Monthly Archives: November 2019

Not this time

As I mentioned a couple of times this week, I was relatively copacetic about Texas A&M trying to make a game of it in the fourth quarter, but let me just say, if I’m sitting in BDS Saturday watching Tech with the ball in its hand in the fourth quarter and a chance to tie or take the lead, I’m gonna be one PO’d mofo.

Just sayin’, Kirbs.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

TFW you think you’re the only reasonable person in the room

No one knows what it’s like to be the bad man, to be the sad man…

“… the whole success vision of the student-athlete” — it’s impressive how the NCAA keeps coming up with these empty phrases completely devoid of meaning and tries to pass them off as profound, convincing concepts.


Filed under The NCAA

Consider the source

You know, in a way, it’s a shame Urban Meyer is such a flawed human being.

Because he’s a really sharp football guy.  Not that that should be enough to salvage the flawed part, though.


Filed under Strategery And Mechanics, Urban Meyer Points and Stares

Message from Erk

Bold, yet stylish.

Timeless, too.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football


This is unmitigated horse crap.

First of all, it’s a textbook example of why athletic directors have no business serving on the selection committee.  It’s impossible to avoid conflicts of interest when major powers are in play and ADs from P5 conferences are voters.

And Gene Smith’s “uncomfortable” because other committee members didn’t value his team the way he did?

“We could debate whether we should have been four, five, relative to Oklahoma, but I just felt that the application of the criteria relative to Georgia and us last year was troublesome for me.”

Poor baby.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs

“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”

It’s Thanksgiving, and that means one thing at this joint.

That will never get old.  Neither should your appreciation of all that you have in life.

Y’all have a great day today, okay?


Filed under GTP Stuff

Aw, hell.

Not good.  Not good at all.

Internet chatter is that he’s done for 2019.  Argh.  Hate it for him.


Filed under Georgia Football, The Body Is A Temple

Sea of red

Too bad it’s not a later game.  It would be cool to light up BDS with the crowd Georgia’s bringing.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

Your 11.27.19 Playpen

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Georgia’s Anthony Edwards.  You may not have been paying attention, but you should have been, as he’s the most talented basketball player to wear a Bulldog jersey since Dominique Wilkins.

Georgia was down 28 points early in the second half yesterday to the number three team in the country.  Edwards to that point had scored 4 points.  Then he decided to take over the game.

The shooting was incredible, but this pass was something else.

Yeah, the Dawgs didn’t win, but it wasn’t for lack of effort.

It’s a young team that’s got a long way to go figuring out how to play defense effectively, but damned if they aren’t a fun watch already.  If you’ve been sleeping on Georgia basketball and on Edwards in particular, it might be time to wake up.


Filed under GTP Stuff

The opposite of fish fry

Admittedly, it’s easy to snark about Geoff Collins, but it’s fair to say he’s got a monumental task trying to revive a program the genius ran into the ground in terms of national relevancy (in state, too, to be honest) and he’s doing the best he can with that.

Bottom line, it’s hard for me to dislike a guy like this ($$):

For years, beginning on Thanksgiving morning, Collins would go to the Georgia Tech-Georgia junior varsity football game.

Now, as he stands behind a podium overlooking Bobby Dodd Stadium addressing the media before his first Georgia-Georgia Tech game he’ll attend as the Yellow Jackets’ head coach, he motions toward those same stands. He remembers where he used to sit when he got to go to those games as a kid and teenager. In those moments, it was the foundation of a rivalry football and gameday traditions that was laid for Collins throughout those formative years.

After the game, Collins would go over to his grandmother’s house for a Thanksgiving meal. Once everyone was filled up on turkey and dressing, the family would set up its annual “Turkey Bowl” football game in the backyard.

Since those days, Collins has moved from state to state for his career as a college coach. But even with the moves from places like Mississippi and Florida to Philadelphia and Atlanta, Collins said he believes he has his old MVP “Turkey Bowl” trophy stored away somewhere.

“(It was) a little wooden block with a wishbone sitting on (top),” he said.

Growing up just outside the greater Atlanta area and spending the Thanksgivings of his youth watching Georgia-Georgia Tech games from the stands, Collins’ web began to form.

He calls himself a true product of the state’s high school football programs. But when it comes to this rivalry, he knows exactly where to pinpoint the beginning of this web.

“I was born and raised to love this rivalry,” he said.

That’s a better attitude than the contempt Johnson professed to show for it.  And it’s where things have to start if the rivalry is ever going to become meaningful again from Tech’s standpoint.  Which I’m in favor of, if only because it makes the losses much tougher for GT fans to take.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football