on the run our only concern should be our safeties and corners losing discipline and letting someone get behind them. I expect it will happen once or twice and Kirby will explo…do some immediate coaching. Good warm-up for Hooker who will be much more dangerous. I expect we’ll blitz/pressure AR but play contain on Hooker. UT game could look like last year’s SECCG if we’re too vanilla though. Thing is, both teams have terrible D’s so our offense needs to really help with TOP and efficient TD drives. That’s kind of our gig this year.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. F*ck a sack. I still remember 2nd and 26.

    Go Dawgs.
