The Veer and Shoot

The Dawgs, we are told, spent some time during bye week doing prep work for the Tennessee game.  If you’re interested in what that entailed, Ian Boyd has an excellent post exploring the roots of the system Josh Heupel runs that you can check out here.

He identifies the following key factors that make it a unique offense:

  • Identifying feature 1: Ultra wide receiver splits
  • Identifying feature 2: Extreme HUNH spread stress
  • Identifying feature 3: Infiltration tactics. I.E., throw to set up the run

To sum it up, as he puts it,

Honestly, much of the Veer and Shoot is a bit of a gimmick. Spread your opponent out so they are forced to divide their forces against your spread option and play-action tactics rather than out-executing them with fundamentals. Go as fast as you can to try and catch them unready or tired.

Read the whole thing.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange, Strategery And Mechanics

29 responses to “The Veer and Shoot

  1. Basically it’s a chickenshit offense predicated on going really fast and throwing nothing but go routes, hoping to cash in cheap touchdowns.

    Liked by 8 people

    • Biggen

      Yup I know you have said it and a few others. It basically just throw deep 75% of the time and mix in some draw plays.

      Liked by 1 person

    • miltondawg

      Well, UT averages 202 ypg running the ball. If you can’t stop the run with 5 players so you can play cover 2 in a dime package and have to bring down a safety to help with the run, they go from running the ball effectively to long shots with only one safety to help which isn’t a recipe for defensive success. Whether or not the offense is a gimmick, the reason that it works is that it spreads the defense from sideline to sideline as well as vertically forcing a lot of open field tackles and the vast majority of college defenses can’t consistently stop the run with 5 players.


  2. Down Island Way

    Should UGA football “D” have the depth to hang in there, UGA “O” will keep pace…BEAT FU first, then big urnge kuntry, still interested how big blue will attack the big urnge gimmick…GO DAWGS!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This offense seems to be designed just for us. If you can control their running game and get some pressure with the front 4 (or 5), you can make this offense very constipated.

    Liked by 3 people

    • miltondawg

      If the front 5 can’t (a) get consistent run stops, and (b) get to the QB then you are screwed if your offense can’t keep up. Ask Alabama…they had to bring a safety down to stop getting gashed on the run, couldn’t play two high safeties in dime coverage, and there wasn’t enough safety help deep so they got smoked for long play after long play. The Dan Jackson injury is far more problematic than many think (to me) because Georgia must be able to play dime with two high safeties. And if Jalen Carter isn’t back for that game, then I am concerned that the Dawgs’ front four + 1 won’t be able to consistently control the line, get run stops, and pressure Hooker. Fortunately, at least from the standpoint of looking at UT through the lens of the Bama game, Bama still had a chance to win in regulation despite their coverage problems and Will Anderson and Dallas Turner having zero sacks in that game. Unfortunately, Bama lost even with Young throwing for more than 450 yards on 52 attempts. I don’t want any part of Georgia having to depend on that kind of passing day.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    I know the term Veer is weakly related to this, but we ran the Veer to good effect mid 70’s. To the tune of over 80 plays a game in 76. Second half of that WLOCP was a clinic on it.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. armydawg

    Only way it works is with an accurate QB with an above average sense of timing. That’s Hooker. If for any reason he has to leave the game they are screwed.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I remember lots of D ‘injuries’ during last year’s game, just when Tennessee would get rolling. Kirby has no qualms fighting a bull/chickenshit offense with bullshit injuries to stop their momentum.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. RangerRuss

    Kirby has a plan. # 1 is not get penalized 17 times.
    Gators first. Dawgs roll. Next villain up!

    Liked by 8 people

  8. Good article, but Remember the Titans is the absolute worst football movie of all time and it isn’t even close.


  9. charlottedawg

    My only nit is calling it or any offense a “gimmick”. If something works, it works and you keep doing it until it doesn’t work, that’s as true in life as it is in football. The point of every offense is or at least should be to score points as efficiently and as easily as possible. Every offense is looking for “gimmicks” to put the defense at a disadvantage and get “cheap” points. You know who couldn’t get cheap points if his life depended on it? James freaking coley, those points (and yards) were very very expensive

    Liked by 7 people

    • thelifeofthemind

      I look at it a lot like Paul Johnson’s triple option. Is it effective and difficult to defend? Very much so, but it also exploits the rulebook as much as the opposing defense. Only with UT, instead of players constantly diving at defenders’ knees they’re bypassing the other team’s ability to get set, substitute, etc.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. coladawg

    So, you’re saying that Jimmy Sexton would be the GOAT if he was an offensive coordinator?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. stoopnagle

    A couple of quick three and outs to set the tone… I think the Kats can muck up the game enough to keep it tight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Russ

      I want Kentucky to crap the bed and give Tennessee a nice win. I want the Vols flying high when they come to Athens. It will make the beat down we give them that much better.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Mark Stoops is an absolutely terrible in-game coach, so you’re probably in luck here.

        Liked by 3 people

        • archiecreek

          Ho Li Fuq,
          Stoops will call a timeout with 4 seconds left, loosing 46-0, to give his offense a chance to score. He will say that he’s teaching his players to play until the game is over.
          Then, the bluepussycats will proceed to loose the next two games!!

          Liked by 1 person

  12. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    this is why saban called this type of offense, « non football – non manball »


  13. siskey

    I am not an expert and beyond the article linked in the Senator’s post I was unaware of what changes Heupel had made to the Briles version of the offense. I remember when Michigan State played Baylor in one of the NY 6 games that the Dantonio 1/4s system really sucked against that offense until they settled down and eventually won. Tennessee has better lineman than Baylor did thanks to McDonald’s and Jeremy Pruitt.
    The Kentucky game will be interesting to see how they slow it down. Not because I have any faith in Kentucky doing so per se but rather because Stoops is a good coach and Kentucky takes the Tennessee game very seriously.
    Is it as simple as being great tacklers? Bama is not this year but when they got their sea legs they did a much better job until they didn’t.
    Fuck Florida and Go DAWGS!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. southgadawg1

    I have no issue with using the word gimmick to describe this offense because that’s what it is. I think in this context gimmick simply means it can’t be effective long term. Only as long as the novelty lasts. Defenses will adjust and Alabama should have won that game even though defensively they didn’t play well. Like “the perfect option” this will end up being a flash in the pan. As somebody already said, let something happen to Hooker and they are proper fucked. Could Georgia’s offense still function and even do well with Beck at quarterback? Yep. That’s because the offense isn’t a gimmick.


  15. jim1886

    First, let’s focus on this week. It is always a GREAT Saturday when Ga wins, and Fla, Tenn, & Auburn lose.
    I hope Kentucky beats them on the scoreboard and up physically

    Liked by 1 person